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Hillary in 2008

Filed under: US Elections


I've decided that, if she's a candidate, I'll vote for Hillary Clinton to become the 44th President of the United States. Here's my top 10 list of reasons why:


Contemplate of the political cartoons!


Think of Ahmadinejad's face when he hears America will be ruled by a feminist!


Nancy Pelosi + Hillary Clinton = CATFIGHT!


Just imagine Bill Clinton performing the duties of "First Gentleman."


Charles Krauthammer says she's OK. The Village Voice and Daily Kos hate her. What more can you ask for?


Rudy isn't really a Republican, he's the former mayor of New Yawk City. Thompson is a moron. Romney is a mormon. Nuff said.


It's fundamentally inconsistent with the Republican philosophy of limited government to retain the presidency for more than eight years. Just ask George Washington. Or the first George Bush.


Seriously, in terms of America's democratic reputation and gravitas, isn't it about time a woman was elected? Sure a Republican woman would be better . . . but where are the candidates?


The Republicans talked about free trade. Bill Clinton enacted it. They yammered about abolishing welfare. He did it. They mumbled about balanced budgets. He enacted them. They had pipe dreams about a Republican House. He delivered it. He was arguably the greatest Republican president of the 20th Century. Encore! Encore! Bill Clinton, lite.


The Republican Party needs a massive defibrillation. It's become lost and confused, as best evidenced by George Bush's hopelessly failed Russia policy. Losing is the best medicine. The election of Hillary would be the perfect jolt. Newt in 2012!

Who are you going to vote for, and why?

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NothingButFax says:

A technical suggestion. Change the color of your HTML links from brown/maroon to something that stands our more, such as blue. The Krauthammer link doesn't stand out well.

I noticed that some of my links in the Che thread were difficult to notice, such as my link for the Declaration of the Breakdown of Chile’s Democracy on October 9, 2007 12:40 AM.
I have enjoyed your blog for 2+ years. Adelante!

La Russophobe says:


Thanks! Always responsive to reader suggestions, I've changed the color in this post. However, I'm not the administrator and wouldn't have a clue how to do it globally if I were, but I'll pass on your idea to those in power.

Artfldgr says:

I wont vote for hillary, she only represents half the country. meanwhile, if your against communism, then hillary is the wrong person to vote for. wellesly college removed her writings and thesis papers because they were pro communist, pro marxist.

" the senior college thesis she wrote on leftist organizer Saul Alinsky and how to change the American political culture, which her alma mater, Wellesley College, obligingly continues to suppress on her request."

"Alinsky [Hillary's mentor] defined "obtaining power" as a key tactic of organizing his "mass jujitsu." His formula for attack: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it."

sounds remarkably like the soviet change agents concept of
unfreeze, move to new place, then freeze.

Jack Anderson was denied access to the thesis in the early 1990's

Recently syndicated columnist Jack Anderson was doing a story on Hillary Clinton, and in the process his staff requested a copy of her 1969 senior thesis from Wellesley College. It was a seemingly simple request, since normally college theses are public record, available to anyone.

Not, however, in this case. Anderson was told that the current Wellesley president had created a new rule in 1992. The new rule, Anderson says, is that "...the college would seal the senior theses of any Wellesley grads who were either the first lady or the president of the United States." (Perhaps not coincidentally, the president of Wellesley is a long-time friend of Mrs. Clinton's.)

Okay, Anderson asked, can you just tell us the *subject* of the paper? No. Well, was the new policy enacted at Clinton's request? Again, no answer.

Perplexed and intrigued, Anderson contacted Hillary's White House press corps. He was assured it was no big deal, and that he'd be sent a copy of the paper, along with an explanation of why it had been sealed. Several weeks passed, however, and no thesis appeared. Finally he was told that no copy would be coming -- and no explanation would be given.

to this day, no one has seen or put up that thesis paper!! and there are a lot of people what would like to see it.

Vote for her because she is a woman is the worst reason to do anything. voting because a person is a man is just as bad.

anyone care to detail the soviet moves building up the modern feminist movement as a socialist front?

"Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism." - Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (First Harvard University Press, 1989), p.10

so i can only wonder why you would support someone that wants the same political system you are fighting against being in russia?

or do you not believe the power of the 'fronts' concept used to create political change through fracturing the population?

check out the congressional record as to the last orders of the commitern... one of the orders was to foment feminism.

there is a famous reel of the testimony where the person (i cant remember their name now), showed where you could order the communuist pamphlets from canadian press at the time (communism was still illegal and considered to be seditious so you had to order out of country to get the minutes, and that is what the 'fronts' did)

he pointed out the points they wanted that they said, and that the feminists were a major part of this push.

a study of the laws we have inacted in the past 40 years match the laws that lennin put in place in the first 10 years that ended up demolishing familis there and helped to destroy the 'opposition' culture.

in fact, you havent noticed that without families there is no one to teach the american culture of freedom? that with women working the children are in state induction centers (schools), and havent noticed the new mental health things hillary wants?

of course your aware that the soviets used such mental health reviews to put those who didnt folllw the program into mental institutions..

but hey, i wont tell you how to vote. but i will say, having her will be pretty much the same mistake that the people made in venezuela. but thats just opinion.

"A world where men and women would be equal is easy to visualize, for that precisely is what the Soviet Revolution promised." - Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York, Random House, 1952), p.806

study your history... marx said that the family would have to be destroyed to make socialist communism possible.

Radical feminism's first organized incarnation was within the Women's Ku Klux Klan (WKKK) in the late 1800's.

look up where this came from:
"No longer will man say that in the hand of woman rests the necessity of rocking a cradle only. She has within her hand the power to rule the world."

read about Elizabeth Tyler...

or maybe read Margret Sangers AUTObiography from 1927, where the precursor to planned parenthood was "the negro project", and that it was part of the project for the blacks to self exterminate... later it was re-wrapped and its purpose was to remove the middle class and create the two class system.

"the WKKK [created] a gender ideology that was neither fundamentally reactionary nor progressive. Rather, the women's Klan was contradictory: a reactionary, hate-base movement with progressive moments." - "Women of the Klan" by Kathleen L. Blee

"The noncustodial parent should have no legally enforceable right to visit the child, and the custodial parent should have the right to decide whether it is desirable for the child to have such visits."
Anna Freud 1973

"Freud and Hitler shared a neighbourhood. They also shared the ambition to convince other men of the one and only truth that they had come upon - Sigmund Freud with brilliant rhetoric, Adolf Hitler with brutal force. Adored by their followers, they founded powerful movements. In my eyes both Adolf Hitler and my grandfather were false prophets of the 20th century." [False Prophets; Adelphi University, Garden State, NY, October 15, 2002].

Starting in about 1930, radical feminists began studying Freudian psychology which was eagerly being exported from Europe. (the franfurt school)

where are they going with this?

Around 1987, N.O.W. realized that if it could only legalize "female-female" marriage, that women could have what I call "super-families". Under existing federal and state laws, a "Super-family" would have six sources of income, comprised of two sets of welfare entitlements, two sets of child support orders, and the incomes of the two women.

wow, a real reason for the big push in same sex marraige...

Of the two states which have legalized female-female marriage, none have a " sexual preference" requirement in order to qualify. Any two women can marry each other – regardless of sexual preference.

take some time.. you can find out that franz boas was a communist subversive... he tagged margret meade who has recently been discredited by her own notes, and the people she worked with admitting that her tales of primitive female sexuality, were BUNK...

but thats ok.. since the damage was done... she tagged another communist to write another book.. that was betty freidan, who used to write for the cpusa as naomi goldstein.

so a vote for such, is a vote for communism.

meanwhile, do i have to point out the rights of women in china, russia, and other communist states?

lets hear some of the women speak in their own words.

"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." .... "You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs." (Catherine MacKinnon - Prominent feminist scholar at the University of Michigan and Yale)

"All men are rapists and that's all they are." (Marilyn French, Author; and advisor to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign)

you know.. the leftist that just got the nobel prize that you commented about..

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." (Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor)

"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (Sheila Cronan, 1988 Houston National Organization for Women {NOW} Conference for Women.).

"The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist." ( Sheila Cronan, National NOW Times, Jan.1988)

"The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Rage," p.67.)

"Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, "The Daily Illini," April 25, 1981. "In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them." (Dr. Mary Jo Bane, assistant professor of education at Wellesley College and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman)

there is a lot more... videos, papers, comments.. the documents they write are manifestos.

and their favorite holiday is a communist holiday celebrated here in the US!!!!

from wiki: International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8 every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women. Started as a political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries (primarily Russia and the countries of former Soviet bloc).

The first IWD was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America.

Demonstrations marking International Women's Day in Russia proved to be the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Following the October Revolution, the Bolshevik feminist Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Lenin to make it an official holiday, and it was established, but was a working day until 1965. On May 8, 1965 by the decree of the USSR Presidium of the Supreme Soviet International Women's Day was declared as a non working day in the USSR "in commemoration of outstanding merits of the Soviet women in communistic construction, in the defense of their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, their heroism and selflessness at the front and in rear, and also marking the big contribution of women to strengthening friendship between peoples and struggle for the peace."

you cant have freedom for ALL AND follow communism at the same time...

without solid families and a good homefront the men cant fight agaisnt a soviet take over, nor would they care to.

the second hitlery gets into office she will use presidential signing orders to really sock it to the men.

here is a link to a soviet poster celebrating the feminist holiday.

do i also have to post the results of the feminsits leaving russia after they found out what it was really about?

vote for who you like.. thats american... but i urge you that while your busy focusing one way, dont get suckered into the games which are different that are used to turn a state... those games stop once teh state is turned...

Artfldgr says:

sorry, i missed putting the link for the poster in.

Robert Mayer says:

Haha.. you may call me Commissar Robert.

Artfldgr: It's not ENTIRELY true that her thesis is not available. While I was living in Boston, my girlfriend at the timee was a student at Wellesley (one of the only sane, pretty girls at that mental ward). The only way to read the thesis is to go the archives where it is held and request to read it. I have. But you can't run copies or take photographs (at least, unless you do it sneaky sneaky). As you likely know, it was written about "community organizer" Saul D. Alinsky, a man who by all stretches of definition was a man whose only ideology was power. Hillary Clinton's behaviors, ideas, and changes throughout the years suggest that this early influence on her has been profound in the shaping of her thinking. She will do anything, say anything, and be anything so that she can have that power. This is why I will never ever support her.

As for Wellesley itself, it is no surprise that Hillary Clinton turned out the way she did. The girls at Wellesley in general are extremely anti-social, locked up, kooky, trapped in a bubble, what have you. They are in desperate need of contact with the outside world as well as a thump in the head with the hard brick of reality. Honestly, the things that go on at that campus will make any normal person wonder where these people come from.

Artfldgr says:

She will do anything, say anything, and be anything so that she can have that power. This is why I will never ever support her.

That’s the same dialectic as communism, sometimes refered to as a power based one.

Honestly, the things that go on at that campus will make any normal person wonder where these people come from.

I cant talk about that… since I have never been their or known someone directly.

Though I CAN comment that their marriage is a marriage of power. That they will both not act normal and respond in a way that would cost them power. Like when the scandals with mr Clinton and such. mrs Clinton stayed with him rather than do the classic program because she wants power.

Then you have the history of bill Clinton… go check it out. Junior year went to work with fullbright… spent a year in the soviet union during kruschevs rein. Tons of stuff… all open all public…

It’s a pairing for a purpose.

Personally I don’t care what sex someone is in office, and I don’t care who they go to bed with either. I care about the job they do and what they will end up doing.

Thompson is one of the best out there (which isn’t saying much), but you wouldn’t know it unless you actually ignored media and listen to what he said. like when he said to have SocSec follow inflation. The left press made fun of him on that saying it already was. But if you listen to what he says carefully, what he was referring to was the INPUT being indexed, and not the already indexed payouts. Yes, he was referring that the input was fixed and the output can raise and thngs that’s dumb. Go watch the videos, and go read what he says.

However, I know my history and his platform is a lot like another socialist that is not much liked… however the choices we have here is not between capitalism and socialism… its between soft communism (communitarian = communist authoritarian), and keeping the fascism we have (which is what we have had since the manipulations of the socialists in the early years of the last century. While decrying Hitler’s fascism, we were fascist too… so what happened was we as a people started thinking that fascism is about the strange things that group did, and not that it was an economic system for mediating the state.

Even those who know more history than average generally don’t know that much either unless they spent a lot of time digging and tracing threads on their own… and building up their own take on things.

And definitely forming your own conclusions and staying away from the tin hatters (who are fed disinformation that they eat up because its against the US).

Russian says:

Not bad, even good. And what is surprising- you have shown that you have sense of humor!
I always said you were writing on a wrong topic, meaning your specialty in Russia.
Your knowlege of the USA's kitchen is much better. Why don't you switch to the USA?
I would be your most devoted reader

NothingButFax says:

Republicans...yammered about abolishing welfare. He did it.

“Only two Republicans voted against the bill, and only one Democrat for it.” (NYT,12/23/95) Also according to the Times, “President Clinton… has promised to veto it.”
Clinton did in the end, sign the welfare reform bill.

Artfldgr says:

“Not bad, even good. And what is surprising- you have shown that you have sense of humor!”

Ah… are you referring to my post? If so:

Yeah of course I have a sense of humor, its how you get through life. Remember no one ever gets out alive!

The funniest thing, if your referring to me is this line..

Your knowlege of the USA's kitchen is much better. Why don't you switch to the USA?

Because that “knowledge” comes from my tracking down the Soviet side of things.

Condoleeza went to school in Russia. Dewey was a Russian spy that designed our centralized school system and created the pragmatic view in americn politics.

I am not a specialist, but just truthful…

Track each head of some major problem, and you can trace it back to the body politic in soviet russia. The ability for a large number of people to manipulate things if they are coordinated cant be, and shouldn’t be, pish toshed. Nor its ability to go outward, or continue on its path even though the person that pushed it or the state that gave it its shove, is now gone. Like some Japanese soldier in a cave, the movement moves on without the original war that birthed it.

However Russian what you have found out from me is that I don’t play favorites, like you. If there is something bad in the US, then its bad, if there is something bad in russia, then its bad.

What you want to see is a side lose, and so you would have me funded, like the soviets had that side funded in the press, arts and literature in the west, so as to create an outcome.

Your commentary proved the mentality that LaRussophobe is trying to stop. And that HALF truths is the game…

You even try to ‘pay’ me in social coin… bout the only think left when the owners of everything are the few who lead the whole state…

I didn’t write things to be popular… otherwise I could probably, as you say, be very popular with those people who ahate America. however it’s a simple mathematical fact that someone has to be on top. Go down the list of top states, and if your not of diminished capacity you would see that a US on top is a lot better than a Russia or China on top.

Imagine the micheif of the gasprom crap would be if no one could pressure them on anything nor oppose their points.

Without the US, they would roll into other countries so fast that there would be no stopping them.

Their concept of American imperialism is a total lie and a farce. Iraq and Iran wont even become puppet states. How? Note how many presumed puppet states went their own way? but note how many states who went the soviet way still cant get the tar off their shoes and the taste out of their mouths.

Puerto Rico is not a state, but it has lots of what a state has… and people even vote… and yet, it can do what it likes… it can vote itself away from the US, or it can vote and become a ratified state… instead it kind of likes to have one foot in the door, and one foot out.

Out of all the island countries in the area, it does the best!

So why don’t I switch to commenting on the USA?

Because I am not programmed much for “Critical Theory”, which is why others just complain and complain and complain.

Critical theory is another sneaky mean thing that they socialists have put on people. It’s the art of criticizing your own side so much that your side collapses and lays you bare for your enemies.

It’s a way of destroying confidence in ones own state, and creates a false feeling that things are better in worse places (cuba, Venezuela, Chile, spain, russia, china, korea, etc), than they are here… this you feel while you sit there and have steak, potatoes, and most are generally fat and have more doo dads than they can keep in their living spaces! (renting extra space for all your stuff is not uncommon!!)

The first meaning of the term critical theory was that defined by Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School of social science in his 1937 essay Traditional and Critical Theory: Critical theory is social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole, in contrast to traditional theory oriented only to understanding or explaining it. Horkheimer wanted to distinguish critical theory as a radical, emancipatory form of Marxian theory, critiquing both the model of science put forward by logical positivism and what he and his colleagues saw as the covert positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and communism. Core concepts are: (1) That critical social theory should be directed at the totality of society in its historical specificity (i.e. how it came to be configured at a specific point in time), and (2) That Critical Theory should improve understanding of society by integrating all the major social sciences, including economics, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, and psychology. Although this conception of critical theory originated with the Frankfurt School, it also prevails among other recent social scientists, such as Pierre Bourdieu, Louis Althusser and arguably Michel Foucault and Bryan Reynolds, as well as certain feminist theorists and social scientists.

The franfurt school is a socialist school of thought whos entire purpose was to figure out the things it could add to culture to casue it to wither and die, and open the way for a totalitarian/authoritarian state.

This version of "critical" theory derives from Kant's (18th-Century) and Marx's (19th Century) use of the term "critique", as in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Marx's concept that his work Das Kapital (Capital) forms a "critique of political economy". For Kant's transcendental idealism, "critique" means examining and establishing the limits of the validity of a faculty, type, or body of knowledge, especially through accounting for the limitations imposed by the fundamental, irreducible concepts in use in that knowledge system. Early on, Kant's notion associated critique with the disestablishment of false, unprovable, or dogmatic philosophical, social, and political beliefs, because Kant's critique of reason involved the critique of dogmatic theological and metaphysical ideas and was intertwined with the enhancement of ethical autonomy and the Enlightenment critique of superstition and irrational authority. Marx explicitly developed this notion into the critique of ideology and linked it with the practice of social revolution, as in the famous 11th of his "Theses on Feuerbach," "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in certain ways; the point is to change it".

So when I criticize something, I am not doing it to destroy it… I am doing it in the old way to understand it.

If you catch on you will note that theirs does not wish to understand it, but to step in and throw it all in chaos, and make the people upset and meloncolly… that way they wont fight a war if they get into one… (so the time is only waiting till such a atime that we can be guaranteed to lose if they hold on longer. Then we will lose the states around us, and like Father Niemoller have no one to stand up for us)

Such things like Critical Theory, Multiculturalism, cultural relativism, Cultural Marxism (feminism – where the proletariat (women), have to overthrow the Bourgeoisie (men), before oppression ends and they can live without the oppressors. Nice if you’re a lesbian, or a totalarian state, horrible if you like family, holidays… nice if you want to take over a state and effect change, or does everyone think that because of its size that the US is immune? ), and you can trace them ALL back to the socialist thinkers who steeped in GRAMSCI, a compatriot of lennin and others, wish to make a slow walk through the culture to convert it and create “HERD MAN” as the new Socialist Man…

What, did you think the new socialist man was a dynamic individual? how? Its groupism to the end result.. a man is nothing the state is everything. If man is the pinnicle of creation, then the state is higher as the pinnicle of mans creation..

So russian, you can see that my commentary on america, and russia is to help end HERD MAN, from becoming a reality…

I wish to preserve what individuality gets us… writings from people like Mark Twain, vs what coming out of the soviet union for the past 100 years? Go ahead… let me know what great literature, not political and such in nature, that russia has created? Products? Improvements to life? Ok… how about china? The very fact that in less than 20 years china went from nothing to something using capitalism… but in all the years before that couldn’t rub two coins together, and poisioned most of their environment doing it… (much less than the US).

This is the thing you don’t want to see because it will sour you on the fantasy road trip your on. getting on a bus marked heaven, does not guarantee that it will go there! all it guarantees is that most of the people riding BELIEVE that’s where they are going…

Which is the point of dialiectical materialism as a means to power… get whatever sign and whatever slogan and whatever enducement you can lie about, and get em on the bus!! Once on the bus, the rest doesn’t matter.

They bait their moustraps…

And you sit there, talking about how the big piece of cheese on the trap will revolutionize the mouse world… and all the cheese placers want is us to put our little necks in the trap… since there is no intended pay out at the end, they can promise everything and give nothing.

Your used to political systems with SOME concept of adherence to the truth, though the more socialist they are, the less that is their point. because socialism cant work it has to be sold on a lie, and those who like the end result follow that lie…

All the while they can say… see, you can smell the cheese, and its there.

[want to see an interesting version of socialist propaganda sold the clever way the west sells it? then watch ANTZ… or read the blurb… they mention how the parents will laugh at the corny send up to totalitarianism.. and the phrases… and yet, no one will teach the children the joke!!! In fact, they will buy the tape and play it over and over… you can see in the imdb thing they have it backwards!!

They have the system being totalitarian, and that a revoluition of the lumpen proletariat will allow things to change for the better. however, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that when the strongest are in the nursery, and unwilling to give their lives to protect everything, the weakest will get over run and the question will answer itself.

The other thing is that in ANTZ the totalitarian state was CULTURAL, with scheming generals who wanted to make CULTURE permanent.

However, while he did find utopia… its emptied every day, twice a day, and those attending end up dead at those times.

All this means nothing since the children don’t think its propaganda made fun of!!!

Hows that for sneaky?]

Russian says:


Actually, my post about sense of humor was addressed to La Russophobe. As a comment on her publication. She is my favorite one to talk to.
But I like your comments on this page too.
A lot of interesting stuff. You have much more in you head than an average American. A lot of knowlege in Marxism and kind of philosophycal thinking. Did you study political science at the colege or it is just self-education?

About femenism. The fact that socialists and communists supported equal rights for women does not make feminist movement a branch of communism or socialism.
It is a coincidence. Politically, these movements were not connected and could do without each other. The feminists' cause was the right one, and communists always tried to support the right cause. This is why. Communists also supported anti-racist Civil Right movement, so what? Should we spit on Martin Luter King?
Of course, there are extremists in any kind of movement. Feminist movement is not an exemp.
For me, a babe, if even she observes the communist's IWD on March 8 every year, but stays femenine (good in sex, cooking, child raising, keeping the house, has a normal, not phisical and not too stressful job) is more likable than your ladies who serve as officers in combat troops and lines up every year to enter West Point Academy.
Could you sleep with a woman who is a colonel in Marine corp? It is a perversion.
As about Hillary, she is capable to be a President.
It would be an interesting experience for the whole world.

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