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Think You Know Who's "Human"? Think Again.

Filed under: Philosphy

A chimpanzee named Ayumu performs the second stage of a memory test in which he must recall the location on a touch sensitive monitor of numerals that have changed to squares, Dec. 13, 2006, at the Institute in Kyoto, Japan.

Here's a philosophical poser that should give pause to anyone concerned about natural rights and democracy.

The Associated Press reports that a young chimpanzee has defeated human adults in a short-term memory test:

One chimp, Ayumu, did the best. Researchers included him and nine college students in a second test. This time, five numbers flashed on the screen only briefly before they were replaced by white squares. The challenge, again, was to touch these squares in the proper sequence. When the numbers were displayed for about seven-tenths of a second, Ayumu and the college students were both able to do this correctly about 80 percent of the time. But when the numbers were displayed for just four-tenths or two-tenths of a second, the chimp was the champ. The briefer of those times is too short to allow a look around the screen, and in those tests Ayumu still scored about 80 percent, while humans plunged to 40 percent. That indicates Ayumu was better at taking in the whole pattern of numbers at a glance, the researchers wrote.

On what basis, then, would anyone argue that a chimpanzee does not deserve the same protection under the law afforded to a human being? Indeed, if they are smarter, perhaps they should be protected more?

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Artfldgr says:

lets see... the chimp gets to practice till it develops a neural net that can give the answers...

the students get instructions and then try without months of practice.

was this really a test of competency?

how about having the samet hing on the same thing?

there is a grand difference of going through the motions and having an understanding and concept of it all.

a horse can add, would you want it to be your accontant?

do realize that it was caligula that gave animals the same rights as a man...

however, you dont get why such a position is a leftist one? it will not RAISE animals up to be like man, it LOWERS man to be more like the animals.

and if you can have breeding programs (wealth distribution), and euthanasia (economic preservation after productive years are spent), and vetrinary programs (socialized medicne).

then we are nothign but farm animals of a higher capacity...

animals will not get the rights of man, the rights of man cant be greather than that of animals then.

and if the rights of men are not greater, then we can treat the common man like an animal, and everhyone will be equal.

they exterminate horses when there are too many... its called culling the herd.

under this, exterminating humans for planned economic reasons, becomes PRAGMATIC.

it makes ANIMAL FARM a literal reality.

Artfldgr says:

That indicates Ayumu was better at taking in the whole pattern of numbers at a glance, the researchers wrote.

no it doesnt..

waht it attests to is that the chimp is working on instinct without the limiting interference of the judgment of cognition.

at its basic level, this is the reason why when you piss the chimp off he/she will break your bones, and give you some of the nastiest bites you have ever seen. (this is a majority behavior)

but when you piss the student off, the majority will use their more modern and better brain to inhibit action in light of the long term circumstances, which is somethig that insticnt cant handle.

instinct and emotional thought (the favored of feminists and socialists everywhere), does not allow your thoughts to go past the immidiate.

so the chimp just reflexivly responds as his instinctual programming has figured out a way to reward that gives him an advantage.

time is the decider for humans... when there is no time, we try to be more instinctual, but when there is time we try to be more logical.

the fact that our logic is the better pay off is why we want to sleep on it, take time to think, create situations that give us that time to take advantage of the more complex machinery.

by the way... human babies can count dots before they can speak the same way.

the chimps whole life is about improving instinctual response.

the humans whole life is spend curbing insticutal response and situations, in favor of more thought.

so how does this lead to socialists considering we are the same?

because they are not thinking, they are emoting. they are emotionally responding to the idea, not the whole concept, and the results of such an idea actually being correct, and such...

do you realize that if they have the same rights, it might be easier to draft armies of chimps to fight wars?

think about it... we draft young men for war... so lets draft the chimps.. and maybe other animals... why not, they are like us no, and they should protect the land that harbors them, no?

this is called consequences..

instinct and emotional thinking is incapable of realizing consequences.

Magnus says:

Hi, I made a site where you can do the chimpanzee test yourself:


Michael says:

It proves PETA should now rule the world. And the world of humans should humble themselves to the almighty god of nature. We humans are worse than chimps. We deserve no respect and deserve to die because we have killed so many innocent animals. Evolution is working now in favor of Chimps. In the next million years Chimps will become our masters and we their pets. Humans will be edged out by Darwinian mechanisms that allowed Chimps to succeed in the future.

That Evolution in fact does create new information over long periods of time and the Chimp brain is growing bigger. As the chimp brain improves, and the Chimps overwhelming strength combined with mind power advances our world will become....

Planet of the APES!!!!

Aaarrrrrrgggghhhhh! All bow down to the Blessed Prophet Darwin, Peace be upon him! He saw the way and now the way is seen.

wow gold says:


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