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Lebanon under attack

Filed under: Middle East

Fatah al-Islam terrorists paid and used as proxy by Bashar al Assad to create havoc in Lebanon triggered a bloody street battle today in Tripoli (second city as importance after Beirut) The good news is that the national Lebanese army is now in control of the situation.

I strongly believe that the UN investigation in Hariri's assassinations (and let us not forget the chain of assassinations and attempts of assassinations that followed) is close to publicly affirm, not only suggest as it did so far, the extent of Syrian involvement in these crimes. Truth is nearing the surface and this is the reason of the recent violent clashes.

The Palestinians brought destruction in the '70s to Lebanon and if let, they will do it once again. I truly hope that Siniora's government will act bold and promptly against the terrorists, be they Palestinian or Lebanese (hint: Hezbollah) who threaten the already fragile stability of the country.

Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said Sunday evening after the cabinet meeting at the Grand Serail that only the Lebanese army and security forces should carry weapons. He added, "We are determined to confront conspiracy."

The Lebanese must understand that without full sovereignty, they cannot enjoy freedom, liberty, rights or security. If Lebanon continues to be used by Iran and Syria in order to settle scores with the United States, Israel and the world soon it will collapse into a state of total chaos and lawlessness just as Gaza is today. And that is exactly what Tehran and Damascus would want.

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