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Obamagate: Part II

Filed under: US Elections


No sooner does the world learn about the racist, thug-like comments from the pulpit of the pastor Barack Obama and his wife have been listening to for two decades, with Obama claiming he never heard them, than the other jackboot drops.

Now, the Chicago Tribune is reporting that corrupt businessman Tony Rezko (show above), currently facing a multi-count indictment for fraud, contributed not 2% (or $2,000) to Obama's first major political campaign (in 1995 for the Illinois Senate) as Obama said when news of Rezko's corruption first broke but 15% (or $15,000). And the contributions skyrocketed after that, again contrary to Obama's first claims, and reached a whopping $250,000 after three campaigns. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of Obama's corruption, since he was also involved in a questionable land deal with Rezko in order to buy his million-dollar house. Who knows what else has yet to be discovered?

Just like with his pastor, Obama claims he never knew anything was wrong. The Trib states: "After news reports of Rezko's questionable political dealings first emerged in 2005, Obama said he asked his friend about them. Rezko assured him there was nothing wrong. 'My instinct was to believe him,' he said."

Instead of investigating the charges himself, Obama chose to take the accused's word for it and keep the money. That's the best case scenario, if you believe Obama is an idiot, rather than a liar scurrying to cover his tracks. If he becomes president, is this how Obama will handle the leaders of countries like Iran and Russia, he'll blindly trust them, take their word for things like a simpleton? Can you imagine the things the left would be saying about George Bush if this type of conduct had been exposed on his part.

Last night, the nutroots attempted to respond to the horrifying news about Obama's pastor by shifting attention away from Obama's ludicrous and flatly incredible claims that he never knew about the pastor's attitudes despite sitting in his pews for two decades by attempting to attack John McCain. They tried to equate some anti-gay remarks of McCain's spiritual adviser, a hard-line conservative, with blaming America for 9/11 and condemning it to hell. The fact that the Democrats think Americans might view these two incidents as being remotely similar is a pretty succinct explanation of why they haven't reelected an elected president once since World War II while the Republicans have done it four times. The fact that they think Jimmy Carter's stupidity excuses that of George Bush is just plain pathetic.

Hey, hey -- ho, ho. Barack Obama has got to go.

UPDATE: The Hillary-Obama battle has split the Daily Kos and resulted in a walkout of the pro-Hillary camp. Not only has the main page of the blog ignored the split in the manner of the USSR, it has simultaneously with the diarist post that announced it posted another vicious attack on Hillary, accusing her of being stupider than a child and, ironically, accusing the pro-Hillary forces of being like the USSR. Seems like everyone at the Daily Kos can pretty much agree that they are all a bunch of totalitarian maniacs.

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vova says:

There's more than meets the eye here. Just as with the Afrocetric Black Liberation theology loaded with anti-Semitic and anti-American rants and kooky conspiracy theories (9/11, AIDS, etc), there is an anti-Semitic and anti-American connection here too: Rezko is not just a thug, he is also a Syrian citizen, his associates are Syrians related to the Nazi government there and an Iraqi with ties to the happily dispatched dictator Saddam.
Obama touted his Islamic connections in the past and said that in a crisis who would stand by his Mulsim brethren.
The question is whether the lunatic fringe MSM would pick up the story. I guess that they would not touch it with a ten-foot pole if anything that potentially embarrasses BHO comes up. The only hope is that Billary's surrogates will throw all this dirt at Hussein Obama but do so meekly, plus the radio talk-show hosts, which is far from enough to derail this beige Hitler.

what? says:

"Obama touted his Islamic connections in the past and said that in a crisis who would stand by his Mulsim brethren."


When did he say this? Where? To whom? Do you have any 'proof' of this insanity or, once again, are we supposed to assume that you know everything? I read quite a few conservative websites every day (National Review, Weekly Standard, etc.) and I've never seen even the barest hint of such a statement by Obama which, of course, would be pure political gold for anyone in the Republican party (or Hilary Clinton's camp, for that matter)


I'd also like to note that your favorite US senator (that would be John McCain) was intimately tied up in one of the most high-profile corruption scandals of the past 50 years. What is it that the bible says about casting stones?

vova says:


You say "I read quite a few conservative websites every day"

Conservative websites is not the right place to find it. Go to the source. Look in Hussein Obama's own books.

vova says:

What, here are some:

Quote from “The Audacity of Hope”

“The person who made me proudest of all, though, was [half brother] Roy .. He converted to Islam.”

“Lolo (Obama’s step father) followed a brand of Islam ….”I looked to Lolo for guidance”.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

hahahaa says:

damning evidence vova, i suppose you're the first 'investigative journalist' to uncover such damning quotations! pure brilliance!
i guess in the new united states of america knowing muslims counts as treason, glad to see that the land of freedom is healthy and sane!

you should write a story for the new york times (or maybe kim's favorite new paper the washington post) outlining this dangerous and extreme position. you could make a career out of a revelation of this magnitude!

i find it odd that people continue to claim that obama is a muslim while the mass media is (right now)overwhelmingly preoccupied with fall-out over inflammatory statements made by his christian pastor. funny, i don't ever see many muslims at church...

vova says:

Hahahaaa, I commiserate with you.
This is delicious.
An America-hater and a Blame-America-Firster are at each other's throat. Let the fight go on. Too bad both of them can't lose--or can they? The Convention may just draft some other idiot to run against American hero Capt. John McCain.

nice says:

nice dodge vova!
please do explain to my poor (non immigrant) american brain how barack (hussein, since you seem to always include his middle name as if it proves something) obama can be both

1) under attack for comments made by the christian minister of the church where he's attended services for the past 20 years
2) a muslim

that's some neat trick, huh?
i guess people haven't noticed this, vova, since we're not quite as racially...astute as you are

Aris Katsaris says:

Still not a bloody word about Tibet protests against Chinese Tyranny, in this supposed blog about democratic revolution and international politics!

This blog whose one of its founding guidelines was not to post too much about American politics, that this isn't the place for that!

Shame on you once again for taking over the good name that Publius Pundit once made for itself, and using it just to entertain your own whims. What do the original writers think about that?

And btw, as for "racist" and "thug-like", when you fail to condemn Vova's comments against e.g. gay people or Muslims, and you only care to bash people that try to keep you to this blog's founding guidelines, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Al Fin says:

Obama has to be the worst possible candidate for POTUS except perhaps Hillary. What is it with US Democratic Party candidates this year? Can they find nothing but morons and miscreants to run for office?

As for China's Imperialist attitudes toward Tibet, Philippines, Vietnam, South Asia, and Central Asia, the news media will keep its hands off that merde.

Obama is creepy-crawly phony. Any moron that falls for that creep deserves his come-uppance.

Umbria says:

A very, very interesting summary from an Obama supporter. He/she sounds truly shaken. Here's the link if you wanna sound-off:

Obama's judgment: Wright or Wrong

vova says:

You got it wrong. I am referring to your statement about yours truly: "Vova's comments against e.g. gay people or Muslims." I am a gay muslim, and you?

really? says:

vova, you're a gay muslim?
thanks for clearing that up, that makes your insane world view a lot more understandable

vova says:

Aris, I am a dumb Estern European immigrant so I always thought that gay meant vivacious, not faggot or queer.

elmer says:

Obama has disassociated himself from Wright's comments.

He should not have done so with respect to all of Wright's comments, whether part of black liberation theology or not.

Wright said, on tape:

"They said that Bill [Clinton] did good to us. Bill Clinton did to us the same as he did to Monica Lewinsky."

(Sound of thunderous applause and cheers from the assembly.)

Wright also said that there is racism in America.

That's true - Bill Clinton, the first black president, spoke many, many times, and fondly, of black churches being burned in the South.

And one need only look at Geraldine Ferraro's, until quite recently part of the Clinton campaign, comments to see racism.

The Democrats have always treated blacks, and now Latinos, like plantation pets.

Now, when one of the plantation pets suddenly proves that he can act on his own, the Dems are saying "down boy."

The Dems need plantation pets to prove how beneficent and wonderful they are: "Look what I did for these poor, poor downtrodden people - I have taken care of them, because they can't take care of themselves, and I will continue to take care of them, because I, Billary, am wonderful and beneficent and great."

This is not supposed to be guilt by association. Senator McCain has already said that he knows Senator Obama, and does not believe that Pastor Wright's rantings(Wright is a former Marine) reflect Obama's political views.

I agree - they don't reflect Senator Obama's political views.

PS Why won't the Klintons release the list of donors to Billy's foundations and presidential library? What's the big secret?

What does one get for donating $1,000,000 or more to the Klintons? A Cuban cigar?

Help says:

Kim, please call out the MSM wingnuts for smearing the Republicans and attacking democracy! (And please don't censor this post again, pleeease!) The Washington Post has an article about how the treasurer for the National Republican Congressional Committee stole up to 1 million dollars in what the liberal MSM mouthpiece is calling "one of the largest political frauds in recent history.",0,4662447.story
There is absolutely no evidence he stole the money, besides the petty partisan allegation by Rep Tom Cole, the chairman of the NRCC.

Kim, I know you have something to say about this, please don't censor it. You are the best voice for defending America against the liberal MSM wingbats!
Clearly this is just payback for Spitzer. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin was behind this. Freakin nutwingbatMSMroots really hate American don't they!

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