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An Open Letter to Michelle Malkin

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Dear Michelle,

As a conservative female blogger with a litmus test in the forthcoming U.S. presidential elections, I think we have a lot in common. Ironically, though, our litmus tests drive us to the exact opposite conclusion on Senator John McCain.

I love the man, because his stance on Russia -- my litmus test -- is exactly correct. Boot them out of the G-8 and then do all that is humanly possible to contain their neo-Soviet aggression, which includes sending truckloads of cash to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, shiploads of weapons to freaks like Hugo Chavez and, worst of all, nuclear technology to Iran. In general, Russia is seeking to destabilize the Middle East so as to keep oil prices artificially high, since their economy depends on oil. The Kremlin is trying to do in 2007 with natural resources what it tried to do in 1967 with nuclear missiles. I presume McCain's stance on other foreign policy issues will be just as good. I have no reason to think otherwise.

You hate McCain, because you think his stance on illegal immigration -- your litmus test -- is exactly incorrect. In the past, he's embraced a very liberal attitude towards what you call "shamnesty," a legal measure that would allow illegal immigrants already her to become legal with due paperwork and penance.

From what I can gather, you like Mitt Romney because he's tougher on immigration (Giuliani is on life support, and also apparently pro-immigrant, so you don't really have any other choice). It probably doesn't surprise you to learn that I disdain Romney because he's way, way too soft on Russia. Indeed, I'm not at all sure he has any clue what is actually going on behind the new Iron Curtain these days.

Now, I want to be clear in saying I'm completely sympathetic with your position on illegal immigration, and I'm sure that you're quite sympathetic to my position on Russia. You've routinely blasted Hugo Chavez, and you're one of the world's leading champions in the battle against Islamic extremism. So I'd like to ask you to take another look at Senator McCain.

He's promised that, if elected, he'll make establishing border security a priority over "shamnesty," and you say you don't believe him. I understand your concern, because he's been abominably wishy-washy on this point. But I think you'll have to agree that Romney has been just as wishy-washy on the subject of America's foreign policy, if not more so, and I'd like to think that Senator McCain is a man of his word. If you'll excuse me for saying so, I don't think you've done enough to criticize Romney on foreign policy, and I'm a bit disappointed by that. Frankly, the idea of him making our Russia policy terrifies me.

That is, it would unless John McCain were his vice president or secretary of state, and given full authority over U.S. foreign policy. In fact, I might even be satisfied if McCain were made ambassador to Russia, with carte blanche authority. Come to think of it, a Romney-McCain ticket sounds quite impressive, especially given the shaky nature of our economy these days, Romney's long suit.

I'd like to remind you that Senator McCain is a well-known maverick, and the old adage about hunting the tiger applies. If you shoot at him, you'd better kill him. If you miss or just wing him, you're lunch. If you deny McCain the nomination, that's one thing, but what if you don't? Are you certain you want to so weaken him that Hillary or Obama becomes president? Assuming he beats them, aren't you concerned that he'll turn a deaf ear to you, and hence grievously damage your cause? And don't forget, by alienating McCain from the process, rather than merely defeating him, you might remove a powerful vote-gathering force in the general election.

In my view, a bit of moderation is called for, and some constructive suggestions as to how this brave patriotic man can best be part of a Republican victory and government next November.

What do you say?

Best regards,

Kim Zigfeld

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John Husey says:

Great post, Kim.

John is old, tough and to a very large degree stubborn but he understands what needs to be done. Mitt is just too slick for my taste. It starts with the hair!

John is rather simple and he knows he is flawed, as we all are flawed. Because he understands his flaws he is completely at ease seeking answers to what he doesn't understand. I know I would be completely happy to be at his table or to have him at mine.

Mitt on the other hand, is a country club guy with an "I know it all" attitude. His is 100% a "you work for me" type of guy NOT a "we work toghther" type of guy.

John laughs at himself. Mitt laughs at everyone else.

Agkyra says:

Right on. Romney is the opposite of what the Republican Party needs right now. We need someone principled, consistent, and honest. McCain fits the bill, Romney doesn't come close. He'll get slaughtered in a general election against Obama, although he might be a contender against Clinton.

My only fear is that, in spite of McCain's strong reputation and talk about leadership, he doesn't have enough personal presence or gravitas to rally people to him the way Obama does. Obama is all package, no contents, but the package is one that people want to get behind. (Just look at him in the upper-left corner of his website, staring off into the distance. Put a hammer in his hand and you could stand him as a communist-era statue at any Platz in East Berlin.) Even so, McCain is my man, the most substantial candidate left in either party (other than Ron Paul perhaps).

Obama says:

Well, you could just vote democrat.

T. Jefferson says:

Malkin and Hannity are fascists! The only REAL Conservative is Ron Paul. If the GOP nominates anyone else we are finished as a party.

A vote for anyone other than Paul in the GOP Primaries is a vote for the Dem nominee.

GOP - get that through your thick skulls!!!!!

MaryJ says:

Mexico is more of a threat to US sovereignty than Russia. Do some research on how they meddle in our political affairs, and how they encourage both legal and non-legal immigrants of Mexican origin to act as a Fifth Column against our national sovereignty, and how their violent organized drug cartels are establishing themselves in our cities and towns, and corrupting our political representatives. Last year the Mexican military transgressed our border 29 documented times, 17 of them armed. Please, when was the last time the Russians violated our national sovereignty with armed troops? McCain hired a slimy, card-carrying, dual-citizen Mexican nationalist who advocates the destruction of the US through open borders, as his "Hispanic outreach" director. In the old days McCain would have been tried for treason for hiring a dual-national Fifth Columnist for an important post on his campaign staff.

Manuela says:

Great post! I know little of US domestic policy but I do not think Mexicans are more dangerous than Russia or the new alignment made of Russia, Iran, some of Latin America's countries and the militias/movements we all know and hear about on a daily basis: Hamas, HizbAllah and Muslim Brotherhood. US has zero credibility on the foreign policy front and that is dangerous. There is no middle way here I am afraid for the long term. My 2 cents.

pressreader says:

> neo-Soviet aggression, which includes sending truckloads of cash to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, shiploads of weapons to freaks like Hugo Chavez and, worst of all, nuclear technology to Iran.

None of these violate any international laws. What exactly do you mean by "neo Soviet agression"?

How would you call the occupation of Iraq on false pretext and without a UN approval?

pressreader says:

> neo-Soviet aggression, which includes sending truckloads of cash to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, shiploads of weapons to freaks like Hugo Chavez and, worst of all, nuclear technology to Iran.

None of these violate any international laws. What exactly do you mean by "neo Soviet agression"?

How would you call the occupation of Iraq on false pretext and without a UN approval?

kavips says:

Interesting point: conservatives themselves are saying McCain's the man.

By conservatives I mean real human people trying to keep ahead of their bills in South Carolina and Florida,... not those elite Conservatives being paid millions by talking into a microphone.

Conservatism is not dead. It is more alive than ever. To be precise, it is just the "old Limbaugh" definition of Conservatism that has passed away. It has gone, I'm sure, the way of the Whigs and Federalists..........extinct.

Rob says:

I spent many hours on the phone over many weeks to defeat John McAmnesty and his Kennedy shamnisty bill. I will NOT support that SOB in the coming election. If Romney is not on the ticket, I will stay home and hope a demoncrat wins. Maybe after four years with an Obama in the White House the population will FINALLY be ready for a conservative revoution. McAmnesty brags constantly asbout his leadership during the Vietnam War, however, if memorty serves, he was captured and spent years locked up...GREAT leadership...

Terrible Candy says:

I agree with this completely! McCain will definitely deport the 20+ million illegal Russian immigrants in the country already and stop their endless flood at our border with Russia. McCain will stop all of the illegal drugs being shipped from Russia, and all of the illegal arms being brought in from Russia.

Damn neo-soviets always trying to ruin the U.S from the inside.

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