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Stunning Defeat for Russia in Serbia

Filed under: Russia


The pro-West party of Boris Tadic (shown above) has delivered a stunning, brutal defeat to the reactionary, pro-Russia forces of the radical Serbian nationalist Tomislav Nikolic, outpolling them by a 25% margin in the weekend's parliamentary elections. Spurning Russia despite the recent tumult and polarizing, paranoid rhetoric from Russia over Kosovo, Tadic boldly declared: "The citizens of Serbia have confirmed Serbia's European path. Serbia will be in the European Union. We have promised that, and we will fulfill that."

It's one breathtaking defeat after another for the failed KGB regime of Vladimir Putin. First NATO moves decisively towards missile defense and admission of Ukraine and Georgia (both countries have recently repudiated ties with Russia in national elections), and now Russia can't even hold on to its "little brother" Serbia. At home and abroad, Putin's policies bring only misery and humiliation to the people of Russia, the same neo-Soviet bitterness with which they are already well acquainted. They should have expected nothing else from the "election" of a proud KGB spy. They reap what they have sown.

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