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You Say We're Surrounded?

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I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel . . .

You say we have too much on our plate? You say it seems democracy is besieged from every side like Gondor in "Lord of the Rings" and we stand alone to defend it? You say we can't do it all? You say it seems hopeless?

I say: "So it always has been, and so it always shall be."

I say this. (lyrics)

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Josh says:

Thank you Ms. Zigfeld, that's exactly the inspiring anthem of hope I wanted to hear! There is nothing to fear but fear itself, in the fight for democracy. So let's take the fight to Saudi Arabia's misogyofascist regime, the worst of the worst. I'm sure if you read about this, you would not be able to hold back. A woman there was sentenced to 200 whips and jail BECAUSE she was gang raped! we support them. It's not all Bush's fault like the Michael Moore liberals say. Where was Clinton all that time? Coddling Al Qaeda and the Taliban, of course. The Saudis are a threat to everything we stand for, they support Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and worst of all, they subject their woman to inhuman slavery. LET'S FIGHT TO TOPPLE THE MISOGYOFASCIST SAUDI REGIME.
"Let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on."

Josh says:

Everyone who cares about democracy: Georgia Alert! I just read that the Russian-puppet "opposition" in Georgia is planning to go to the streets again to relaunch their coup, now that Saakashvili weakened under pressure from Bush and other democracy cowards in the West. Fools! The good news is that the Georgian president is using his police to keep the "opposition" media closed down, hopefully for good this time.

We should all be worried. This could be it for poor tiny Georgia. It's time we took the kid gloves off, everyone. If water cannons and tear gas don't work with these thugs last week, then there should be no hesitation to bring in real bullets and real gas to put this violence down. This is a coup d'etat, let's call a spade a spade, e. We must support any means necessary to protect Georgia from Russian neo-soviet imperialism, even if it means that Georgia will have to spill blood now on the streets of Tbilsi to save the nation for future generations from Russian fascism. Do not weaken at the moment of battle, freedom lovers. Crush the Russian stooges. Go Misha, you can do it!

As one great American patriot said in the 1960s, "Extremism in the defense of democracy is no vice." It is time for Georgia to get extremist, or else it will be too late!

Aris Katsaris says:

"You say it seems democracy is besieged from every side like Gondor in "Lord of the Rings" and we stand alone to defend it?"

A very apt comparison. Just like Minas Tirith, America is ruled by a Denethor, who opposes the enemy without actually bothering to avoid the enemy's methods, a man who would try to use the Ring and wouldn't destroy it.

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