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One Picture is Worth a Thousand Screams

Filed under: Iran ~ US Elections


Copious Dissent
says that the nutroots (led by the fanatical Daily Kos, which is currently arguing that Ahmadinejad is no different than a radical Republican on the issue of homosexuality, and previously said it couldn't care less about the American civilians being killed in Iraq, whom it called "mercenaries" and said "screw them") have botched the Ahmadinejad and issues and are dooming their political fortunes in 2008; in fact, he says they've poisoned the well for all Democrats. Do you agree? David Brooks says the nutroots are on the way out, too, but says there is still a chance for the Democratic center to prevail. Comments welcome.

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John Hussey says:

We have freedoms in this country (USA) that others can only dream of. As a man who strongly dislikes almost all aspects of the religious right and feels equaly angered by the whinning and stupidity of the far left, I do not wish to be governed by one side or the other. If two "gays" want to hold hands and walk down the street it should be their right, just don't bother me. That stance angers the right. I believe in peace through superior firepower. That angers the left. Sometimes I feel so confused.

La Russophobe says:

How right you are! Well said! And the reason that the nutroots like the Daily Kos can't grasp this basic fact is because they've never lived under a maniacal regime like Ahmadinejad's. If only one could send them over there for a week or two . . .

Russian says:

Well, you want my comment?
About 2008 election:
It is too early to draw a cross on dems.
Iraq war is not won and over yet. And Republicans are responsible for how it goes.
The economy is an issue too. Is it going well?
Personally, is Guilianny or McCain more charizmatic than Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama or John Edwards?
And hasn't the GOP been at the office kind of too long?
May be Americans just need a change? Anyway, for us, Russians it does not make a lot of difference. Though, traditionally, Russia did better with Republican administrations.
And not much difference for Americans too. All this is just an American play in Democracy. People get unhappy with the President they elected 4 years ago and they elect the other one to get unhappy with him 4 years later, and to elect a new one. But it changes nothing in their life.
Of course, based on this some plain, brainwashed folks can scream: "We have freedoms in this country (USA) that others can only dream of." Also: "God bless America!" and "We support our troops!" (which is an equivalent of "We supports any war the USA wants to wage"). Intrestingly enough, they do not "support" that American soldiers being killed in the wars. Scream: "Ahmedinijad kils American soldiers in Iraq!" What kind of war they suppot then? Looks like the ones, where American soldiers kill other people and stay unharmed themself. Just killing the other people, put in simple words.

I just wanna ask the guy above: What kind of freedom, that unique freedoms you are talking about, you Americans enjoy, and the Swedes, or Danes, or Italians, or Britons o Latvians do not have even in their dreams? May be freedom of moving around, like travelling to Cuba and smoke a Cuban cigar if they want? Or the feedom to see a doctor which 47 uninsured Americans have? Or freedom for their phone talks not to be tapped based on the Patriotic Act? Or building something on teir own property without getting a permoit from the city?

About gays:

Iran is a strongly Islamic country. Gays are not favored there. There may be some. But gay lifestile and propaganda of it is prohibited and punishible. Well, such a country. The problem is in Islam. Islam rules all the sides of the life of a muslim. And this is a very clear and directive religion. It states clearly: This is wahat you have to do and this is what you must not do. It also teaches how the government must run the state. Islamic state.
So, when a Chechen ideologist Udugov, who wants an islamic state based on the Sharia law was asked if it wouldn't be good to have a referendum first, to ask people if they want that kind of state, he ironically replied: "And the question on the referendum would be: Do you want a state based on the God's law, or a state based on the human law?".
Thus, if you recognise the freedom of religion you are in trouble with Islam. Because their religion and the Sharia law does not recognise your democracy. So do not pick on Ahmadenijad. He is a muslim after all.

RTLM says:


No, yes, yes, GOP gets 8 years - just like everyone else who gets re-elected and from what to what to what? (re: change)

"Russia did better with Republican administrations". Yes - better for the United States.

"What kind of war they suppot then? Looks like the ones, where American soldiers kill other people and stay unharmed themself."

Right again, toad.

Now kindly go finger fuck yourself you miserable pinko-commie-bearded-elite ass tool.

I've read one too many of your narcissistic, skull bilge hand jobs. Its old/boring and without basis in reality.

So re-sew those leather elbow patches and let fly.

(if you're able)

I await your high brow scholarly response.


Russian says:

Hah! Kim! I recognized you under the RTLM nick, shitty coward. You are screaming! I got your Russophobic snake nest. Booo!

Aris Katsaris says:

"pinko-commie"? And I thought it was only *caricatures* of right-wingers that used that expression.

You are a self-parody, aren't you?

And "contractors" is the PC word nowadays used for what was once called "mercenaries". Blackwater employees that carry guns, put in military assignments, and kill people, aren't "civilians" by any stretch of the imagination.

RTLM says:


I'm flattered.


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