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Evil, Incarnate

Filed under: Russia ~ Venezuela


"There is a perverse subversion of our existing Constitution under way. This is not a reform. I categorize it as a coup d'etat."

-- Gen. Raul Isaias Baduel, a retired defense minister and former confidant of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez who broke with him in a stunning defection this month to the political opposition, speaking to the New York Times last week

Chavez is bribing the people of Venezuela to accept him as "president for life" with unlimited dictatorial power by offering them a six-hour work week. This in a country which already can't put basic food staples on the shelves.

This man is evil, incarnate. He must be stopped.

And let's be clear: The people of Venezuela are complicit in this atrocity, just as the people of Russia are complicit in the anointing of dictator Vladimir Putin. As the Times quotes Alberto Barrera Tyszka, co-author of a best-selling biography of Chavez: "We are witnessing a seizure and redirection of power through legitimate means. This is not a dictatorship but something more complex: the tyranny of popularity."

putin-chavez.jpgThe similarities between Venezuela and Russia today are striking. Both Putin and Chavez are in the final act of a perverse opera leading them to formalizing dictatorship by means of democracy (Russia has just succeeded in totally blocking all foreign elections observers at its upcoming parliamentary poll; looks like they've got plenty to hide). Both preside over economies that could collapse at any moment. The Times reports:

Walking into a grocery store here offers a different view of the changes washing over Venezuela. Combined with price controls that keep farmers from profitably producing some basic foods, climbing incomes of the poorest Venezuelans have stripped supermarket aisles bare of items like milk and eggs. Meanwhile, foreign exchange controls create bottlenecks for importers seeking to meet rising demand for many products.

_44245983_ahmadinejad_chavez203afp.jpgBoth Venezuela and Russia rely entirely on oil revenues from the West to support their regimes, and in neither case is the West holding the peoples of the countries responsible for their outrageous irresponsibility. And indeed, Chavez and Putin are in bed together, with Putin supplying Chavez huge quantities of weapons and Chavez providing Russia with even more extreme anti-American rhetoric than Putin will dare produce and a foothold for imperialism in Latin America just like Cuba used to be for the USSR. Chavez, in turn, is actively seeking to turn OPEC into a weapon with which to bash the United States, working in league with Iranian lunatic Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- to whom Russia is supplying nuclear technology, standing like a bulwark behind two rogue leaders, assisting them in wrecking havoc upon the United States. Oh, what a tangled web they weave!

If we won't call the people of Russia and Venezuela to account for their betrayal of the democratic trust, how can we expect those within them who would fight for real freedom to step forward and risk everything to stop the madness? How can we expect any real change to occur?

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Josh says:

Chavez is as evil as Hitler, and like Hitler, he has the people supporting him. What can we do? We must change them, by any means necessary. Normally I do not support imposing an economic blockade or military force, but the people of Russia and Venezuela are waging war against us, why not wake up to hard reality and fight back back before it's too late?

Palomudo says:

Venezuela's transformation is a fact that no one is going to stop.

The constitutional reform being voted on December 2nd will eliminate the possibility of foreign or local corrupted entities to return the country to what it was pre-Chavez (a fake democracy where a minority stole the country's goods)while the opressed majority suffered.

The new reform guaranties that the infrastructure to provide free education, free healthcare and accessible food to the population among many other things will never become privatized again like it was pre-Chavez resulting in death and missery to the majority of the population in the country.

Venezuela strategic alliences with Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, etc are now possible because Chavez recovered our freedom.

We deal with whomever we wish, we no longer request Washington's approval like many other goverments in South America do unfortunately now, this will change.

Jason says Chavez and the majority of Venezuelans are nazi's and along with Russia are waging war on him, I assume the USA, based on his ignorant remarks.

Jason states: change them, by any means necessary. This is what the USA is doing in Iraq.

It worked nicely Jason, don't you agree:
-lying to the world
-Killing close to a million Iraquis
-Displacing millions
-Invading and bombing innocent families
-Ethnic cleansing by means of killing as many muslims as possible just like you guys did in Jugoslavia.
-Stealing Iraq's oil
-Destroying Iraq millenary culture
Etc, etc, etc

Jason's hypocrasy is clear:
"We must change them, by any means necessary. Normally I do not support imposing an economic blockade or military force.

What exactly do you mean by : any means necessary ?

The danger we face in the world today is based on the mentality of people like Jason and Bush, these people have no respect for democracy of humanity. They feel that their misiles and military power gives them superiority.

Don't be deceived, research the truth and make your own conclutions, Jason-Bush will always sell you their lies through the media they own.

Josh says:

First of all, my name is "Josh" not "Jason." If you can't even get my name right, what's the point of taking seriously anything you wrote? Your crazy comment is proof that Venezuelans are full of nazi Chavezjugen like you. I meant what I said--we need to stop people like you before you destroy our way of life, and we must stop you by any means necessary. We have the arsenal, don't you doubt that we can do it.

John says:

- Dollar at an all-time low
- Oil at $90+
- NATO divided
- American economy about to crash
- American way of life about to get a flash of reality
- China and India about to eclipse you technologically


"We have the arsenal, don't you doubt that we can do it."

Well, you should do this now because in a few years you won't be able to. The United States is now way off its peak and, like many empires before it, about to fall and fall fast.

Open your eyes and adjust to the situation on the ground, or else you will be very disappointed.

greenguy says:

My,My,after 300 years of ''Freedom'' in Latin America.
Open ditches are still being used as Sewer lines.
Tiny Cuba,sends help to Capitalist Mexico,who's great talent in exporting their unemployed North of the Border.

our own U.S.two headed Capitalist Dictatorship,Has more people in Prison outside of China with four times more people.
35 million people go Hungry in the U S by their own Admission.

Homelessness is going sky high with no end in sight too.

Look at the U S position in the planet,the best area to be in.Yet we as a people are in a sorry state of affairs,and YOU ''JOSH" Aint seen NUTING YET.

Vova says:

Well, Hugo is certainly no Hitler, but the similarity between Hugo's Venezuela and Putin's "Russia" is striking: Rich land, poor unenlightened people, respect for brutality, culture of submission. And like Putin, Hugo hails from the (nonwhite in Venezuela's case) ethnic majority, whereas all intellect and power vest in the minority cultures: whites in Venezuela, Jews, Balts, Tatars, and Caucasians in "Russia"

Talnik says:

Don't believe everything you read. In the U.S, poor people are fat.

Jim "Heart Attack" Nelson says:


"-lying to the world"

So only the US is accountable when lying to the world?

"-Killing close to a million Iraquis"

This has been disproven. The collection methods for these figures were rejected as statistically unsound by researchers. Do a search for the article on British World. Only racist leftists think the US has killed 1-500 million people in Iraq.

"-Displacing millions"

Really? Got any statistics you could show us that don't come from leftist hate sites?

"-Invading and bombing innocent families"

Can you prove the US bombs families? Can you explain why if the most powerful military the world has ever seen slaughters Iraqis by the million yet has somehow failed to decrease the civilian population in Iraq by any similar number?

Can you further explain why only racists and leftists are accusing America of slaughtering millions of civilians? Why military reports fail to mention this stuff? Why those that have have turned out to be frauds?

"-Ethnic cleansing by means of killing as many muslims as possible "

This is the biggest crock of shit I've read in a long time. The US bends over backwards to please the musilms.

-Every time there's a rumor of a Koran being desecrated, the army goes into meltdown, conducts an investigation, and has a press release. Over a fucking book! A BOOK!

-Sec. Rice says "we respect the holy Quran" to the world.

-The government sells land to muslims in Boston at discounted prices so they build mosques. Where are all the screamers yelling about church and state now?

-Muslims have openly declared war on all non-Muslims, especially Americans and Jews. There have been no reciprocal actions on the part of Americans.

-What are you more likely to hear? "Death to Iran" in Washington DC or "Death to America" in Tehran? Of course, when muslims call for genocide against Americans, no one cares.

-Bill Clinton and George Bush have worked as hard as possible to annihilate Christians in Serbia to benefit Albanian musilms. Who then promptly turn on their NATO friends and attack them.

And finally: Islam is a religion or political ideology. Not an ethnic classification. There is no "islamic gene", you can't be genetically disposed to islam.

"-Stealing Iraq's oil"

If we're stealing Iraq's oil, why is gas in the US more expensive than ever? Why are we letting OPEC set the price? Couldn't we just do it ourselves? Why is OPEC saying "no" to drilling more oil? Couldn't we just steal it ourselves?

"-Destroying Iraq millenary culture"

Uh, these acts were done by native Iraqis, not US GIs.


"China and India about to eclipse you technologically"

Yeah, China's about to surpass us, that's why they have to keep stealing our technology. Because they're so much smarter than we are. That's why they finally sent a man into space almost 40 years after Americans landed on the moon. That's also why the US wants to put a human on mars by 2020. This is only 10 years earlier than India plans to put a man on the moon.

Palomudo says:

Jim HA Nelson.

Have a look at this sites and get informed:

Regarding your lying government"

Regarding invations:

This should enlighten you, if you want more proof go to:

There you can find plenty of truth articles and documentaries.

Your country is being run by anti-American foreigners, check it out, over half of the top guys in the Bush Admin have dual nationality, guess what? they ain't Mexicans.

They lie to you daily, stop reading the local news and use the internet for your benefit.

Peace, I am not your enemy.

Palomudo says:


You sound very brave, talking about your arsenal, this is the sad thing about the USA, once a respected and admired nation now hated worldwide by your arrogance and criminal behaviour. Sadly you are being run by foreigners, take a look and tell me who they serve

Indian says:

Simply stated, "tyranny of popularity" is voice of the masses that the oligarchy never bothered to hear till the such time the phenomenon called 'Chavez' appeared on the horizon. At this rate, the author will clearly oppose democracy in situations where the popular opinion does not match with his own.

The 'Pundit' is too bigoted to be called pundit as such, and is totally off the mark about why Chavez is so popular. Having been brought up with no exposure to an opposing ideology, the pundit has mixed up gut hatred with political differences. Too bad a commission for the website, unless it is owned by this idiot pundit!!

Josh says:

I checked the link, and you proved me right--it's all the Jews' fault! Zeig Heil, Chavezjugen!

Palomudo says:


Do not mix zionist with Jews. zionism is a cult! not a religion and they are partly responsible for the holocaust, the real Jews were victimized by the zionist who negotiated with Hittler. Take a look at this site:

zionist manipulate the public by using the pain of the hollocaust, they label anti-semite anybody who critisizes their crimes.

In the site above you can read about True Torah Jews talking about real historical events and explanations on how zionist negotiated with Hittler to send Jews to Palestine, Hittler disagreed with sending them to Palestine and gave them an choice, either they go out to British territories via Spain or the get gassed....... we know what happened. zionist were as much bastards as the nazis.

You label me a nazi because I disagree with you, you must be a zionist.

Judgement day will tell.


Gus says:


You are an entertaining guy--quite funny!

However, if you are one to worry about what the rest of the world thinks about a nation's leadership, I hate to tell you but the rest of the world thinks your fat, thuggish, buffoon of a dictator is a complete clown.

In the words of King Juan Carlos: "Why don't you just shut up?"

Charles Times says:

Samples of problems of paranoia, arrogance and anger in the US.

"we need to stop people like you before you destroy our way of life, and we must stop you by any means necessary. We have the arsenal, don't you doubt that we can do it" - Josh.

"This man is evil, incarnate. He must be stopped." - Kim Zigfeld

" In the words of King Juan Carlos: "Why don't you just shut up?"" - Gus

These people and many like them don't realize the unnecessary paranoia they create for themselves. They have imbedded in their minds a malignant mental dysfunction that ironically can turn them into those evil and dangerous people they fear in others.

Cervus says:

The Chavez apologists sure come out of the woodwork, don't they?

Aris Katsaris says:

Well the idiotic statements from the Publius Pundit side, certainly encourage the idiotic statements from the Chavezista side.

To wit:
- No, Chavez is not "evil incarnate". Chavez is merely an evil human, like millions of other evil humans around the world, many of them in position of power, and not particularly more significant than any of the dozens other directors around the worlds. "Evil incarnate" statements are only displaying a fanatical idiocy that tries to use religious imagery but is useless for any supposedly adult discussion of politics. Someone who uses that phrase only makes himself an object of easy ridicule and harms his own goals.

- Yes, Chavez must indeed be stopped. But as long as his solidifying dictatorship is an internal affair, not an expansive imperialism (like Russia's, or Syria's, who each directly hold other countries as protectorates and kill/bomb/poison other countries' politicians), he must be stopped (and this is very essential) by his own people.

The use of America's military force against him (without him making the first move) would be even more immoral, inane and undemocratic idea than the attempt of a coup of a few years back was. (and that one had been pretty immoral, inane and undemocratic as well)

- Yes, Chavez is in an evil alliance with Russia and the rest of the socialfascists/islamofascists around the worlds. But his rise to power came as a direct result of the economic degradation previous policies of previous governments had broughts. So yeah -- he bribed his people into power, and those people brought him to power, and those people will end up regretting it, as he's now slowly but very steadily extinguishing Venezuelan democracy.

Like most dictators, it's Chavez's people that brought him to power. Until he tries to military extend himself beyond his borders, it's his people's job to overthrow him in a democratic revolution. Until he tries to violate another nation's sovereignty, the democratic world should be trying to contain him and shun him, not to physically overthrow him.

The failures of Venezuela's people to uphold their own democracy is the Venezuelan people's beeswax, and nobody else's so far.

Replacing a Venezuelan dictator brought into power by Venezuelans with some Venezuelan dictator brought into power by Americans would be a step in the wrong direction, not in the correct one. It'd be a step *against* democratic revolutions (invasions are not revolutions, and they're not democratic either).

rich says:


I dunno. Chavez is 67% of Venezuela's people giving their answer to a century of rule by about 12% of Venezuela. I don't like him much, but the shrieks and distortions I hear from wealthy Venezuelans sometimes make me sympathetic to him.

I think the plebiscite next month is a real turning point. The issue isn't whether Venezuelans will give Chavez the right to remain as president. It looks like they will not. The question is whether he'll abide their decision.

I expect he will. If he doesn't, I'll know what to think of him.

Still, the other side in Venezuela needs to purge its liars and weirdos and try to actually earn the respect of the Venezuelan people.

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