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The American Left, Foundering

Filed under: US Elections


Maniacal "professor" Ward L. Churchill has been fired by the University of Colorado for academic dishonesty including plagiarism and fraudulent research (echoes of Joe Biden). You may remember that, as the LA Times reports, "in 2005, when Churchill was slated to speak at Hamilton College in New York, critics seized on a little-read essay he wrote after the Sept. 11 attacks titled Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens. In it, he argued that workers in the World Trade Center were 'a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire,' and compared them to the Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann who carried out superiors' orders for genocide."

Then there's the recent bankruptcy and closure of liberal bastion Antioch College. And how about the bankruptcy of the Air America radio network, including the utterly humiliating ejection of Lying Liar Al Franken, who had proclaimed he'd take down Rush Limbaugh. Rush is still there, sitting pretty, though, and heavily in the black, while Air America has been "bailed out" by perennial electoral loser Mark Green (it's like Edsel bailing out Chrysler). In Congress, there's the fact that {a} the new left-wing-controlled legislature has even lower approval numbers than the excoriated president and {b} the alienation and defection of senior Democratic statesman Joe Lieberman and {c} the corruption indictment of William Jefferson and the reelection, despite impeachment, of Alcee Hastings. Speaking of William Jefferson, the last time the Democrats had a president he {a} abolished federal welfare, {b} balanced the federal budget, {c} was photographed carrying a gun, {d} turned over both houses of Congress to the Republicans, {e} failed to get a majority of the popular vote in two tries and {f} faced impeachment. Before him, the last time the Democrats had reelected a president to a second elected term was the Great Depression. And in the statehouses? Well, the Democrats proudly took over the governorship of New York last year, and no sooner had they done so than their man Elliot Spitzer became enmeshed in a massive corruption scandal closely similar to Watergate. Even the ultra-liberal New York Times editors ripped him a new one.

Perhaps the ultimate failure is that all this comes at a time when the popularity of Republicans is perhaps at its lowest ebb since Watergate, an obvious moment of opportunity for the moonbats. But, as usual, they're too busy destroying themselves to take advantage.

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Snooper says:

Very well stated. I did a similar piece moons ago. I find it interesting how "they" have painted themselves into a corner and getting out of it cleanly is impossible for them.

Here is my piece:

Poor moonbats.

John Hussey says:

At long last U. or C. has had the balls to fire this idiot. No longer will there be any chance of any of the tax dollars that I pay into the State of Colorado going to Churchill and his "research".

anom says:

I've enjoyed your blog for quite some time. As a foreign correspondent, I have always appreciated much of the insight you have provided on far flung foreign affairs. Strangely, I have recently noticed a turn in your writing from international affairs to the usual bla bla bla partisan politics of the United States. Add to that unattractive photos of the hated Moore and zany editorial cartoons, and the transformation is complete.
In your latest entry for instance you seem downright pleased to roast the "American Left" (which you feel are best represented by a couple of gentlemen who are clearly cases from the margin at best, and just plain weirdos at worst) which you describe more or less as being in the process of self-destructing.
The culture war is now well and truly joined by you. Congratulations, you are now spewing out the same sort of unbalanced and quasi-intelligible commentary that the internet is famous for. I for one am disappointed and as a journalist and a writer have only this advice to offer to you: "lie to everyone, just don't lie to your self" -unless of course you are aiming for a job on Fox news. I'll check back later, hopefully you will have gotten back on track.
Kind Regards

walter peers says:

Well said anom.

because Churchill got fired, we can call it the "pissing people off exception" to the constitutional guaranty of free speech,or maybe the "Hitler revisited doctrine" because people were sent to the camps there for speaking out, too.

Does it make Churchill's speech more understandable, or forgivable, if it turns out he's American Indian? Do Indians have a list of grievances about a mile long? Why can some people say politically incorrect things that others cannot?

La Russophobe says:


A formal fact-finding process determined that the dear professor was guilty of massive academic fraud. It's rather ambitious of you to believe you know more about those charges than the people who investigated them.


I doubt you've been reading this blog at all carefully. We do indeed delight in roasting the American left, and have been doing so on a wide variety of fronts since the blog's inception. Moreover, if you'll scroll down the page, you'll find that the overwhelming majority of items are not of the type you describe. Surely you don't wish to deny us the same freedom of expression you attack us for attacking in others, do you? That would be a mighty hypocrisy. Can't we branch out a bit, try new things? Gosh, that's awfully neocon if you, if you believe it, isn't it?

It's kind of disappointing that, instead of offering a constructive suggestion as to a specific topic you'd like to see covered (or heaven forbid, actually submitting some content yourself!) you instead choose "attack politics" heavy on haughty, condescending rhetoric and light on facts. Physician, heal thy self!

Haughty, Condescending Neo-con Hypocrite says:

Hi Russophobe,
Thanks for your comment.
Firstly, allow me to say that I appreciate La Russophobe and read it everyday. Of course I don't often agree with you, but I value your opinion.
With that out of the way, I feel that perhaps you are over reacting to my comment a bit; and truly I must report that no one has ever referred to me as a neo-con, certainly not after reading exactly one paragraph of my writing. While I wish it was my pleasure to laud you for your great perceptive abilities, I'm afraid that in this instance I cannot honestly do so.
As to your suggestion -I would be only too happy to submit constructive criticisms for your consideration concerning your style of analysis.
Here is one off the top of my head: whenever you attach an unbecoming photograph of your subject to an article (or resort to name calling) it can often be considered as an ad hominem approach, which instantly cheapens the discourse and forces many reasonable readers to consider your opinions suspect as it could seem that you have some sort of personal axe to grind with the subject.
While I do not expect analysts such as yourselves (or anyone really) to attempt objectivity, I do prefer to avoid the race to the bottom that characterizes so much commentary not only in journalism, but also in the media these days.

Please let me know if I can be of further service!

Kind Regards

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