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The Blind Leading the Blind

Filed under: US Elections


So, let me ask you a question. Suppose you were quite sick, and went to see a doctor. Suppose you were sitting in his waiting room, and you overheard a conversation between the doctor and his secretary. The doctor said: "Last night I had 43 messages, all of them five minutes in length. That would be 215 minutes worth of material -- over three hours." You gathered that the doctor was blind, and each of his nurses would call a special telephone number at the end of each day to give him reports on all the things he needed to know for the following day. The doctor then said: "I stayed up that night from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. listening to the recordings. But that was only enough time to get through half of them."

Would you consent to be treated?

If not, then you'd probably have considerable stress living in New York State today, because that's a real conversation between New York State's new governor David Paterson and a reporter for the New York Times. That's right: He admitted freely, just as he did his extramarital affairs, that he can't fully prepare for a day's work because he's legally blind. He doesn't even read Braille. All he does is listen to taped messages, and try to remember what he can of those he can manage to get to before nodding off at beddy bye time.

It was never for one single second part of the most recent campaign for governor that the state might have a blind governor -- and one reason it wasn't was that the MSM, most especially the New York Times, didn't make it so. They betrayed New York's voters just as surely as the Democrats themselves, who nominated a lying, cheating scoundrel named Elliot Spitzer as their candidate, only to see him resign in disgrace. Thanks to the failure of MSM institutions like the Times, which utterly failed to challenge and question his candidacy, Spitzer won a Soviet-like 70% of the vote and the public remained totally oblivious.

Thanks a lot, Dumbocrats! Your role in leading one of the nation's most significant states really fills us with confidence as to your ability to do the job on a national scale.

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