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Russia, Hurtling into the Abyss

Filed under: Russia


This is a real advertisement for the really state-owned and operated Russian government television propaganda campaign Russia Today. They really think it will help people "really" understand the "real" Russia.

And you know what? They're really exactly right.

(They've also got a blog, Russia Profile. And an ex-chancellor of Germany.)

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Vova says:

You say "Russia, Hurtling into the Abyss" and I say "Keep talking" or «а ты говори, говори». I hope it does fall into an abyss, and we rid ourselves of this menace once and for all. And there will be Peace on Earth

Josh says:

Maybe we should help give Russia a push into the abyss? Before it drags us down with it.

Josh says:

Maybe we should help give Russia a push into the abyss? Before it drags us down with it.

Vova says:

We surely should do what they can to help them break up first, then pick up the pieces and push the trash into the abyss

No Kim! says:

kim, can it be true that you write for Russia! magazine? of your russophobe blog and here. in march you wrote on your blog "first the Kremlin bought itself a blog (Russia Profile), then a TV station (Russia Today) and a Western "journalist" (Peter LaVelle) and now perhaps it has a glossy magazine (Russia! - click the picture to visit the site). Russia has already bought a former leader of Germany: How long before it starts trying to buy off Western journalists?"

now you write for them?? and selling coffee mugs from putin propaganda organ? please explain, im kind of shocked...

Josh says:

Take a hike "moscow" you're probably some Putin goon trying to "expose double standards" like you always do. If Ms Zigfeld writes for Russia! there's nothing to hide. She's obviously working to undermine that Putin propaganda organ from within, and you're either too stupid or too brainwashed to figure it out. You go, Kim! Tear that wall down!

La Russophobe says:


You're a little bit confused, honey, and I think the problem is with your English language skills. You need to study a bit more before you make conclusions about what you see in English.

You see, the word PERHAPS means IT IS POSSIBLE but no conclusion has been made. As soon as I made that statement, Russia! contacted me and offered me a column, which they recently published. So it turns out they are not Kremlin-controlled after all, so I 'm delighted to confirm that my suspicions were ill founded.

What's more, it wasn't my suspicion I was reporting but rather that of the New York Sun newspaper.

I'd also like to announce that I would be delighted to write for Russia Profile and Russia Today. Just because they are malignant outlets of propaganda doesn't mean I wouldn't welcome the chance to bring their readers some actual truth -- just as William Safire used to do in the New York Times, and David Brooks now does. However, neither one will allow me to do so -- because they actually are, as this post states (it has nothing to do with Russia!) Kremlin-controlled organs. If you doubt that, write them and ask whether they'll hire me to write columns highly critical of Russia in my usual style, and see what they say.

It's kind of sad how desperate you little thugs are, thinking that if you "catch" me in any "mistake" then you've "proved" nothing I say can be believed. You don't even try to deny that Russia Profile and Russia Today are Kremlin-controlled state organs, everybody knows this is the case. Einstein made mistakes every day, as does everyone who ever tries to do anything. The only people who don't make mistakes are those who are not alive, literally or figuratively -- like you for instance.

Does that clear things up, honey?

armchair pessimist says:

I'd say Russia is hurtling out of abyss and the US is hurtling the other way.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in America and every MSM outlet features an opinion piece from some aggrieved minority or other affirming what a black day it is for them. So while Russians are being taught to love their country without apologies, Americans are being told their country is the very embodiment of injustice and oppression.

A magazine article about Stalin's love poetry sounds as grotesque as one about Hitler the Gentle Dog Lover but there is a constructive purpose behind it, which is to fashion a national mythology in which both the Red and the White can believe. Look at Yeltsin's funeral: An Orthodox funeral service followed by the old Soviet National Anthem.

Laugh if you want, LaR, but the Russkies are on to something that we Americans are fast losing.

Jim "Heart Attack" Nelson says:

Armchair pessimist is right. The Russians have at least figured out if you're a hateful traitor, it's probably bad for your country. This idea is lost on, I'd say, no less than 20% of Americans, most of them affluent.

wow gold says:


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