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OhmyfreakinbamaGOD! What next?

Filed under: US Elections


This is a real Soviet-style campaign poster for Barack Obama (with the addition of a satirical animated button supplied by a clever Michelle Malkin reader). Scary, isn't it? That is nothing. He's been endorsed by the Black Panther Party. That is nothing. He's bragging about it. That is nothing. He is scheduled to appear on Larry King tonight to discuss . . . his crazy ideas about . . . the war in Iraq. First a speech, then Olberman, then King. Really hard-hitting challenges you're ready to face there, Mr. Obama. Very impressive indeed. Michelle Malkin says what when Obama mentions "change," he means . . change the subject. Stalin was also a big change from Lenin, you know.

Oh . . . my . . . freakin' . . . God.

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get out says:

Is this as scary as an economy that is rapidly collapsing? What about immanent defeat in two seperate wars? Is that scarier than a poster?

Kim, you sicken me, go back to whatever godforsaken country you came from

La Russophobe says:

What credentials, exactly, does Mr. Obama have to address the economy?

None whatsoever.

What peace has Mr. Obama ever successfully engineered?

None, ever.

Thanks for the compliment! It's my mission in life to sicken the likes of you!

vova says:

"What credentials, exactly, does Mr. Obama have to address the economy?"

The answer to this and the other questions is: Harvard Square guilt-ridden trashy anti-American white "liberals," Chicago Southside trashy anti-American Afrocentrists, anti-American off-the-left-wall MSM, and defeatist loony left Demonazis in Congress.

That's why he's running for president and you ain't :-)

Al Fin says:

Senator Obama has become an enormous cult figure on the world scene. He is the champion of student cultists, blacks, muslims, and leftist revolutionaries across the globe.

Ordinary Americans who will actually vote tend to feel less comfortable with cult figures and years-long sustained emotion-based appeals. They would rather have a reason not to vote for the cult messiah.

Obama's link to Jeremiah Wright is just one of many excellent reasons to let the cult make its own way to gaol. Do not pass the White House. Do not collect the Presidency.

awesome says:


What credentials does "war hero" McCain have on the economy? Didn't he recently confess to a basic ignorance of economics?

As for his defense credentials...what peace has he ever brokered? Oh sure, he was tortured by the Viet Cong yada yada yada...But I fail to see how getting bamboo shoots put up your fingernails over 30 years ago qualifies as relevant experience.

Go McCain! Go Recession! Go illegal immigration! Go war in Iraq! GO GO GO

Fullofit says:

Your mission in life is then sad and pathetic.

vova says:

Full of it,
עס דרעק
And you too, will be full of it.

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