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I Stand with Michelle . . . Where do You Stand?

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MichelleMalkinPhoto.jpgLet me take a momentary breather from covering the politics of democracy to express solidarity with my fellow Pajamas Media blogger Michelle Malkin (pictured). I'm not speaking for Publius Pundit now, just expressing my personal opinion. I haven't asked my colleagues what they think, and I'm sure if they've got an opinion, they'll state it.

You see, a certain frenzied left-wing blogger named Ezra Klein (his website seeks to make money with a prominent ad trashing Ann Coulter, pandering for cash among the nutroots in the most shameless way imaginable; another ad implies George Bush hates children) published a post in which he challenged Michelle to a debate over health care and suggested that "we can set up the podiums in the shrubbery outside my house, since that seems to be the sort of venue she naturally seeks out." He then said: "So c'mon Michelle: Let's debate healthcare. Prove to the world that you really want a 'good-faith argument.'" One of the early commenters stated: "Malkin is a bot, programmed to spew lies and insults. You might just as well offer to debate your toaster."

Some good faith invitation, huh? Incidentally, did you hear that they awarded Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize? He's joined the club that also includes terrorist Yasir Arafat. I'm not sure how it's related, but I feel that it is. Gotta be. This is what today's left wing politics have come to. It's a ghastly spectacle, one can't help noticing.

Michelle responded by exposing lots more bad faith on Ezra's part, including grossly misrepresenting some of her analysis. You hardly need to be told that, it almost goes without saying. Lies and hypocrisy are the nutroots' scones and marmalade.

The point is this: Ten times more people visit Michelle's blog on an average day than visit Ezra's. Ten times more. Other bloggers have given Michelle over five times more links than they've given Ezra. Over five times more. This yields a top-100 authority rating from Technorati for Michelle whilst Ezra's authority rating is only top-2,000. She's the #32 blog in the whole world, he's #1,310. Readers have favorited his blog 8 times on Technorati, while they've favorited Michelle 438 times. Get the picture?

He's jealous. Very jealous. In his post he writes bitterly: "My sense has been that Malkin doesn't want an argument. Rather, she wants to feed her readers the steady stream of outrage that keeps her traffic numbers up." He apparently thinks his readers are too stupid to notice that his debate challenge amounts to (and was undoubtedly intended as) a publicity stunt to boost his own traffic (otherwise, he'd seek to arrange a debate between Michelle and a blogger of equal clout, or challenge a blogger equal to himself). He also thinks they're too stupid to notice his Coulter advertisement, it seems, and that his posts are full of the the same seething personalized venom he accuses Michelle of adopting.

And you know what? He just might be right.

Any time now, he's bound to start claiming that since Michelle won't debate him, this proves she's both afraid and wrong. By that "logic," (where do these leftist kooks get the idea they're smart?) if I challenge Vladimir Putin to a debate and he declines, I win the same victory.

Well, Mr. Putin, consider yourself challenged!

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Doug Longstreth says:

The Loony Brigade
By Kevin Drum

THE LOONY BRIGADE....As near as I can tell, the right-wing blogosphere has spent the past three years fantasizing obsessively about uncovering a new Rathergate. It was their great triumph (Blog of the Year from Time magazine!), and now it seems like hardly a month goes by without the hysterical discovery of yet another faked photo, planted note, or lying liberal. Almost without fail, though, they turn out to be.....wrong. Embarrassingly, completely, unquestionably, flat-on-their-faces wrong.

But they don't give up. The latest example is 12-year-old Graeme Frost, whose great sin was to tape a radio address supporting expansion of the SCHIP children's health program. Unsurprisingly, the latest crackpot loony brigade is headed up by the chief crackpot, Michelle Malkin, who has distinguished herself by staking out Graeme's house and grilling his father's friends. Other members of the brigade have dug up property records, scoured wedding announcements, checked out school websites, and when trash day comes will probably be rooting through their garbage barrels.

And the point of all this? To "prove" that the Frosts are secret zillionaires who don't deserve government help with their medical bills. In this, the loon brigade is, as usual, embarrassingly, completely, unquestionably, flat-on-their-faces wrong. I'll give you one guess about whether that's going to stop them.

.... So? show us YOUR track record!

What have you EVER been right at that withstood the test of time?

You may claim all night that the Sun will never rise again!! You may claim that night as your moment of TRUTH !!

But every morning at dawn, You are proved to be a fool.

Doug Longstreth

David M says:

Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 10/12/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.

Randy Paul says:

By that "logic," (where do these leftist kooks get the idea they're smart?) if I challenge Vladimir Putin to a debate and he declines, I win the same victory.

That's the very definition of an apples and oranges comparison.

Ezra's a writing fellow for the American Prospect and appears regularly on Hardball and C-SPAN. Does Michelle Malkin appear on anything other than Fox these days?

La Russophobe says:


That's the very definition of a very sorry attempt at misdirection. The challenge wasn't made on TV, but on a blog. They're bloggers, discussing blog posts. He challenged her to debate in the blogosphere. If you mean to suggest Ezra isn't trying to boost his relatively puny traffic, I couldn't disagree more, and you've cited NO evidence to the contrary. If you believe he doesn't care how many visitors he has, you need a long vacation.

Besides which, if Ezra is such a big shot as you seem to imagine in your deluded fantasy, why is his traffic so relatively puny? Perhaps it's this: C-SPAN? I believe FOX has just a bit more viewers, if you'll inquire. American Prospect? Go out on the the street corner and ask 100 people how many have heard of it. Would you bet money on more than 5?

Truth hurts, doesn't it? Even a bit blinding, perhaps. Think about it, my dear.

Randy Paul says:

Trust me, the only fantasies I have are about Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz and Luana Piovani.

Testy, aren't you? The challenge was made not to have a debate on blogs, but an actual debate on the merits of SCHIP.

I'm glad to see that you qualified your use of puny. Most of us would be happy with 15K page views per day.

One stat you chose to overlook, however, was average visit length. MM has a 10 second average visit length, whereas has a 48 second average visit length. Most people probably see the type of wacky discourse on MM's blog and flee for fear their IQ's will drop.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Not at all, but wingnut pontificating just bores me.

BTW, you left out the fact that Ezra appears on MSNBC.

Warm regards.

Putin's secretary says:

To. La Russophobe;

I am not strong in understanding all those "right wing" bloggers like you.
But you are right in your conclusive paragraph!

There is a parable in Russian literature. You read in Russian and may knpow it. By I. Krylov. Titled "Слон и Моська" (An Elephant and a Lap-dog). It is about a little lap dog who saw an elephant led through the town for a show and began barking furiously at it. Her neighbour-dog said: "Hey, Moska! Why are you barking? Don't you see the elephant is not paying any attention. It even does not know about you!"
And Moska goes: "Well, I know that. But the other dogs who may hear me, may think: "This Moska is tough! Look, she is barking at an elephant!"

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