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Filed under: Middle East



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La Russophobe says:

Actually, more than a thousand people read this blog on an average day, and according to Technorati it is ranked in the top 20,000 blogs in the whole world, out of tens of millions they have under review. So, Tehran hardly needs you to tell them about us.

By the way, how many people read YOUR blog every day? Did you just forget to say?

La Russophobe says:

That you are not a writer is the understatement of the century!

Yet, if you know this, why do you "WRITE" comments? Seemingly, you are also not a thinker.

That you call yourself a "readers" is flattery beyond the bounds of reason. I challenge you to name a blog with traffic like Publius Pundit whose author agrees you are a "reader."

molana says:

if you are rihgt tell the truth about holucast are as terurist as hezbola and hamass &fark in spain.
your freedom is just a motto to reach your political sorry for u and your thought.

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