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There's No Better Way to Appreciate Freedom . . .

Filed under: Sudan

. . . than to listen to the testimony of a former slave. And, it would appear, one will also gain some rather frightening insights into the nature of the Islamic bomb.

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wait a second says:

And the Chechens are not part of this "Islamic bomb" why exactly?

La Russophobe says:

Because Russia will not set them free. If it did, they might be. Then again, they might be peaceful and law-abiding. Since you keep them enslaved, you have no idea.

Your comment is pathetically in bad faith and has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of the linked post.

You're an utter imbecile.

Ray says:

Wow, Kim is really doing her immigrant-best to brutalize her readers here. "Your comment is pathetically in bad faith"--ouch!
"You're an utter imbecile"--ooph!
Kim, you're the master of flaming. Maybe you should open up a flaming school? For immigrants I mean. because among immigrants, this stuff is really painful to read. For real Americans it's sorta cute and funny, but for an immigrant who doesn't understand english...yowzie that hurts!

right says:

"Because Russia will not set them free. "

So the Palestinians are part of the "bomb" because Israel won't set them free? Funny, that's sounds an awful lot like how the Daily Kos and MoveOn (two of your favorite targets) see the issue. So you think that the Israelis should help the Palestinians set up a state?

What about Pakistan? Why are they part of the "bomb?" Because they're not free? Would you remind me which country has massively subsidized Pakistan's dictatorship for the past twenty or thirty years? Is it Russia?

And Egypt? Why are they part of the "Islamic bomb"? Could it be because the US subsidizes their pitiful dictatorship too? No! No, I'm sure the Russians are to blame somehow

What about the Iraqis? They're the bomb's most active and dedicated parts, they're killing people left and right. They're not free because...oh wait, they are free. I almost forgot, WE FREED THEM! Yet they still are blowing up people left and right. Probably Russia's fault too.

La Russophobe says:

Not sure what planet you are on, Mr. Monkey, but the Palestinians got their freedom a long time ago, elected Yasir Arafat and everything. Did Russia allow Shamil Basayev to lead Chechnya? If so sorry, must have missed it.

You're an utterly hopeless, ignorant fool. Are you really the best Russia can come up with for a defender? If so, that is pretty sad.

Ray says:

You forgot to call him a "nitwit." Or are you saving calling him a "nitwit" for a coup de grace death blow? You're too cruel!

nice lie! says:

'Not sure what planet you are on, Mr. Monkey, but the Palestinians got their freedom a long time ago'

Really? So you mean there is a sovereign Palestinian state? No Israeli roadblocks?

What are Bush and all those people fussing about then? If the Palestinians are 'free,' why is there still a problem?

oh and by the way says:

if you want to call what the palestinians' had an 'election' than what the russians are going to have in march is 'free and fair'

for someone so in love with democracy, you seem strangely ignorant of its constituent parts

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