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Hillary Clinton: Bad for Feminism, no Matter How you Spin it

Filed under: US Elections

She hasn’t accomplished anything on her own since getting admitted to Yale Law. She isn’t Dianne Feinstein, who spent years as mayor of San Francisco before becoming a senator, or Nancy Pelosi, who became Madam Speaker on the strength of her political abilities. All Hillary is, is Mrs. Clinton. She became a partner at the Rose Law Firm because of that, senator of New York because of that, and (heaven help us) she could become president because of that.

-- Joan Di Cola, a Boston lawyer, in a letter to The Wall Street Journal this week, as quoted by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd

Former sometime ABC news anchorwoman Carol Simposon seems to think it would be good for women if Hillary Clinton were elected president. To put it mildly, she's nuts. It's just this kind of "thinking" that has kept women out of the halls of power for so long. Electing Hillary would only be a confirmation that women can't make it on their own. By running, she's doing far more harm to the feminist cause than all the cookie-bakers who have ever lived put together.

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