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Protest-Against-Russia Babes

Filed under: Europe


That's the glam shot of Viktoria Azovskaja, the Estonian contestant for the title of 2007 Miss Universe. The contest is now underway in Mexico City with the finals to be broadcast on Monday. As Publius Pundit readers well know, Russia is attacking Estonia for daring to move a war memorial involving Russia to a new location within its own country (even though Russia has recently done exactly the same thing to a Ukrainian memorial in Russia). Russia is inserting the Nashi youth cult to provoke criminality on the streets, boycotting Estonian goods and waging a massive cyber war of terrorism against Estonian servers. Wouldn't it just be too sinfully delicious if Miss Estonia were to win the competition this year?

Click the jump to see the swimsuit photos of the girls from Estonia and some of the other nations waging cold war with Russia.


Lucie Hadasova, Miss Czech Republic (cold war over NATO missile defense)


Viktoria Azovskaja, Miss Estonia (cold war over war memorial)


Anna Giorgelashvili, Miss Georgia (cold war over pro-Western president)


Ildiko Bona, Miss Hungary (cold war over NATO missile defense)


Dorota Gawron, Miss Poland (cold war over NATO missile defense)


Lyudmila Bikmullina, Miss Ukraine (cold war over pro-Western president)


Lucia Senasiova, Miss Slovak Republic (cold war over NATO missile defense)

Now, we ask you, don't all these girls deserve some kind of prize for having to live under the threat of Russian imperialism, anti-democracy and aggression? In light of that threat, doesn't it make Miss Poland look even hotter?


Where do Russians get the idea that their girls are so awesome? If you looked at them through dicatatorship-colored glasses, as all these girls are forced to do, they'd look pretty horrifying indeed.


The Russian daily Noviye Izvestia recently published a map, shown above, that graded relations between Russia and countries on its borders. The newspaper concluded that Russia had provoked conflict with virtually all of its western neighbours and enjoyed good ties only with Armenia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

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armchair pessimist says:

enjoyed good ties only with Armenia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

The one with the oil&gas I bet.

Raees al Jumhuriyeh says:

I enjoyed the colorful analysis.

Perhaps, we should examine the Middle East in this lens. Unfortunately, this year, Miss Lebanon is not the best we have to offer.

Raees al Jumhuriyeh says:

I enjoyed the colorful analysis.

Perhaps, we should examine the Middle East in this lens. Unfortunately, this year, Miss Lebanon is not the best we have to offer.

Pasabaporaki says:

Nice Girls, they're very beatiful...But, a beauty contest is not poltics. is this post serious? You're freakin' out...
BTW, Miss Russia and Miss Serbia are very pretty too :)

yury says:

Viktoria Azovskaja is ethnically Russian

nell says:

Where's Miss Lithuania?

Janis says:

and why did Latvia withdraw?

wow gold says:


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