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Barack Obama: America's Putin?

Filed under: US Elections

Economics guru Robert Samuelson launches a truly devastating attack on Barack Obama, winner of last night's election contests in Hawaii and Wisconsin, in the Washington Post. Samuelson writes: "If you examine his agenda, it is completely ordinary, highly partisan, not candid and mostly unresponsive to many pressing national problems." He accuses him of proposing "standard goody-bag politics" even as he decries such tactics. Then he guts him like a fish on economic policy:

A favorite Obama line is that he will tell "the American people not just what they want to hear but what we need to know." Well, he hasn't so far. Consider the retiring baby boomers. A truth-telling Obama might say: "Spending for retirees -- mainly Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- is already nearly half the federal budget. Unless we curb these rising costs, we will crush our children with higher taxes. Reflecting longer life expectancies, we should gradually raise the eligibility ages for these programs and trim benefits for wealthier retirees. Both Democrats and Republicans are to blame for inaction. Waiting longer will only worsen the problem." Instead, Obama pledges not to raise the retirement age and to "protect Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries." This isn't "change"; it's sanctification of the status quo. He would also exempt all retirees making less than $50,000 annually from income tax. By his math, that would provide average tax relief of $1,400 to 7 million retirees -- shifting more of the tax burden onto younger workers. Obama's main proposal for Social Security is to raise the payroll tax beyond the present $102,000 ceiling.

I can't help noticing the similarities between Obama and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Both, at the time of seeking power, were totally lacking in credentials. Both have relied upon the formation of creepy personality cults. And Obama, like Putin, has not been tested in the crucible of real criticism, as his fellow Democratic candidates have cravenly refused to engage him for fear of alienating the party's African-American voter base (though at least Obama did stand on the stage for debates while Putin didn't even have the courage to mount it a single time, and Obama faced TV spots which at least mentioned him in some way critically, while Putin never saw one such attack).

In all his rhetoric about telling America what it doesn't want to hear and doing what's "best" for the country, we hear the classic left-wing manifesto, which basically ends up meaning "if you want to save the people, you've got to kill them." In words, Obama is going to do what's "right" for us whether we want it or not, and if anybody gets in his way, well then . . . he'll handle them the way FDR handled the Supreme Court and the Japanese. After all, it's for our own good.

Obama's wife recently said that she hasn't been proud of America for one single second in her whole life, not until it started supporting her husband for president. So she was ashamed all through the Carter presidency, and through the Clinton years ("America's first black president"). She can't be proud of America, in other words, unless she gets what she wants.

That sounds eerily Putinian to me too.

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Aris Katsaris says:

Was there anything in this post that mentioned a single point of actual commonality between Putin and Obama?

"Both, at the time of seeking power, were totally lacking in credentials."

One was the appointed head of the KGB, and the other being a democratically elected senator.

"Both have relied upon the formation of creepy personality cults."

Actually, Putin relied on the siloviki machine of murder and extortion, and Barack Obama relied on a message of American national unity at a time where red states and blue states were more divided than ever. Unless you have any journalist murders you'd like to pin on Obama perhaps?

Putin was selected by Yeltsin and supported by the whole Russian establishment, while Obama was fought by his Democrat predecessors in the presidency (Clinton).

This post of yours is even worse babble than usual. You really look more and more ridiculous with every passing day in the rabidity of your anti-Obama rhetoric.

Btw, Michelle Obama said : "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country'. Not that I care much about this one way or another (I see national pride as something not particularly useful in politics), but your "one single second" interpretation is just part of your continuing hyperbole.

Clemence says:

Kim Zigfeld · Sorry you sound stupid! trying to compare an honneST U.S senator with putin! shame on you, you are what's wrong in American today, F-ING spin master!

La Russophobe says:


If you read Samuelson, you'd find out he says Obama is DIShonest. All you are doing is exactly what you decry.


Your dishonesty has reached a new peak. I didn't say Obama was the same as Putin or as bad, I only said I noticed similarities. If you can't comment in good faith and intelligently, based on what I've actually written, then you shouldn't comment at all.

Tim Spires says:

You called him America's Putin for Gods sake. Why dont you read up on the many evil of the Putin regime before comparing him to simple politics of a possible president.

colleen says:

Time Magazine: "The explanation for Putin's popularity may be found in certain similarities to the man often credited with helping to bring down the Soviet Union. It's not that the former KGB man has any policy preferences or even a political style in common with Ronald Reagan, the great icon of contemporary American conservatism. But in the sense that he has made Russians feel good once again about their country, his appeal is Reaganesque.",8816,1690276,00.html

Putin = Russian Reagan as per Time
Obama = America's Putin as per LaR
Obama = America's next Reagan !?

La Russophobe says:


You're a liar. There's a question mark at the end of my headline. That means a question is being asked, and I make no attempt to answer it. I leave the matter open for discussion. Your dishonesty is repugnant. If you feel he isn't America's next Putin, then you are free to make a substantive argument. Since you haven't, it implies you can't.

La Russophobe says:


If you read Publius a little more closely, you'd realize that we've aggressively attacked Time for its mischaracterization of the Putin years, as have many other well-respected critics.

But you do make an important point; Obama is far less substantive than Reagan was (Reagan had governed the nation's largest state and been deeply involved in high-level politics for a long time before he was chosen president), yet leftists are embracing him even as they ridicule Reagan's alleged lack of substance. It's quite a pathetic spectacle, to be sure.

Aris Katsaris says:

The amusing thing about Reagan is that his very first act as president was to pay ransom to Islamofascist hostage-takers, ransom that took the form of weapons.

And yet somehow Republicans have created this weird myth of Reagan where he was "tough" on America's enemies -- when the very opposite he was probably the softest of them all.

La Russophobe says:


If what you suggest is true, I fail to see anything remotely "amusing" about it. Unless perhaps one is a psychopath.

But it's certainly quite true that all the major wars America has fought in the past century were started by Democrats. Wilson (WW I), FDR (WW II), Truman (Korea, A-Bomb), LBJ & JFK (Vietnam) must surely be numbered among the greatest warmongers in world history. One can argue they were right to fight, but one can't argue that the Democrats are the party of peace. Compared to their wars, Iraq is a tea party.

Peter Principle says:

Of COURSE Obama is the new Putin. Just look at the way he cracked down on dissent in the Illinois legislature, and threw all his leading opponents in jail, and censored the news media and manuevered to have himself effectively made president for life.

No, there's nothing paranoid or deranged about the comparison. Not in the least.

Artfldgr says:

@ Aris Katsaris

Ronald Reagan’s first act as president was not pay ransom.
His first act as president was to issue an executive order ending certain price controls
All that ended up lowering the federal tax on personal income by 25%.
If you go to google business, call up the stock market charts, and look at the charts from Reagan onward, you might see why the world likes him.

It was CARTER that “negotiated the release of the hostages, through Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Algerian intermediaries and members of the Iranian government”

Your quoting what is referred to as the “October surprise conspiracy theory”. Special ops were already on alert for a second rescue attempt, and Reagan was part of that planning. So with Reagan taking office and Carter leaving, the situation changed for them from one of a leftist negotiating away America, to a person willing to send troops in.

Though given the penchant of communists and socialists to name things after months, flowers, colors, and such should be a give away.

There is a lot of stuff on it.. Every wackaloon pipes up and its points span secret meetings to Masonic lodges and ancient plans from ancient and mystical families.

Jim "Heart Attack" Nelson says:

You're all wrong. Reagan's first act was to set fire to my couch because he "thought it would be hilarious", and I am still miffed about this immature prank.

In other news today, smart people realized that a certain presidential hopeful who won't salute during the pledge and has ventured a very brave and contradictory foreign policy probably won't unite America because at least half the populatoin doesn't want to turn it into a racist, socialist hellhole.

Aris Katsaris says:

"Your quoting what is referred to as the “October surprise conspiracy theory”. "

Actually I just confused the Iranian hostage crisis with the Lebanon hostage crisis -- it was in the latter where Reagan gave away weapons for hostages. My bad.

Artfldgr says:

Oh... then i apologize to you aris. I am used to shooting from the hip as the general rule from the russian debaters is to do anything BUT debate.

in all fairness, there was stuff after the iranian hostage crisis were we played sides off of each other to get a benifit nearer to home. thats the crisis i think that your referring to where the weapons ended up funding things in southamerica.

though that whole thing is kind of silly when one looks at the fact from the upper levels. american leftists, if given a chance would give away nukes, open the borders, lay down with their shirts up exposing their bellies, and then expect to be celebrated as heroes from those that are incoming.

i agree, all this stuff can be VERY confusing, and even worse, russia plays to add confusion after confusion. it helps their position.

captialism builds card houses, and so stability increases performance. so from there on a undeveloped nation can preserve its hegemony or some of it, by shaking the table constantly. war is instability, and so what they are doing is living between the two instabilities... the one that gives them benifit, but not enough to draw down more... and the more in which the war would be so unstable, that its not worth it.

their idea is to live in that area causing as much misery and greif in it to get what they want.

meanwhile, the capiatlists are trading what they dont need to someone else that needs it to get what they want.

fundementally russia is paranoid, even more so thatn xenophobic china. china proves the case that capitalists dont want to make war, its not productive. the myth of a few capitalists making out in war, does not overwhelm the masses of others that do not, and they are conveniently ignored in that silly assertion.

even the best of leaders with the most noble ideals will have to dirty their hands if they are forced to wrestle with pigs.

there really is no way to avoid it unless the other side stops acting that way (which is why kennans letter on teh cold war was containment, not replacemetn)

there is no higher party to appeal to, and so everyone is forced to a race to the bottom because someone thouight that if they were badder nastier, and more immoral they win. however they are now so poisoned that even if they win, they lose.

though is it any wonder tha those that deny religion entirely (to replace it with state religion) would through away wisdom as useless.

what would it serve a man to gain everythign if he loses his soul in the process.

this was the basis for why the US is slower to slink that far down. though this cant be maintained forever, ans so the past 50-60 years is marked by us becoming wros,e because we hve become more marxist.

there is no examples of socialism making anyting better. ever. the best you get is stagnation, and thats only against incremental backslides you never recover from.

so sorry aris, didnt mean to shoot so hard and fast. : )

Anonymous says:

I agree - the media has treated Obama with kid gloves while attacking all the other candidates. The media is biased in favor or Obama who has not been subjected to any scrutiny or criticism. The media is reporting biased coverage of the candidates. I agree that Obama has dictator tendencies.

dlw says:

please stick to Russia....


Pat says:

Since Obama has been a member of the church he is defending for the last 20 years, he may not know that no white churches are preaching racism, and none ever have to my knowledge.

It isn't an "elderly" problem with that generation. White churches have never preached racism or animosity against America in the manner of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

If we are what we eat, it's also likely we are what we hear. It should not be news that whites and blacks are as far apart on this than on anything about race.

If whites are not preaching racism, why are blacks except to create, and maintain black power?

Being told by Obama we need to get over it because that's the way things are - doesn't cut it for most whites, and truly does sound dictatorial. 20 flags would not have given him the moral authority over Americans to presume he speaks for them.

XOXO says:

Well, well, well. If you compare Obama to Putin, when there is a hope for American economy to bounce back! Look what Putin did to Russian economy; for God's sake they paid all their dept and it was huge. (By the way Russia took over all the Soviet Union depts. The rest of the former Soviet Union republics started squeaky clean in 1991.) Then compare to us, up to the ears in trillions of dollars in dept. As to being dictator, may be, but even the most ferocious independent polls show that he has a huge support in Russia. Did somebody mention modern Archipelago Gulag? I'd be very interested to find out the location of it, who and where is jailed for pure political reasons. But please do not mention those corrupt guys who stole a huge amount when Soviet Union collapsed.

XOXO says:

Well, well, well. If you compare Obama to Putin, when there is a hope for American economy to bounce back! Look what Putin did to Russian economy; for God's sake they paid all their dept and it was huge. (By the way Russia took over all the Soviet Union depts. The rest of the former Soviet Union republics started squeaky clean in 1991.) Then compare to us, up to the ears in trillions of dollars in dept. As to being dictator, may be, but even the most ferocious independent polls show that he has a huge support in Russia. Did somebody mention modern Archipelago Gulag? I'd be very interested to find out the location of it, who and where is jailed for pure political reasons. But please do not mention those corrupt guys who stole a huge amount when Soviet Union collapsed.

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