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Khodorkovsky 3, Putin 0

Filed under: Russia

MBK_bio_.jpgNo sooner had I reported, a few days ago, on the second major victory by Mikhail Khodorkovsky in the European courts against his persecution by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin than the mighty Mr. K scored yet a third. Reuters reported on Wednesday:

A Dutch court nullified on Wednesday all decisions taken by the Russian receiver of bankrupt oil firm YUKOS related to the company's Dutch assets. The court said receiver Eduard Rebgun, who had replaced the management of Dutch-based YUKOS Finance BV and put all assets, worth about $2 billion, up for sale, had no right to do so and all his actions should be reversed. "Russian bankruptcy of YUKOS was not in line with Dutch principles of law," the court said in its ruling, adding it could not recognise the bankruptcy or Rebgun's rights as a caretaker.

The AFP reports that the court declared: "Yukos Oil has been deprived of a fair trial in the determination of the amount of taxes it owed to the Russian state."

Khodorkovsky 3, Putin 0. Squirm Mr. Putin, you malignant little troll, squirm as you prowl the Kremlin's parapets during your sleepless nights. If Khodorkovsky can achieve all this from a Siberian prison cell, it's not hard to see why Putin fears him so.

Support Khodorkovsky here.

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You idiot says:

What support a criminal. What a stupid article from a rusophobe..

As if Putin gives a rats arse...

Dutch court big Shiat..he is shivering in his boots..

The US seems to rather quiet lately? Seems Putin has gig balls...and can kick Bushie any day...

La Russophobe says:

Thanks for the comment! A perfect encapsulation of the Russian moron! You know, they said the same about Brezhnev. And where is the USSR today?

Russia stands totally alone in the world, and thugs like you believe you can defeat the entire world, just as the USSR believed. In truth, you can't even defeat the ghosts of your past. They own you, body and soul.

How sad. Indeed, pathetic.

John Hussey says:

Dear "You Idiot", It is nice to have low friends in high places. "Yuri" is a friend of mine and has been for many years. He had, shall we say, "dealings" with Putin when he had his "other job". As a word of advise, "Yuri" said,"I wouldn't trust Putin or even give him the sweat off my balls." Take it for what it is worth. Give'em Hell Mr. K!

armchair pessimist says:

Like it or not, You Idiot has described the situation very accurately. It's the USA that's the pariah nation, not Russia, although Russia will be next in the crosshairs.

Marguerite Eliason says:

What is the real bottom line here? What exactly is at stake? Defining the issues would be the start of coming to an informed consensus.
1. Did Yelsin have the right to sell off Russia's natural resources?
2. Once sold to Yukos did they legimately own the oil and have the ability to sell it to USA corporations?
3. Whose interests did Putin serve?

Russian Bear says:

What Durch court says is effective in Holland. In Russia the effective is what Russian court says, and Russian principles of law. So, Mr. Rebgun can sell what he wants to sell in Russia.

My question is: Why you put "0" to Putin?
Putin is the President, influentional and respected leader of an important state. He lives in Kremlin and is enjoying his time.

Khodorkovskiy is in prison, in remote Trans-Baykal region. It is pretty cold there. He is a pure looser. He had $16 bln. fortune, now little of that is left. When he gets released, he will not have any political influence, he will have to pay his lawyers, and one of them is the very same Amsterdam, who is running La Russophobe's favorite blog. We know lawyers, don't wee?
So, Mr Amsterdam, no matter how he loves Khodorkovskiy now, will send him a big bill. After that Mr. Khodorkovskiy will not be able to by a Christmas card from Hallmark for his loyal fan Kim Ziegfield.

So far Putin is winning, you just did not count what he scored in the first period of the game.
And the the score is not 3:0, bu something about 3:30

elmer says:

Dutch-based assets ruled upon by a Dutch court.

It's clear that Russian, in his non-stop efforts to lick Putin's boots, does not understand that the Kremlin has no say here.

Excerpt from the article:

"The Dutch court said on Wednesday YUKOS was denied a fair trial to establish how much back tax it had to pay to the Russian government.

The managers of YUKOS Finance BV moved the assets in 2005 to its unit YUKOS International UK BV, which then transferred its shares to the Dutch Stichting Administratiekantoor YUKOS International in exchange for certificates.

The Dutch-based company's assets include the proceeds of the sale of a 54 percent stake in Lithuanian refinery Mazeikiu (MNF1L.VL: Quote, Profile, Research), for almost $1.5 billion, and a 49 percent stake in Slovak oil pipeline operator Transpetrol, worth between $100 million and $200 million."

What's really sad here is that it's thug v thug - Putin v Khodorkovky.

Russian glorifies one thug - Putin.

But the losers are the people of Russia.

Kevin says:

I think its pretty clear that Putin is no angel, but then how many world leaders are or ever have been?
Few can deny the impressive turn-around that Russia has experienced during his time in power regardless of the current resource boom.
Considering how much corruption existed (and still does exist) I don't think it would be possible for anyone to rise to a position of power without having to make considerable compromises by keeping some powerful people happy.
I am Australian, far away from this region and so cannot comment on Putin domestic policy, however from an international view its good to see a growing counter-weight via Putin's Russia to the American quest for global domination.

The Committee to Free Khodorkovsky and Lebedev says:

Join the Committee to Free Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev and sign the open letter to have them freed!

wow gold says:


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