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Feminism Stabs itself in the Back

Filed under: US Elections

I find it positively terrifying to witness the damage women are doing to the cause of feminism.

If Hillary Clinton were to be elected president, it would set the tone for decades to come that women can only do it if they have marriage to lean on. If Hillary really cared about the plight of women, she would have found a woman who achieved greatness independent of her marriage and backed her for president. Did Condi Rice become the first female national security adviser, or Madeline Albright the first female secretary of state, or Sandra O'Connor the first female supreme court justice, because their husband did the job first and let them watch?

Then there's this in the New York Times, from one Caitlin Flanagan, the author of To Hell With All That, who is working on a book about the emotional lives of pubescent girls:

The movie Juno is a fairy tale about a pregnant teenager who decides to have her baby, place it for adoption and then get on with her life. For the most part, the tone of the movie is comedic and jolly, but there is a moment when Juno tells her father about her condition, and he shakes his head in disappointment and says, "I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when." Female viewers flinch when he says it, because his words lay bare the bitterly unfair truth of sexuality: female desire can bring with it a form of punishment no man can begin to imagine, and so it is one appetite women and girls must always regard with caution. Because Juno let her guard down and had a single sexual experience with a sweet, well-intentioned boy, she alone is left with this ordeal of sorrow and public shame.

Guys don't need to be careful? Can't they catch STDs? Can't they get sued for child support? Can't they get beaten up by girls' fathers? There are actually women in positions of power at the New York Times editorial page, a woman might even have been responsible for publishing this garbage. Sure, only a woman can have a child. And although there's responsibility in that, isn't there also power, if women are wise enough to seize it? Doesn't the hand that rocks the cradle rule the world?

Unfair? Well, if the woman had been on the pill (perhaps insisting her lover pay half its substantial cost), and if she had insisted her lover wear a condom (perhaps offering to pay half that cost), and if she then got pregnant anyway, that would sure be unfair. In that case, she would have every right in the world to complain that our society fails to impose any burden upon the father in such cases and places her in a position where her life, and certainly her psychology, might be ruined. That would be an outrage. And, in those circumstances, lots of men would rally to support her cause.

But such a woman wouldn't be heard to complain in the world wrought by derelicts like Ms. Flanagan, because so many little girls like her have cried "Wolf!" so many times without the slightest thought of what they are saying. You won't hear anything about that from this traitor to the cause of women's rights. Instead, all she can talk about is how women are victimized by biology, in a tone that implies they can only get justice if men condescend to give to them. She writes: "Biology is destiny, and the brutally unfair outcome that adolescent sexuality can produce will never change." If that's feminism, give me a male chauvanist pig any day of the week!

Nonsense. What will never change is the childish and irresponsible attitude some women, a tiny minority unfortunately vested with disproportionate influence, have towards power (Ms. Magazine, for instance, recently refused an advertisement touting women's accomplishments in Israel). That, and only that, keeps women from realizing their full potential. Dispense with it, and our majority status would incinerate sexism and blow it from the face of the Earth like dust in a typhoon.

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Charlie says:

"Biology is destiny?"

Ah, what a luxurious life Ms. Flanagan lives. Not only is her victim status her birthright (unshakeable as her XX chromosomes), but she's managed to parlay it into her bread and butter.

Books and op-eds in the NYTimes on poor put-upon girls doomed from birth to be sexual victims...what's next, merchandising? Action figures of angst-ridden teenage girls cowering in a girls' room stall, with drooling 15-year-old male sexual predators (complete with "high-five-your-buddies" action) sold separately?

Artfldgr says:

Many guys have noticed the difference, but if we say anything we are then labled mysogynist. meanwhile try typing msandry into word and see what happens... mysogynist is there, misandrist is not.

the dominant form of feminism is victim feminism, and radical feminism. they dominate college curriculum, courts, and are at the forefront of the nanny state. (vawa is one sided legislation technically not permitted by the constitution).

the new way is that one must be treated unequally to be treated equal (or you cant get the soviet socialist maxim of each according to their needs, each according to their abilities).

they will twise m einstein and try to make her he force behind e einstein, when e einstein credited emmy noether. why dont they celebreate emmy? because she wasnt a socialist and so forth like sanger, who wanted to exterminate the blacks and chinese.

look what they did in harvard, in which larry summers had to leave because he made the same faux pas that watson did. he spoke the truth and pointed out that their ideology is os way off, its not getting answers, and whoosh, out they went.

there are more single parent families now than two parent families... they said they were for the destruction of the family, and they meant it. its pretty much dead and the publics absorption of it will not let any candidate take the actions we need to revive population and stop the barbarians at the gates.

they even said that if family was an option too many women would take that option. so the idea is to live a live like rutting animals, and babies go to state organs, while everyone else parties on (so to speak).

there are articles about the end of men since genetics has allowed parthenogenic female only babies (they think its an answer). others write about reducing males to 10% of the population. meanwhile you can works by erin pizzey. she was the woman that opened the first womens shelter. she talks freely and openly about the ideological basis in control now. as she was ousted and had to leave the country or get killed as they took over her place.



Just recently a 'battered woman,' for that is how she saw herself, came to me for help. Her lover, who lived apart from her and her children, had beaten her up badly and she was forced to go to the hospital. He then took her back to her own house and stayed with her in order to look after her while her wounds healed.

'You are not a battered woman,' I said with a sigh. I define a battered woman as a woman who is a genuine victim of her partner's violence. 'You are a violence-prone woman, a victim of your own need for violence.' I sighed because those two sentences uttered twenty-five years ago in my early work at Chiswick caused me to be hated and despised. I became the nation's conscience. I dared to say publicly that women can be as violent as men and that women were a great deal more psychologically violent than men. In this woman's case we have a great deal of work to do and he needs to find himself a good therapist.

In 1971, inspired by the promise of women journalists and other media-manipulators, I decided to join the newly founded Women's Movement. 'Sisterhood is powerful' they chanted. 'Sisters unite, no more competing, women helping women.' It all sounded too good to be true. My first meeting filled me with doubts. It was held in a very middle-class home in Chiswick and I gazed at the Mao posters on the wall of the drawing-room. When asked why I was there by the hostess, I replied that my husband was a television reporter and was very rarely home and I felt lonely and isolated with my two children. 'Your problem is not your isolation but your husband. He oppresses you and he is a capitalist.' I pointed out that she too had a mortgage so she therefore was a capitalist, and far from oppressing me my husband was baby-sitting so that I could attend this meeting. Her husband was out at a Union meeting organizing the Brentford Biscuit factory with the help of his degree in Political Science, to prepare for the forthcoming revolution.

What the woman didn't know, was that I was the daughter of a diplomat. I was born in China, and traveled the world with my father. I also-worked in the Foreign Office and was well aware of the atrocities both in Russia and in China. Then over cups of tea, we were assured that women were a minority group. I pointed out that women made up fifty-two per cent of the world's population. I was given Mao's little red book and SHREW magazine. I took it home and was horrified at the hatred it spewed against men.

I decided that this organization needed looking at. With both children in school and time on my hands I went to work for The Women's Liberation Workshop in Shaftsbury Avenue. I witnessed the women working there tearing open letters and pocketing the three pounds ten shillings that desperate women were sending in to join the movement. I tried to answer as many of the letters as I could. Some of that money went into buying explosives.

Terrorists in the Women's Movement blew up the BBC van outside the Miss World Contest and the top off the Post office tower. I called in the police. All this rubbish and rhetoric was to culminate in the up-rising of the 'working classes' and the death of Capitalism and the destruction of all men. Needless to say there were virtually no working class women in this movement. Most of the revolution was fought around middle class dinner tables in grisly Islington.

By now I was very firmly 'the enemy.' Men, at this point, took the whole movement as a joke but it was no joke, as many homeless men deprived of their children will tell you. Savaged by feminist lawyers and therapists, men have routinely been deprived of their homes, their children and their incomes.

I knew that I wanted to fulfill my original dream. Women working with women in co-operation with men. The idea that we should work with men was anathema to these women. The Women's Movement was dominated by the Radical Separatist Movement. They not only hated men but heterosexual women as well. I saw through their very hidden agenda. I stood on platforms saying that if I had to pay three pounds ten shillings, meet in cells and call my friends comrade, then they were asking me to join the Communist Party, which was fine, but don't lie. Don't collect money under false pretenses. I had plenty of good Communist friends, I wanted a movement that truly represented women. Not tired hacked-to-death male politics.

The early collective meetings and conferences involved hundreds of women, mostly middle-class women bored with their life-styles and they were terrifying. Anyone brought up in a girls' boarding school as I was, knows how violent and manipulative women can be. The bullying in the collectives was unabated. No lipstick, no high heels, no deodorant, I broke all the rules. 'Why do you wear men's suits and ties,' I asked. 'if you so hate men?' Silly question I suppose. 'We are wearing the symbol of our oppression,' was the humorless reply.

By now I realized through reading the Women's Movement literature that those thousands of women working in all caring fields, the journalists, the television makers, were determined to destroy family life in England. [See Communist Manifesto —WHS] 'Make the personal political,' was one of their many banners. So thousands of violent and very disturbed women attacked normal happily married women and our traditional way of life. Secret meetings were held (everything was done in secret) and I received a letter '.....and the collective decided that until the whole matter is sorted out, and you have given a statement of this position to a woman-lawyer, or someone in the N.C.C.L., you should no longer work in the office or attend meetings of any of the collectives.'

Profoundly depressed by my experiences in the movement, I went off to do what I always believed would liberate women. A place to gather and to work together in co-operation with men.

Soon beaten and battered women with their children were coming to me for help. There was no literature on battered women, so I wrote 'Scream Quietly Or The Neighbors Will Hear.' I was immediately in trouble because the book was not 'politically correct,' it discussed family violence and I refused to let the Managing Director politicize my book. By now I was giving the figure of 62 women out of the first hundred women who came to the refuge were as violent or more violent than the men they left. Also many were prostitutes taking refuge from their violent pimps. This infuriated the Women's Movement. I knew that as soon as I attracted publicity and funding, the Women's Movement which by now attracted neither, would be beating on my door. When I called a small conference to help other groups get started, several hundred women with feminists and radical separatist feminists invaded my conference. They started their usual bogus rubbish trying to appeal to my mothers, making much use of the phrase 'working classes.' My mothers were not impressed. One of my closest friends at Chiswick said 'there isn't a working class woman amongst you.' Another slightly bolder yelled 'go home and get your dildoes.' We left them to battle it out by themselves. They then formed The National Women's Aid Federation.

This delighted my many enemies at The Home Office and The Department Of Social Security. My chief enemy at my first meeting was a member of the sisterhood. 'How will you pay for your refuge?' she sniffed. 'I shall pray,' I said. I did all the time and it was our prayers that sustained Chiswick for all those years. The Federation used all their contacts in the media (many of them were journalists) to rubbish me and my work. By now I was writing at home at night. They came to interview me about my books but the books were never discussed, only how fat I was or how belligerent I was.

I recently asked The Home Office for their latest report and I was not surprised to see that my name and 'Scream Quietly,' the first book in the world on wife battering was missing. I knew from other writers that editors in the publishing world of London were themselves radical feminists and it was their habit to dictate their themes to desperate writers, who were then coerced into writing the editor's book, knowing that should they disobey, they would not be published. My brother Danny always wrote what he was told to write. He complained down the telephone to me and finally, just before he died, he said bitterly 'I have no contracts and no film deals in sight.' He rewrote the four hundred page synopsis for his book four times to suit his agent and his publishers.

Throughout all the fighting I kept preaching that family life was and always will be the foundation of any civilization. Destroy the family and you destroy the country. I warned that of the violent women with their children coming to me, virtually none used contraception. My mothers had an average of 5.1 children, meanwhile non-violent families had a 2.5 average. I wrote reports, I drafted memos, all to no avail. Nobody wanted to hear what I had to say. In the back of 'Scream Quietly' I listed all the agencies that had failed my families. I wrote that I was not seeing social workers, I was seeing political activists with social work degrees. The same went for teachers, and probation officers, editors of books and magazines. Like a giant cancer this movement dug its crabs legs into anywhere they could wield their power.

Many women, assisted by weak men, sought to destroy me and my work and I knew that finally having fought court cases that involved disobeying judge's orders to save children's lives, I knew I would be ousted from my own refuge. A few men bravely tried to make their voices heard, realizing the dangers. They too were excoriated by both men and women. Businessmen in the media, managing directors of publishing houses, never understood that their editors were lying to them. Playing the numbers game. 'Who do you think you are?' screamed one feminist editor. 'I must be somebody,' I replied. 'After all I'm in Debrett's and Who's Who. You're nobody in publishing.' Another said...'Why can't you write the sort of books you know I like, Erin...... books about women loving women?' 'I can't,' I replied. 'I'm a heterosexual writer and all my books celebrate family life.'

Because men looked upon the refuge movement as a 'woman's issue', newspapers sent women journalists to attack me. I addressed a conference of radical feminists and asked them why, when I respected their right to practice their politics and define their own sexuality they denied me my rights to my heterosexuality, my right to live and work to preserve family life and to enjoy being at home with my family. That I think being a mother and a grandmother has given me more joy than any other achievement. I was screamed down and met with utter hostility.

When I published 'Prone to Violence', a book about my work with violent women and the children in the refuge, I was picketed by hundreds of banner-waving women. 'All men are bastards!' read some of the banners. 'All men are rapists!' shrieked another. 'If those banners said Jews or black people, you would have arrested those women,' I told the policeman who had come to say that I had to have a police escort all around England for the book tour.

In due course, I lost the refuge but a carefully orchestrated campaigning the press never allowed the people of England to know that I was pushed into exile. The newspapers made much of my defection and I was helpless. My crime was to fight for family life and values. A few months ago The Sunday Times sent a reporter to find out why I was waitressing in a bar in exchange for food. 'There seems to have been a conspiracy,' the reporter wrote. I knew that remainder notices would soon be forthcoming and now my back list is remaindered. Thank goodness my books are selling all over the world including sales to Russia. I own nothing but my four dogs and my cat and I work internationally for peace in the family.

Aris Katsaris says:

That, and only that, keeps women from realizing their full potential.

*Only* that?

Does this opinion of yours concern the position of women worldwide, or just in regards to America?

Artfldgr says:

oh.. and the communist feminists dont see the food chain... or dont care.. women are below blacks.. and everyone is below multiculturalism... (in order of ideology and the harm they can bring and the power you can milk from them)

so you get things like this:

A report on the lack of safety in Toronto schools was released yesterday. It was scathing, to say the least. Kids with guns, sexual assaults etc. Within that report was the case of a young Muslim girl who was sexually assaulted in a school washroom by six males. The principal and vice principals were aware of the assault but did not report it, because they feared for the girl's safety if her family found out.

"Police have charged the former principal and two vice-principals at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate under Ontario's Child and Family Services Act with failing to report an alleged sexual assault on a student, the Star has learned."

how lovely... girl gets gang raped and its under the rug... why? because its muslims following sharia and dhimmi law.

this is why the feminists pulled back on the prevention of genital mutilation (which women practice unto each other more).

this is why there is a conversion trend of feminists to islam (which makes no sense ideologically, but in other terms it makes a lot of sense).

its why malmo is a city that swedes have little truck with. ambulance will not go in, and swedish men have been so feminised that they dotn fight back nor do they stop the islamics (and thats why women are converting, the islamic men are stronger than western men, and that hits their gene selection machinery)

While investigating conditions at Jefferys, the panel, headed by lawyer Julian Falconer, learned of an alleged sexual assault of a Muslim girl in a school washroom, information that was passed on to Director of Education Gerry Connelly. The board's lawyer contacted the police. Six males have since been charged with gang sexual assault, forcible confinement and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.

well you see, its illegal to say things againt muslims. thats hate speech... or to say things against gays (who are many more times more likely to molest children, but we arent allowed to say that since we assume that its heterosexual males only that do this. so we ignore women raping children too!)

want to know what that western culture did about indian sutti?

well its the same damned thing we should do now..

for those that dont know. sutti is the practice of cremating the husband who died... AND having the wife alive on top of the fire going with him!!!

multiculturalism the way we have it now would not prevent someone to stop that. in fact doing so would be a hate crime.

here is how the english stopped the more civil people in india from taking wives and throwing them alive onto fires.

the commander of british forces said the practice must stop. the indians said that it cant, it is their custom. the occupying british then said fine. you are allowed your customs. to which the indians were happy. he also said that the british and men in the west also ahve a custom. and that they can have theirs, to which the english will have theirs. and he said that next to each funeral pyre they would build a gallows. and theindians can have their sutti... and after wards they will hang the men as is the western custom.

funny how no one likes sutti anymore.

lets put some faces on this now... no?

(i am only using this a convenient source of collected information, and my posting the link does not in any way prmote them as a site or source consistently)

gang rapes, inserted things, slaughter, slicing the nose open, giving them what they rever to as "smilies" (cutting the cheek open from ear to mouth)

yes... you see no war.. no complaints.. no western men to stand up against this..

after all, western culture is horrible bad, and all other culures are good, and so these women have to suffer. HAVE to suffer. and they have no place to go to select another outcome... why? bcause multiculturalism means tehre is no market for cultures. that no culure can be better than anotehr by people abandoning it and moving.

so these women, cant move to the west to get away.. as the west no imports the culture... and uses it to destroy their own...

and its all to make the new communist woman.

and in sweden the most feminist country, the desease is many times worse than in france... byut they are not allowed to repor t the news due to hate speech laws.

Some example of honour killings in Sweden:

Pela Atroshi (1999): She was shot to death in Dhouk in Iraqi Kurdistan. Her sister called the Swedish police and reported the murder. Two uncles got a life sentence for the murder. The father is still wanted by the authorities.

Umea (1996): A 15-year-old Iraqi girl in Umea was killed by her brother and cousin after a party. The motive was that she had a Swedish life style.

Palestinian Girl (1994): A Palestinian man in Vastmanland killed his 18-year-old daughter when she refused to marry the man the father had chosen for her.

[oh, and check the stats, where feminism is and western culure is gone, rapes are up since women are equal... and on their own... remember the riga and the ships men saying every one for themselves, women and children first is old fashioned?]

Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way

Thomas Anderberg, responsible for statistics at the Malmö Police, says there was a doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes. - I think that’s great news, says Anna Gustafsson, head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmö Police. She suggests that the increase is due to the fact that women who otherwise wouldn’t press charges for rape now choose to contact the police.

same old reason... how about the fact that a fatwah was put out that informed the muslim population that a woman not wearing a veil was a whore and anyone could do what they want with her as she has no protection?

In other words, Gustafsson claims that we are dealing with a “technical” increase, not a real one. nope.. sudden greater reporting which implies that the numbers havent gotten worse, just that women are walkingin more.

well guess what? they are a lot worse...

According to Swedish Radio on Tuesday, statistics from Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention show that the number of reported rapes against children is on the rise. The figures have nearly doubled in the last ten years: 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004 compared with 258 in 1995. Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving a 13 year old girl from Motala who was said to have been subjected to a group rape by four men. (Note: These four men were Kurdish Muslims, who raped the girl for hours and even took photos of doing so)

read the rest of the article... fjordman reports from outside sweden... or else he would get arrested.

As Robert Spencer has demonstrated, rape can indeed be linked to Islamic teachings of Jihad, and even to the example of Muhammad himself, his Sunna. Above all, it is connected to Islamic notions of the role of women in society, and their behaviour in the public sphere. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are "asking for rape." Apparently, he isn’t the only Muslim in Europe to think this way:

The German journalist Udo Ulfkotte told in a recent interview that in Holland, you can now see examples of young, unveiled Moroccan women with a so-called "smiley". It means that the girl gets one side of her face cut up from mouth to ear, serving as a warning to other Muslim girls who should refuse to wear the veil. In the Muslim suburb of Courneuve, France, 77 per cent of the veiled women carry veils reportedly because of fear of being harassed or molested by Islamic moral patrols.

Artfldgr says:

and in case someone qyuestions my assertions of feminists converting to islam..

U.K. Is Home to Thousands of Islamic Converts

She says she's now an Islamic feminist. Conversion has changed her lifestyle ... There have been several high profile converts to Islam in Britain
The more she read, the more excited she became:

When I read the Qur’an, Islam’s holiest book, I thought it was beautiful, so scientific, so compassionate, so feminist! Nearly all the books I’d ever read about Islam, all written by non-Muslims, showed Islam in a negative light. Those people who wrote against Islam sometimes gave partial quotes from the Qur’an, leaving out the rest of the verse, or they would translate the verses incorrectly, on purpose or by mistake. I knew enough Arabic to know that what I was reading was unlike anything I’d ever read.

obviously feminisms roots have been confounded with totalitarianism to the point that totalitiarianism of any sort is seen by many as feminist...

Like Ms. Traustadóttir, I’ve noticed the prominence of feminism in Islam. To quote the renowned Islamic prophet Isa: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” The fruits of Islam’s treatment of women have repeatedly revealed its deep-rooted feminism.

But what excited her most was all the contributions that Islam has made to science. I was surprised to find out that many of today’s scientific marvels were prophesied more than a millennium ago in the Koran!

So much science, so much knowledge that has been only recently discovered. I mean the Prophet Mohammad mentions: black holes, space travel, DNA and genetic science, evolution (transformation and mutation), geology, oceanography, embryonic development, aquatic origins of life… WOW! I had always heard that the Qur’an was basically just a watered-down version of the Bible, but none of this was in the Bible! I wondered how someone over 1400 years ago could have written anything like this! Some of these ideas were only discovered this century. Then I thought, well, Arab scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, cartographers were so advanced for that time, maybe some of them got together and wrote a book, loosely based on the Torah and the Gospels.

Wow. She’s just about convinced me.

and of course you can read from phyliss chestler (what a wackaloon, but a powerful one).
The White Moor As Willing Executioner

On November 9, Muriel Degauque, a Caucasian Belgium-born woman, blew herself up in a failed attempt to kill American troops in Iraq. She is said to be the first European-born woman to die on a jihadic suicide mission. Degauque was also a "White Moor," a convert to Islam. Her husband, Isam Gorris, was a Belgian of Moroccan descent and he died the same day in a separate terrorist attack against Americans in Iraq. Degauque was a convert with a vengeance: She wore a head-to-toe chador, refused to eat with her father, and refused to allow her parents to watch television or drink beer in her presence.

An increasing number of Western men and women have converted to Islam. According to one report cited in an article by Ian Johnson in the Wall Street Journal, in the year after the 9/11 attacks, 71, 000 Germans had converted to Islam. If this number is correct, we might be looking at what people do when they are afraid or when they want to be on the "winning side." According to Osama bin Laden, people everywhere identify with the "strong" or "winning" horse. According to prison psychiatrist, Theodore Dalrymple, who has worked with Muslim prisoners in Britain, "a large part of the attraction of Islam to increasingly and essentially secularized men" is the opportunity Islam allows for the "abominable abuse of women."

Thus, according to Dalrymple, those western men who feel insecure or humiliated by the growing equality of women are attracted to Islam in the same way that western men are attracted to Asian mail-order brides. Of course, some men also convert in a search for God and for a spiritually vigorous community. In an article about why Islam attracts so many western criminals [there are many "jail house" conversions taking place], Dr. Monika Wohlraub-Sahr suggests that such people's "lives have spun out of control," and they are now "in search of structure."

follow link to continue...

everyone loves to be on the winning side, and they see the islamics as stronger thatn the state they used to trust.

American Female Converts to Islam and Their Feelings of Liberation
Elizabeth Giglio

Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem, who has researched American female converts,
estimates that the ratio of American women who convert to Islam when compared to male converts is four
to one.2 These American female converts say that Islam actually liberates them and gives them more
power than they had ever felt before converting.
Female converts state that equality and women’s rights in Islam date back to the time of the
Prophet Muhammad. In sixth century Arabia, many pagan practices treated women harshly: parents buried
unwanted female newborns, husbands owned women as possessions, and women were not allowed to be
educated.3 During the seventh century, Islamic law changed many of these practices, making the
education of girls sacred and giving them the right to own and inherit property.4 Muhammad said that a
husband had to treat each of his wives equally and that women were entitled to sexual satisfaction.5 Each
of these examples gives these women converts fuel to state that at its heart, Islam has always had feminist

so its interesting that the feminists plod on, and people like kim split hairs and say i will support the positive communism vs teh negative communism.

feminists are totalitarian communists.. THEY SAY SO!!!! so why sypport ANY of them and allow the scissors strategy (hard pinched between soft, but there is no non choice)

so the women have fulfilled bible prophecy again...

they have made ad eal with the devil, and all the adams and the children of man will suffer.

the women ahve sided with those that hate them and believe that those that lvoe them hate them instead.

they have not hidden their colors since day one... its just that western women are delusional in tha they can somehow accept the candy, and not have to go with the monster that offers it.

since the feminist program really took hold we ahve self exterminated 40 million babies... and thats the US alone.

we have destroyed the traditional family..

gutted our schools.

redevined law to guilty until proven innocent

resurected seizure

thrown out constitutional right to know your accuser

thrown out equal protection under the law for soveit style unequal protection so everyone can be equal

threw out merit

abandoned out children in schools and programs to the state.

sexualized out children so people lke hillary and ginsberg can say to lower the age of consent to 12... after al they are siding with the pedophile kinsey... or how else did he know how to describe a baby experienceing orgasm?

the US has gone from tops, to the bottom..

the schools no longer teach..

thuggism and a sex tart are the highest thing you can be (while jsut before feminism there was a celebration of technology, arts, literature)

take a look... just before feminism we were writing things continuing the renassaince uplifting of man..

now we have talkling vaginas who say that drugged lesbian rape is a good rape.

we have piss cross, and so forth.

look to what was being created in the late 1800s and such...

not since the feminist sexual revolution has the US or any other country produced anythign like the quality and such fromeyars before that.

music went from love of classical to the debased primitive tyoes communist adorno said would allow for its use in collectivisation. (popular music came about in the late 1800s, and killed people that played insturments themselves and could tell good music from hack to bad. not any more.. )

american black sing the poetry of white hater h rap brown, and think its a cultural thing. kwaanzas inventor helped kill two people for not being black enough, crushing a womans toe in a vice, and holding a soldering iron in the mouth of another woman.

margret sanger, wanted to exterminate the blacks and the chinese... and she is also a hero.

read this and see how its the communists that ran feminism and do now! so a vote for hllary is a vote for communism... actually a vote for any leftist is now a vote for that...
Canadian Committee on Labour History

The introduction examines the political context in which the paper was produced. Somewhat ironically, this local labour feminist paper was the indirect result of attempts by an almost exclusively male Communist Party of Canada (CPC) to implement directives originating overseas. Instructed by the Comintern to involve more women in its revolutionary struggles, the CPC set up a Women's Department in 1924. One of the CPC's few female leaders, Florence Custance, led the Department's efforts to establish a communist-controlled working class women's movement by re-invigorating and extending local Women's Labor Leagues (WLLs) which had a history dating back to before World War I.

and in the US communism then was illegal (its not now!), and so you had to order your papers ands uch from canadian places...

but that paragraph above shows that modern feminism in ALL its forms was taken over by communists wishing to destry culture of the west..

meanwhile, notice that the things that they have fomented here they will NOT accept there? homosexual rights, pragmatic schooling, feminism, etc..

after all if you spiked the culture with poison, would you let it on your shores?

now the west is too weak to defend itself. the problem of american manufacturing capacity has been solved. the problem of americans patriotism has been solved. the problem of americans general fitness has been solved. the problem of americans willingness to fight ahs been mitigated... the problem of americans financial might has been solved... food might...solved (or didnt you notice that we are trillions in debt, have no manufacturing capacity, a defunct population, no ideology against self slavery, no more knowlege of what a right actually is making the concept meaningless, etc).

so you call it..

i will call it that the baby boomers women ate the apple of communism and thought that it was good, after all they made promises to them. they gave the apple to their western men who decieded to lay down all protections...

and now we are to be communist totalitarian, and unless the WOMEN change their mind real quick and give the men a reason to fight (fight for what now? divorce, broken homes, no rights for men, etc?), they will find themselves dead or slaves as second class citizens.

right now chavez is persecuting jews since he is such sweet frinds with iran.

women sold the west out to totalitiarians...

in fact, they may have managed to destroy the human race, and it may only be a matter of time now.

this is what happens when women say that the most oppressive thing is life itself

Artfldgr says:

her book is out of print.. you cant read it.

Bella Dodd was a leader of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930' s and 1940's. Her book, "School of Darkness" (1954) reveals that Communism was a hoax perpetrated by financiers "to control the common man" and to advance world tyranny. Naturally this important book is out-of-print and not in any used bookstores. (I found it through interlibrary loan.)

Bella Dodd was born Maria Asunta Isabella Visono in Italy about 1904. A brilliant and dedicated woman, she graduated from Hunter College and NYU Law School. She became head of the New York State Teachers Union and was a member of the CPUSA's National Council until 1949.

Dodd describes Communism as "a strange secret cult" whose goal is the destruction of Western (i.e. Christian) Civilization. Millions of naïve idealists ("innocents") are tricked by its talk of helping the poor, but it cares only for power. For example, Dodd found there was no social research at party headquarters. "We are a revolutionary party, not a reform party," she was told. (163)


The Communist Party operates by infiltrating and subverting social institutions like the churches, schools, mass media and government. Its aim was "to create new types of human beings who would conform to the blueprint of the world they confidently expected to control." (162)

For example, Dodd reveals that the CPUSA had 1100 members become Catholic priests in the 1930's. It also subverted the American education system by taking over the teacher's unions and learned societies. Only people who accepted the "materialistic, collectivistic international class struggle approach" advanced. (98)

Involving women in the war effort fitted the long-range program:

"The party did all it could to induce women to go into industry. Its fashion designers created special styles for them and its songwriters wrote special songs to spur them... War-period conditions, they planned, were to become a permanent part of the future educational program. The bourgeois family as a social unit was to be made obsolete." (153)

There was to be no family but the party and the state. Dodd helped organize the Congress of American Women, a forerunner of the feminist movement.

"Since it was supposedly a movement for peace, it attracted many women. But it was really only a renewed offensive to control American women... Like youth and minority groups, they are regarded as a reserve force of the revolution because they are more easily moved by emotional appeals." (194-195)


When FDR recognized Russia in 1933, he deliberately turned a blind eye to the CPUSA's massive program of espionage and subversion. Liberals denied that this took place and complained about a "witch hunt." Guess what? The "loony right" was correct. A new book (The Secret World of American Communism, based on newly opened Kremlin archives, confirms that CPUSA was a puppet of Moscow and the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were practically run by Soviet agents, Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins and Harry Dexter White to name a few.

The war years saw the CPUSA actually renounce the class struggle and join the so-called "Roosevelt camp of progress" which included "progressive capitalists."

"The Communist Party now assumed the responsibility of establishing a rigid discipline over the working class. No employer was more effective or more relentless in checking strikes among the workers, or minimizing complaints...while wages rose a little during those years, they did not compare with the rise in profits and in monopoly control of basic necessities...war production was chiefly in the hands of ten large corporations...the Communists carefully muted such information." (153)

The war years saw amazing coordination between the Communist Party and America's financial elite. The elite financed a sophisticated propaganda agency called the Russian Institute located on Park Ave. across 68th Street from Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations. Here "famous names like Vanderbilt, Lamont, Whitney and Morgan mingled with those of Communist leaders. "(153)

At Roosevelt's insistence, Stalin "dissolved" the Comintern in order to make the CPUSA look like an American party. The CPUSA leader Earl Browder achieved national prominence and consulted with senior Roosevelt cabinet ministers.

The joint US-Russian war effort was to be the basis of the new world order. But, inexplicably, the policy changed and Browder instantly became a non-person. Apparently the financial elite had decided the time wasn't right for world government. A cold war would be much more lucrative. Dodd was told that in the future, the party would often find itself opposed not only to the government, but also to U.S. workers.

"I now saw that with the best motives and a desire to serve the working people... I and thousands like me, had been led to a betrayal of these very people.... I had been on the side of those who sought the destruction of my own country." (229)

Like frightened mice, the CPUSA membership scurried to adopt the new party line. Dodd tried to quit but was told: "No one gets out of the party. You die or you are thrown out." (197)

Eventually Dodd was expelled and smeared as "anti-Negro, anti-Puerto Rican, anti-Semitic, anti-labor and a defender of the landlord." (220). Sound familiar? After more than 20 year of tireless sacrifice, she was without family or friends. The party had been her family. Its "hates had become my hates."

"This is the key to the mental enslavement of mankind. The individual is made into nothing ... he operates as the physical part of [a] higher group intelligence... he has no awareness of the plans the higher group intelligence has for utilizing him." (158)


Bella Dodd was circumspect about the people behind the Communist Party. She once was told to phone two multi-millionaires who live in the Waldorf Towers if she lost contact with Moscow. Elsewhere, she refers to "a secret well organized world power." She is obviously afraid to be candid. She suspects that one CPUSA leader's "suicide" was in fact murder. (172)

But she does drop a possible clue. She says that each of the nine floors of the party-owned headquarters at 35 E. 12th St. was devoted to CPUSA business. The Sixth Floor held "the publication offices of the Yiddish newspaper, the Freiheit, and the "Jewish Commission." (162) Indeed Jews were prominent among Communist dupes.

"What now became clear to me was the collusion of these two forces: the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profits from blood." (229)

As "one piece of the puzzle that finally became a picture," Dodd tells the story of the ship "Erica Reed" typical of "hundreds of other stories." During the Spanish Civil War, Americans donated money to load the ship with medical supplies and food for Spain. The Communists diverted the ship to Russia instead. (89)

Censorship is crucial to Communists, Dodd says. "I have often seen leaders pull books from shelves in homes and warn members to destroy them."(223)

Communism is essentially a deceitful system of international elite control. It was not suppressed during the McCarthy era. Rather it morphed into the New Left, Counter Culture, Civil Rights, Anti War and Woman's Liberation Movements, and later into a plethora of elite-sponsored NGO's, and media, Democratic and Republican party factions, Liberal, Zionist, Labor, and Gay Rights groups. Like the CPUSA itself, these groups are controlled from the top so their memberships are unaware of being used.

To the objection that some of the above mentioned groups oppose globalization, Dodd refers to examples where the CPUSA ostensibly supported causes they wished to sabotage. (205)

In conclusion, Communism was/is a plot designed to substitute a cabal of the rich for the rule of God. It is a utopian fraud hatched by the rich to thwart the dreams of ordinary people and stunt human progress. The same cabal is behind most wars including the impending attack on Iraq.

A precursor to the new world order, Communism espouses brotherhood, peace and equality in order to deceive us. It has taken over society's eyes, ears, mind and spirit. Much of what passes for truth in the media and schools is part of this monstrous con job. The expression "politically correct" in widespread use in America is an old Communist Party term. Our politicians are mostly traitors.

Feminism is Communist both in origin and spirit. It pretends to champion women but in fact neuters both sexes and destroys the basic social unit, the family. The promotion of homosexuality as a "lifestyle choice" for heterosexuals is also part of this brazen elitist fraud designed to "create new types of human beings who would conform..."

Western Civilization is like a ship floundering in a sea of evil, yet the passengers are too duped and distracted to realize it. Bella Dodd had the courage to sound the alarm 50 years ago. It is never too late to begin to resist tyranny.

There are no lifeboats.


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