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Vladimir Putin is Time Magazine's "Man of the Year"

Filed under: Russia


Time Magazine, 1938
Man of the Year: Adolf Hitler

The magazine reported: "What Adolf Hitler & Co. did to Germany in less than six years was applauded wildly and ecstatically by most Germans. He lifted the nation from post-War defeatism. Under the swastika Germany was unified. His was no ordinary dictatorship, but rather one of great energy and magnificent planning. The 'socialist' part of National Socialism might be scoffed at by hard-&-fast Marxists, but the Nazi movement nevertheless had a mass basis. The 1,500 miles of magnificent highways built, schemes for cheap cars and simple workers' benefits, grandiose plans for rebuilding German cities made Germans burst with pride. Germans might eat many substitute foods or wear ersatz clothes but they did eat."


Time Magazine, 2007
Man of the Year: Vladmir Putin

The magazine reported: "When this intense and brooding KGB agent took over as President of Russia in 2000, he found a country on the verge of becoming a failed state. With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map. And he intends to redraw it himself. Though he will step down as Russia's President in March, he will continue to lead his country as its Prime Minister and attempt to transform it into a new kind of nation, beholden to neither East nor West."

Clearly establishing its journalistic brilliance, Time's correspondent interviewed Putin and began by stating: "The first question is something I'm curious about both as a man and as a journalist. You were born in 1946. I was born in 1948. We're of the same generation." Putin responded: "I could not have been born in 1946, because my father was wounded in the war, my mother survived the Leningrad blockade. They had lost two children and could not think of starting to have children straight away. That's why I was born a little later, in 1952." Readers may remember that a short while ago I exposed the nature of Time's coverage of Russia in detail on Pajamas Media. Pajamas editor Michael Weiss has a brilliant piece on the blog right now exposing the ridiculous fraud that underlies the suggestion that Putin's actual policies have altered Russia's standard of living or position in the world.

They don't even know how old he is? Yup, they don't even know as much as that.

As bad as they are, though, the Kremlin is far worse. Putin responded to Time's invitation to dispel American misconceptions about Russia by stating:

I don't believe these are misconceptions. I think this is a purposeful attempt by some to create an image of Russia based on which one could influence our internal and foreign policies. This is the reason why everybody is made to believe [that Russians] are a little bit savage still or they just climbed down from the trees, you know, and probably need to have the dirt washed out of their beards and hair.

Yet, Putin's press secretary responded to Time's Putin designation by stating: "It's very good news for us, very good news. We treat it as an acknowledgment of the role that was played by President Putin in helping to pull Russia out of the social troubles and economic troubles of the 1990s."

So which is it? If the designation by one of America's highest-circulating magazines is praise, then how dare Putin claim America is propagandizing against him? And if it is condemnation, then how dare the Kremlin lie about it so brazenly?

Oh and, by the way, just for the record Mr. Putin: Your country has the fifth highest murder rate in the world and the second highest rate for murder of journalists. Those are facts nobody can deny. So, in fact, your country actually is "a little bit savage." Some people might even say a lot.

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LibertyBoyNYC says:


La Russophobe says:

Indeed so.

Vova says:

Any problem? Why the fuss? A cornered rat, malignant troll, on the cover of off-the-left-wall lunatic fringe outlet which has gone eco-friendly :-)

Manuela says:

HA! Well Kim ppl rarely (if ever) learn from past mistakes.

Vova says:

John McCain has said when he looked into Putin's eyes he saw three letters -- K, G, and B. Now that these letters are plain for everyone to see, Time's award has followed, and Kasparov noted that if capo di tutti capi could buy Sochi olympics--the site of the genocide of the Great Circassian (Agygui) nation--why not Time?

mlp says:

Somebody needs to point-out to the Kremlin that George W. Bush also was "Time Man of the Year".

Artfldgr says:

Somebody needs to point-out to the Kremlin that George W. Bush also was "Time Man of the Year".

and that means what?

bush will be out of office... people havent been murdered... put in mental wards... poisioned in foreign lands.. etc.

as much as many dont like him... most of their dislike is because of leftist constant wailing...

if russia (who is the worlds largest weapons producer and seller at more than 20 billion a year), loses their land bridge to bring weapons to hammas, and plo, and sudan, and darfur, and all the other places...

wouldnt there be some semblence of peace and stability?

russia has no second order monetary production, they only have natural resources and weapons.

natural resources earn more in instability... and lo, weapons bring in money and create instability.

turkey is muslim but its siding with the US... look at a map... turkey has a rich second order money system... raw materials is only a small part of things, and ANY country like this, favors stability more..

so the old maxim still applies..

cui buono

who benifits...

of all the crap going on in the past 40 years... the US is made to look bad... nothing ever gets stable, so maximum profits on raw materials is higher...

and greenies here have kept us from building nuclear power plants.. which would have freed us a long time ago from such dependency... so who do they fight for?

no land bridge to the middle east and africa, and its hard to move 20 billion in arms a year.

and how does selling every fruitcake and subversive weapons part of the effort to reduce terrorism, and stabilize and make things safer?

it doesnt..

india is teeming up with china, and getting 300 tanks from russia for it.

what does india need 300 tanks for?

would the US let china invade them? no... so that aint it... is pakistan big enough to invade them? no... so that aint it..

go down the list.. and the only reason for india to have 300 tanks is that if thigs get destabilized enough, and america is too busy, india and china might team up and take pakistan... and india will be very happy and very close to their maoist freinds.

there is more than pool in river city.

LibertyBoyNYC says:

Artfldgr, you're golden [of course China & India wouldn't mind carving up the Northern quarters of Pakistan, but what also makes sense to me would be India buying appeasement from Russia in the form of tanks, in a sort of coerced compensation for the possible diminishing of the weapons market in Pakistan if Russia stops propping up Pakistan's aggressive intent - win/win for the Russkies]. But you're golden, baby, it comes down to the map. The whole global game is interception right now, to keep the Russians from an easy/profitable route to the sea and the lucrative African weapons market. USA in Iraq, Somalia, etc...look at the map...

Vova says:

Well, now that o u r MSM finally broke the story, and I am referring to Drudge quoting the Guardian, der Fuhrer's $40 billion stash can buy more than a few anti-American Times whores...

Ray says:

John McCain looked into Putin's eyes and saw one thing: "No telecom lobbyist money...end of conversation."

Kip Watson says:

Congratulations, this is a post of rare idiocy.

Vladimir Putin is great man who has brought his country back from not the brink, but the very depths of catastrophe.

He rescued his people from the clutches of the Oligarchs. He has restored legitimacy, lawfulness and justice to a state in complete collapse, and has begun restoring their birthright to a people sold out utterly to a small clique of deeply evil men.

What is it you hate about this noble man? Is it because Putin is alien to your class and culture? Or is it something to do with the Oligarchs being Jewish?

Either way, your post is the height of idiocy.

Kip Watson says:

Congratulations, this is a post of rare idiocy.

Vladimir Putin is great man who has brought his country back from not the brink, but the very depths of catastrophe.

He rescued his people from the clutches of the Oligarchs. He has restored legitimacy, lawfulness and justice to a state in complete collapse, and has begun restoring their birthright to a people sold out utterly to a small clique of deeply evil men.

What is it you hate about this noble man? Is it because Putin is alien to your class and culture? Or is it something to do with the Oligarchs being Jewish?

Either way, your post is the height of idiocy.

Zenzhetzhet says:

I really enjoyed the discussions here, and the sense (and knowledge) of 'history' of some of you. If this is what is what is a logical or cohesive discussion looks like, then I'm Rockefeller!

Richard says:

Kim Translator:

- Putin = Time person of the year
- Hitler = Time person of the year
- Therefore, Hitler = Putin (Continuing with this logic we can also assume that all winners of the title are also…Hitler. Eg: Truman = Hitler. Roosevelt = Hitler. When applying this simple algebraic rule to last year’s result we can also see that You = Hitler)
- Time reporters are bad journalists
- The only thing worse than bad journalism is Russia
- Putin believes that Western media is against him
- There is absolutely no evidence that Russo phobic websites existed, exist, or will ever exist on the internet, therefore Putin is wrong (hypocrisy runs wild here in the wilderness, does it not?)
- All Russians are savage (this one sounds like a quote from 19th century imperialists)

I don’t see why you take such racist stands against one of the Eastern Slavic nations. The ideology of intolerance and racial discrimination does not bode well for those who employ it in their putrid, conniving opinions. See, Kim – we can all use empty jargon, but mind you, it’s not what Orwell would have wanted. As for the role the executive power in Russia has had in its development, it is obviously arguable. However, when compared with other post-Soviet states, we can see that Russian per capita GDP is second only to that of the Baltic nations, which is a good sign for current economic development policies.

Richard says:

Kim Translator:

- Putin = Time person of the year
- Hitler = Time person of the year
- Therefore, Hitler = Putin (Continuing with this logic we can also assume that all winners of the title are also…Hitler. Eg: Truman = Hitler. Roosevelt = Hitler. When applying this simple algebraic rule to last year’s result we can also see that You = Hitler)
- Time reporters are bad journalists
- The only thing worse than bad journalism is Russia
- Putin believes that Western media is against him
- There is absolutely no evidence that Russo phobic websites existed, exist, or will ever exist on the internet, therefore Putin is wrong (hypocrisy runs wild here in the wilderness, does it not?)
- All Russians are savage (this one sounds like a quote from 19th century imperialists)

I don’t see why you take such racist stands against one of the Eastern Slavic nations. The ideology of intolerance and racial discrimination does not bode well for those who employ it in their putrid, conniving opinions. See, Kim – we can all use empty jargon, but mind you, it’s not what Orwell would have wanted. As for the role the executive power in Russia has had in its development, it is obviously arguable. However, when compared with other post-Soviet states, we can see that Russian per capita GDP is second only to that of the Baltic nations, which is a good sign for current economic development policies.

glenn says:

To the author of this, I am inclined to comment about how Russians, with their high murder rate, are savage. Is murder a good way to judge how savage a people are? Why philadelphia has had a one a day murder rate for an entire month, does that make philadelphia savage? Our nation's capital has a higher rate per capita of murder than the entire Russian Federation at 69.3 in every 100,000!! Our nation's capital is thus more savage than Russia!!! Americans have no right to call anyone savage, especially a nation that is still coming into it's own after a near collapse.

After all, we are a nation, who's largest expenditure is defense, and which supports itself on a military industrial complex.

Kazuma says:

thanks god for that
someone with some sense, yes putin did "ok" considering the circumstances he came into power. In saying that it doesn't justify the things that have happened since, and to all the red necks out there, this means you, speaking english well and using fancy words does not make you smart, if you want to start talking about murder lets start with your history shall we?
lets see
hmm white american starts, kicks the brits out then says hey, lets kill all the indians send the mexicans packing and then enslave africa
well, great work you guys, seriously if you had gas back in those days you would have done EXACTLY the same as the nazi's did to the jews, at least the jews still have the culture
you basically exterminated a culture then you have the audacity to say you are righteous?
your constitution was written in blood by an all white party of rich greedy men
so before you start hating russia which by no means is perfect, take a long hard look at your own country

wow gold says:


Rusky muzik says:

тупо и не смешно. Россию воспринимают так из-за ваших дибильных стереотипов. По статистике, общее число совершаемых преступлений в России примерно в десять раз меньше, чем в США. Если в Америке ежегодно регистрируется 30-40 млн преступлений, из которых 4,5-5,5 млн относятся к разряду серьезных, то в России регистрируют всего около 3 млн преступлений в год.В то же время раскрываемость преступлений в России, согласно статистике, самая высокая в мире. Убийств в РФ регистрируется в 20 раз больше, чем в Японии (по количеству на 100 тыс. населения), в 17 раз больше, чем в Германии, в 14 раз больше, чем во Франции, в 12 раз больше, чем в Швеции, и в 3,5 раза больше, чем в США. Между тем Швеция в 20 раз опережает Россию по разбойным нападениям, а Дания - в 10 раз по кражам.
Собственно, из-за ваших тупых шовинистских стереотипов о России вас здесь и не любят.
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Rusky muzik says:

тупо и не смешно. Россию воспринимают так из-за ваших дибильных стереотипов. По статистике, общее число совершаемых преступлений в России примерно в десять раз меньше, чем в США. Если в Америке ежегодно регистрируется 30-40 млн преступлений, из которых 4,5-5,5 млн относятся к разряду серьезных, то в России регистрируют всего около 3 млн преступлений в год.В то же время раскрываемость преступлений в России, согласно статистике, самая высокая в мире. Убийств в РФ регистрируется в 20 раз больше, чем в Японии (по количеству на 100 тыс. населения), в 17 раз больше, чем в Германии, в 14 раз больше, чем во Франции, в 12 раз больше, чем в Швеции, и в 3,5 раза больше, чем в США. Между тем Швеция в 20 раз опережает Россию по разбойным нападениям, а Дания - в 10 раз по кражам.
Собственно, из-за ваших тупых шовинистских стереотипов о России вас здесь и не любят.
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Rusky muzik says:

тупо и не смешно. Россию воспринимают так из-за ваших дибильных стереотипов. По статистике, общее число совершаемых преступлений в России примерно в десять раз меньше, чем в США. Если в Америке ежегодно регистрируется 30-40 млн преступлений, из которых 4,5-5,5 млн относятся к разряду серьезных, то в России регистрируют всего около 3 млн преступлений в год.В то же время раскрываемость преступлений в России, согласно статистике, самая высокая в мире. Убийств в РФ регистрируется в 20 раз больше, чем в Японии (по количеству на 100 тыс. населения), в 17 раз больше, чем в Германии, в 14 раз больше, чем во Франции, в 12 раз больше, чем в Швеции, и в 3,5 раза больше, чем в США. Между тем Швеция в 20 раз опережает Россию по разбойным нападениям, а Дания - в 10 раз по кражам.
Собственно, из-за ваших тупых шовинистских стереотипов о России вас здесь и не любят.
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Danny says:

Just all you need to know - USA is the biggest weapon exporter in the world. And US started almost every war after WOW or had something to deal with it. So we need to start talking about bloody hands of Penthagon

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