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When will they Ever Learn?

Filed under: Russia

Do you remember not so long ago when a great American leader named Ronald Reagan urged this country to embrace a massive defense spending increase to challenge what he called the "Evil Empire" that governed Russia? Do you remember what happened next? Two things. First, the USSR freaked out, screeching that this was a disaster for world peace. Then, the scum-sucking, cowardly bags of filth who call themselves "Democrats" in the U.S. Congress immediately began clamoring to stop the project. That's right; no sooner had opposition from the USSR confirmed that it was a great idea than our own countryment tried to scuttle the project.

Reagan ignored them. The project was undertaken. Less than ten years later, the USSR was no more, the cold war ended, fear of global thermonuclear holocaust averted.

Now, we couldn't possibly have that whole thing happen all over again, could we?


Because you see, no sooner had "President" Putin reacted with shock and horror to President Bush's plan for a missile defense system in Eastern Europe (even going to far as to suggest his own crazed alternative plan to get Bush to back away), thus conclusively proving that Bush was on exactly the right track, than those same Democrats again raised their insane caterwauls and tried to scuttle the project. President Bush has Putin right where he wants him, and the Dopey Dems are trying to cut the legs right out from under him, for God-only-knows what incomprehensible (cowardly) reason.


Meanwhile, that card-carrying maniac Hugo Chavez has announced he plans to import even more weapons from Russia, as the two are now negotiating a major military pact to counteract U.S. power in South America. And where are the Democrats on Chavez? Nowhere to be found.

Truly, those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.

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