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Lies, Damned Lies, and the Daily Kos

Filed under: US Elections

Here's a brief note on what Republicans are up against in the coming election cycle.

Reporting on yesterday's election results, the nutroot Daily Kos -- via Kos himself -- stated: "Tonight, in Virginia, Republicans based a huge chunk of their campaign on the anti-immigrant message. And they got crushed. Just like anti-immigrant Republican all around the country did in 2006."

Umm, not exactly. Not only did Republicans WIN control of the lower house of the state's legislature, but as Kos was later forced to admit his own people were saying the immigration issue was key in both that victory and holding back the extent of the Democrat's victory in the upper house.

Republicans also won two of three governorships in play, including Mississippi (where Democrats could not win even by running an evangelical Christian) and Louisiana (where a Republican Barack Obama took power) -- losing only in Kentucky (a state that has had only one Republican governor in the last 30 years). And they crushed (actually, not in the Kosian sense) a stem cell research ballot initiative in the People's Republic of New Jersey. Doesn't exactly fit the narrative Kos is telling about global thermonuclear hatred of Republicans, now does it?

So naturally, what we get is lies.

Meanwhile, as if that were not enough, a whole bunch of Democrats voted to begin impeachment proceedings against the President . . . right up until it began to appear that such a thing might actually happen, then 81 of them changed their "minds." Little wonder the party has only re-elected one president with a majority of the popular vote in its entire history. So it's hardly surprising that the Washington Post reports on how the leading Democratic presidential contenders are dodging press interviews far more aggressively than President Bush.

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Joshua says:

Jackson 1829-1837
Wilson 1913-1921
Truman 1945-1953
Johnson 1963-1969

You shouldn't lie in a piece accusing the other side of lying. If you don't know history, that's great, but there's been plenty of multi-term democratic presidents. FDR had 12 years.

Kim Zigfeld says:


LBJ was not REelected, he was only elected ONCE. Stop lying. "Reelected" means ELECTED AGAIN AFTER BEING ELECTED ONCE. Numbskull.

Same for Truman. Elected once. Never REelected. Please stop lying.

Wilson was elected twice but NEVER got a majority of the popular vote. Stop lying, please. And apologize.

FDR is the "one" referred to in the post.

Andrew Jackson? Surely you must be kidding. Or are you saying that the pro-slavery position of the pre-reconstruction party makes it identical with today's? We're talking about the current parties, dear, try to keep current.

Viz: Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush -- all elected TWICE, second time (at least) with a majority of the popular vote. Four Republicans have done it since World War II, not a single Democrat.

You lie like a rug, my little propagandist.

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