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It's Nanozilla, Al Gore's Worst Nightmare

Filed under: South Asia


"I observed families riding on two-wheelers - the father driving the scooter, his young kid standing in front of him, his wife seated behind him holding a little baby. It led me to wonder whether one could conceive of a safe, affordable, all-weather form of transport for such a family."

Those are the words of Ratan N. Tata, head of the Tata Motors conglomerate, shown above standing proudly next to his company's newest vehicle, the Tata Nano, which comes with a stunning sticker price of $2,500 and was designed to get all those Indian families (up to 600 million of them by the middle of the century) off their precarious scooters.

Al Gore's people are up in arms, as you can well imagine. Within a few decades, India could well have far more cars (over twice as many) on the road than America does, cars whose low cost means they have bare-bones emissions controls, making India a far greater incipient threat to global warming than the United States -- to say nothing of China. The billions of people in those countries don't give a rat's ass about carbon credits, and the Chinese probably like the idea of global warming. It means that Siberia will start melting, and that will give them plenty of extra space to move into (at Russia's expense) as their population explodes.

So perhaps Mr. Gore needs to learn a new language . . . or two.

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Artfldgr says:

yes.. its the indian version of hitlers volks wagon... or peoples wagon... except it seems to be more of a combination of hitlers volkswagon, and hondas cvcc (civic), of the 70s.

it was specifically designed to be able to be used in the west. but now suddenly they are railing against tata that its not legal.

so fascist state control insures that a capatalist thing (from communist sympathetic place), will not enter this capatalist state, as it will make the current auto industry hurt more.

of course it only takes a c minus student in basic economics to show that the US will suffer, auto makers will suffer MORE, and so forth.

woopeeee... not!

AC says:

Well reading this one would think the Americans are more concerned about global warming than the rest of the world considering that every household has 2 cars.So how do you guys plan to plan to save Siberia buying more SUV's huh

H.Ravichandra Rajkumar says:


Mr.Ratan Tata's concern over the families riding in two wheelers made him to make this car. it is a wonderful contribution from a concerned and caring person to lakhs of families who are not afford to buy a car. Since safety is his main concern, this car made it possible to all families who used two wheelers without any safety on road and from the weather all these years. This car is safe and affordable for all the families dreamt for one.

My sincere thanks to Mr.Ratan Tata and for his wonderful contribution.

H.Ravichandra Rajkumar

Artfldgr says:

H.Ravichandra Rajkumar, i agree wholeheartedly and I also believe that what tata has done and why tata has so much money is that he is an old fasioned capatalist.

he saw these familis suffering, and so there is a market there. he can relieve suffering, by creatig more efficiency in their lives, and by doing that they become more productive and the cost of his car, as with ford, becomes moot.

so yes... i agree and DO celebrate this car.

if you think that my comment of the volkeswagon was a slight, my applogies. people forget that besided being despotic, many of these regimes believe that they have the key to help people (russia being a big exception). the same efficiency and positiveness that made hitlers volkswagon bug a hit and a world wide super succcess is the reason its loved, and its creator is ignored.

what i didnt poitn out, and i should have, was that tata might come from the same base of well meaning intent, but he also is limited in his means. he will provide the same thing as hitler, but he will nto have to take control of a country, start a war, impose his will, or any of that.

for that... they are in two totally separate worlds, of which tata is a world that is better.

i hope that makes my point better.

shukria for the polite point and the eastern chastisment, i hope that i got it.

Anand says:

I guess people on this blog site should mind their language on how they are speaking and reporting because it is clearly offensive rather then making the people know what is good they are making a bad thing out of it and speaking in manner less way really. This site I will submit in bad reputation list. This warning is specially for the for their abusive wording in the report.

Please kindly make changes as to not hurt or offend anyone because it sounds like Racist post now, which is against India.

Rover says:

I simply do not get it. The prius gives 45 MPG the nano gives 54, The prius meets Euro stage 4 this passes Euro stage 4 emissions controll. but the Prius is the apple of everyone's eyes but The nano is has a "bare bones emission control"?

Heres a quick test to see if ur a red neck. If You You feel that Priuses being sold at 10,000 in the US makes you happy then you sir are a racist.
This is yet another example of the double standards that we in the west apply to people from the third world.

La Russophobe says:


Your problem is that you are trying to make sense out of Al Gore and his ilk. That is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. The sad thing is that a plurality of the country wanted him to be president. Thank God for the Electoral College!

CarlosX says:

I love the Tata Nano. It reminds me of a Toyota Prius, except much cheaper and better mpg!

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