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The New York Times Raises the White Flag

Filed under: US Elections

Ding-dong, the witch is comatose.

Ravaged by a plummeting stock price and circulation, brought on by egregious errors in turn caused by its crazed ideological blindness, the New York Times appears to have raised the White Flag of surrender.

It has agreed to have not one but two right-wing columnists and hired -- of all people -- William Kristol of the Weekly Standard to fill the second spot. As the Times notes: "In a 2003 column on the turmoil within The Times that led to the downfall of the top two editors, he wrote that it was not 'a first-rate newspaper of record,' adding, 'The Times is irredeemable.'"

First, owing to the Jayson Blair apocalypse, the Times was forced to appoint an Ombudsman, and now this. These are the wages of left-wing fanaticism -- ignominious failure and humiliation. But who knows? If the Times continues down this road, it might once again entitle itself to the nation's respect.

For anyone willing to bet it's intelligent enough to do so (and to let Kristol write what he really thinks about the Times in its own pages), there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'm offering cheap . . .

Predictably, the moonbats and nutroots are going ape. If you can believe it, they're actually complaining that there is "no word on whether the Times will follow Newsweek and 'balance' Kristol with a progressive columnist."

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