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A Stockmarket in Freefall

Filed under: Russia


You might think that the chart above is following the recent progress of the U.S. stock market, whose Dow Jones Industrial Average has plummeted in recent days, leading the Federal Reserve to announce support for a major new stimulus package to stave off possible recession.

But it's not. It's a chart of the Russian stock market, which has lost 8% of its value in the last three days. Lost it, even though the price of oil has skyrocketed (one of the major reasons that the U.S. stock market has tanked, owing to the consumer price inflation that has resulted) and Russia is one of the world's leading oil producers. On Wednesday, the Russian market suffered its worst one-day loss of the entire year.

The Moscow Times quoted Harvey Sawikin, a founding partner of U.S.-based Firebird Management, stating: "I think the market has gotten a bit oversold. The Russian market is very vulnerable to correction. When there's a correction, it's very sharp and very fast." As the paper notes: "Russia had been largely insulated from the global meltdown. But the tumbling stock markets suggested that the country is not quite as decoupled from global economies as it would like to think."

Pointing out the insane tendency of Russians to reward failure by lunatics like Putin and Stalin, Blogger Streetwise Professor observes that Russia's economic fundamentals are non-existent, the reason it cannot hope to weather economic storms: "With respect to the economy, Russia's performance under Putin looks far less impressive when one sees that Armenia, which has in no way profited from the energy boom that has fueled the Russian economy, grew almost twice as fast (13.6 percent) as Russia in 2007." Just as in Soviet times, Russians are fatally overestimating their own potency, causing their mouths to write checks their fists can't cash (in a fit of crazed cold-war arrogance, the Kremlin recently shut down the UK's British Council cultural offices throughout Russia, seeming to invite Britain to do the same in regard to Russian cultural institutions in Britain, like Pushkin House; the result is that Russia finds itself encircled by European lawsuits and Ukraine is being allowed into the WTO before Russia, allowing it to sit in judgment on the Russian application).

When will the world, and especially the Russians (and the Saudis), learn that bringing down American power would have the effect of trashing the entire world's economy? Or do they hate America so much that they will happily destroy the entire globe if only they can "get" America in the process?

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Pearl says:

So Armenia grew twice as fast as Russia.
While Russia grew twice as fast as the U.S.

And at least the pillars of the Russian economies aren't going around the world begging questionable oil-rich regimes for capital infusions. Not only the financial companies, but also the entire U.S. economy is very much f%@ed.

Pearl says:

Here's a theory: maybe George W. Bush is the American Yeltsin:

- lost wars with many combat casualties, as well as indiscriminate civilian losses (chechnya, iraq)
- economic catastrophe (ruble crisis, credit crisis)
- corruption (yukos, halliburton)
- begging (Sakhalin PSAs, capital infusions to financial institutions)
- government debt (IMF loans, "China financing")
- mocking democracy (fraudulent election, fraudulent election, domestic spying "patriot" act)

Yeltsin and Bush brought humiliation and ruin to their respective countries.

The similarities are jaw-dropping.

La Russophobe says:


You've totally ignored the point of this post, which isn't to tout U.S. economic performance (although it far exceeds Russia's if you take out the rising price of oil which is something that Russians have absolutely nothing to do with).

The point is that when America's economy goes south, so does the world's. So instead of trying to undermine us, the world should be trying to help us. Nothing you've said challenges this point. Apparently you can't and that makes you unhappy, so like a typical Soviet propagandist you try to change the subject.

Russians work for an average wage of less than $4/hour and men don't live to see their 60th year. If you'd prefer to live in that economy, why don't' you?

Vova says:

Re: "they hate America so much that they will happily destroy the entire globe if only they can "get" America in the process?", herewith one observation: as both Radzikhovskiy and Belkovskiy (archenemies) say, the bloodsucking leeches aka Russian elite are heavily invested in the West, their children are educated there, their real estate is there, etc., so all this crap is for the plebs, the citizens who to them are just subhuman debris

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