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Uh-Oh Russia: Now You are Going to Get What's Coming to You

Filed under: Russia ~ US Elections

My latest installment on Pajamas Media reveals the horrifying manner in which Vladimir Putin's Kremlin has obliterated every single opposition candidate from the March presidential election which would in any case anoint Putin's hand-picked underling as his nominal successor while Putin retains all the real power as prime minister. The final nail in democracy's coffin is the striking of Putin's own former prime minister Mikhail Kasyanov from the ballot. Check it out, and feel free to leave your comments as to the best way of responding to this final neo-Soviet outrage.

It's not an academic question any more. Last night, a triumphant John McCain, who has called for aggressively confronting neo-Soviet Russia, surged to a devastating victory in the Florida primary, eliminating Rudy Giuliani from the race and collecting his endorsement. Perennial loser Mike Huckabee, also a McCain fan, is staying in the race, drawing votes from Mitt Romney, whom McCain crushed in the Sunshine State by a much wider margin than expected despite being vastly outspent and facing a closed primary where independents could not help him; McCain already leads in the polls in most of the Super Tuesday states for the likely decisive final contest next week. Exit polls showed voters have more confidence in McCain than Romney on Romney's base issue, the economy, indicating he has little chance to stage a comeback. In other Florida news, despite the Kennedy clan endorsement of Obama (or perhaps because of it?) Hillary took him to the woodshed. McCain vs. Clinton? Let the salivating begin!

Who would be his best vice-presidential choice? Ideas?

McCain's time has certainly come, and none too soon given Putin's shamelessly barbaric actions against Kasyanov. America needs a new Russia policy, and it needs it yesterday. John McCain is precisely the man to step into the void and provide Regan-like leadership as the world once against struggles to hold back Russia's Iron Curtain.

Go, McCain, go!

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elmer says:

In Florida, there was no vote on the Dimwitcrat side.

Billary simply declared victory.

The turnout was vastly lower than if there had been a real election, because Florida, like Michigan, has been penalized by the national Democrat party for moving its primary up from previously sanctioned dates.

So no delegates were at stake.

But, in typical Klintonian, underhanded fashion, the Klintons went in anyway.

Now, Slick Hilly Billy is claiming that she should be awarded Florida delegates regardless of the previously set rules.

It's a false victory. Everyone from Fox on down acknowledges as much.

La Russophobe says:

When you say "everyone" I doubt this includes the 1.4 million Floridians who went to the polls to vote for these two candidates, while only 1.3 million cast votes for McCain and Romney. Perhaps your Obama bias is coloring your view?

But I'm not sure I hope you're wrong. Obama is definitely menacing her. War Hero vs. Wicked Witch of the East is not necessarily more attractive than War Hero vs. Silly Little Boy with Strange Name and Strange Friends. I heartily relish either prospect.

pressreader says:

Putin is surely loosing sleep over Mikhail Kasyanov, who, if tried hard, would collect 1% of votes. The best strategy for Kasyanov is to break electoral rules, get banned from elections, and portray himself as a victim of the regime to get some publicity.

As for the Regan-like leadership, I wish McCain all the best on that road, the American debt is not big enough yet. More smart policy making is needed.

pressreader says:

Putin is surely loosing sleep over Mikhail Kasyanov, who, if tried hard, would collect 1% of votes. The best strategy for Kasyanov is to break electoral rules, get banned from elections, and portray himself as a victim of the regime to get some publicity.

As for the Regan-like leadership, I wish McCain all the best on that road, the American debt is not big enough yet. More smart policy making is needed.

pressreader says:

Putin is surely loosing sleep over Mikhail Kasyanov, who, if tried hard, would collect 1% of votes. The best strategy for Kasyanov is to break electoral rules, get banned from elections, and portray himself as a victim of the regime to get some publicity.

As for the Regan-like leadership, I wish McCain all the best on that road, the American debt is not big enough yet. More smart policy making is needed.

pressreader says:

Putin is surely loosing sleep over Mikhail Kasyanov, who, if tried hard, would collect 1% of votes. The best strategy for Kasyanov is to break electoral rules, get banned from elections, and portray himself as a victim of the regime to get some publicity.

As for the Regan-like leadership, I wish McCain all the best on that road, the American debt is not big enough yet. More smart policy making is needed.

La Russophobe says:


If he's not worried about him, why stop him from running? Isn't it pretty stupid? Is Putin that lame-brained? If so, Russia is really a doomed country.

If Reagan was so dumb, then the USSR must have been totally pathetic, because he still managed to erase it from the face of the earth.

Do you think AT ALL before you write?

Did you read the post that says POST COMMENTS ONLY ONCE? CAN you read?


Tom Grey says:

McCain - Huckabee, 2008.

Huckabee stays in the race to stop evangelicals from going for Romney (or for McCain).

... or he drops out after Tuesday, and doesn't get the VP slot nod. Or he drops out in order to get it.

pressreader says:


> If he's not worried about him, why stop him from running?

Can't you read? It is the best strategy for Kasyanov to screw up his own nomination, and blame Putin personally for that. This is his only chance to attarct any kind of attention. And it works, on people like you.

> If so, Russia is really a doomed country.

Keep dreaming.

> If Reagan was so dumb, then

Dumb or not, I do not know. The fact is: he more than doubled the national debt.

> the USSR must have been totally pathetic, because he still managed to erase it from the face of the earth.

It must have been.

> Did you read the post that says POST COMMENTS ONLY ONCE? CAN you read?

This site's budget must be so low that it does not process my posts properly.

> Chimp

Thanks for introducing yourself.

Jay Sunshine says:

36 percent to 31 is by no means a McCain romp. The same polls that are showing McCain up in the Super Tuesday states have also predicted Obama's wins in New Hampshire and Nevada, along with Romney's narrow win in Florida yesterday.
Elmer is right too. There were no Dem delegates at stake yesterday, so Obama and Edwards haven't been in Florida. Again it is pre-mature to read too much into Hillary's crushing win against two guys who didn't show up. Isn't the real shock that she only got 50 percent of the vote against two guys who didn't show up?

Bigger Fish says:

I write for a much more popular website, so I will not identify myself to avoid accidentally giving this trash-site publicity it does not deserve.

I will just point out that publiuspundit and russophobe are both around the one million mark in terms of popularity rank according to That means most people choose to ignore the racist hatred and venom of these two "writers" (I use the term loosely). There are literally thousands of other political websites with a much higher readership, in part because the other sites have a much more balanced, non-racist view of Russia and the world.

My comment is mainly directed to those reasonable readers who may have accidentally stumbled onto this page through a websearch. Do not get too upset with this tripe, because it does not get much attention from most people.

Note: I do not expect Publius Pundit or La Russophobe to understand reason or to be able to respond with reason, so I will not waste time trying to intelligently debate them. I suggest other reasonable people do likewise. These people do not deserve our attention.

La Russophobe says:


Umm . . . so let's see. You write for a "more popular" site but you WON'T NAME it, and you "could" refute my points but you WON'T. Do you have any idea how utterly foolish (or how perfectly neo-Soviet, which is the same thing) you've just made yourself appear? You talk just like the Soviets of the 1970s, right before the USSR became extinct.

It seems this post really touched a nerve with the Russian nationalist set, which is now filled with panic at the thought of a McCain presidency and must indulge in a flight of mindless personal abuse. Not that I didn't already know this was the case, but it's nice to have written confirmation.

So thanks very much (very) little boys! You've made my day!

La Russophobe says:


You're missing the point. NEITHER Obama NOR Clinton were in Florida, so the playing field was level and Clinton dominated it. That makes it be best kind of public opinion survey you can have. And even more so because nothing was at stake. It shows that Obama could not motivate his troops, and shows it beyond doubt. That's not to say he can't win, but if you think he can just laugh it off and it means nothing, you are kidding yourself.

McCain won by FAR more votes than was expected, and that's very significant. He won without independent support, and that's even more significant. And he won being outspent 3-1 or more, and that's the most significant. Give the man some credit!

It's certainly not conclusive that McCain leads in the Super Tuesday polls, but it's very bad news for Romney, whose performance has been thoroughly lackluster. It's quite possible that the polls in New Hampshire misread Obama's strength because of racism; there is no such factor helping McCain. His broad support among independent voters combined with Hillary's power to rally the Republicans (regardless of McCain's perceived weakness ideologically) makes him a potentially deadly candidate against her.

Go McCain!

elmer says:

OK, I was reading the back and forth, the the stupid insults directed at LR, when this literally made me fall out of my chair, laughing hysterically (posted by entering puberty):
"Obama is interesting too. Russians were always on the side of black people opressed by white racists and suprematists."


When the Orange Revolution started, and for quite some time after, every forum was flooded with rooskies who were posting bad language, swearing, pornography - and "негр".

Every time you'd say something in support of free and open democracy, some rooskie would say "are you a негр" - with the obvious intent of trying to shut down the conversation.

Today at various web sites, you can still see rooskies posting about black people as if blacks are animals or inferior to rooskies.

The sovoks, in typical Alice-in-Wonderland fashion, thought that they could dream up some propaganda about racism in the US to show how great the rooskie-USSR was.

Today, rooshans beat up black people and other foreigners in the streets of Moscow and elsewhere, or ever worse, kill them.

But the point is - rooshans don't give a hoot about blacks - they think blacks are inferior to them.

And for someone to claim otherwise is just not true.

elmer says:

Kim, a little more on Billary's false victory in Florida.

Every cable news channel, and every pundit thereon, noted that neither Obama nor Edwards - campaigned in Florida.

Billary was in Florida - for "fundraisers."

The consensus was that Obama did not organizing or vote-getting activity, so that the Democrat turn-out was much lower than it otherwise might have been.

And remember this - in Michigan, Slick Hilly Billy was the ONLY one on the ballot - and yet got only 55% of the vote. The other choice was "uncommitted." No delegates were at stake. And fully 70% of black voters voted against her - the wife of the "first black president."

Michigan, as you know, is another one of those states penalized by the National Dem party for moving its primary date up.

So in Florida, Hitlery got name recognition due to the fact that she tolerated Monica Lewinski and is trying to ride her husband's coattails into office.

And today, Birch Bayh, who has endorsed Klinton, talked about how during "their," meaning the Klinton's administration, lot of wonderful things happened in the area of jobs, national budget, etc.

So the Klintons are trying to give credit to Billary for being co-president.

Seems to me that term limits come into play here, if Billary has already been co-president.

Jew Jewstein Jewgold says:

To both Bigger Fish and entering puberty,
You guys are clearly missing the point. Both websites are clearly a self-referential mockery of a hysterical obsessive and bitter woman. It's like how Anne Counters popularity is entirely based on the "Oh no she didn't!". Yeah, this site is like that but on the internet ... and about Russia for some reason. I'm sure that pakistanophobe, northkoreaophobe, and dare I hope chinophobe are all in Kim's future if this works out.

Castor says:

McCain's done well, but his most venomous opponents look like fellow Ann Coulter (assuming she's human."

Also, how much does it help him to build his staunch Repub base, when he's endorsed by Giuliani and the Governator, two considered by paleocons to be no more than RINOs?

Artfldgr says:

entering puberty:

What profit hath man of all his labor wherein he laboreth under the sun?

A lot more than if he laboreth in the dark!!

The law is harsh, but it is the law.

So why he is supposed to be an exemptions from the law?

Bellum omium contra omnes

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus (Cicero in case your wondering)

Remember Rousevelt had a pretty good relations with Stalin?

No, can't say i do? enlighten us.

until then, go here.


In Roosevelt's mind, the enemy of peace and order in the postwar era wouldn't be Soviet Communism, but the imperialism and colonialism of the European empires, particularly Great Britain's. This was the threat to a future of Soviet-American "democracy."

But Stalin was suspicious of the capitalist West, Roosevelt argued. He had to be coaxed into trusting the West and working for the worldwide "New Deal." This was the motive behind Roosevelt's infamous remark that "I think if I give [Stalin] everything I possibly can, and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of peace and democracy." (Roosevelt's dreams were reinforced by leftist intellectuals and government employees -- a handful of whom later were found to be Soviet agents -- who surrounded the President during the New Deal days and the war years.)

yeah, good friends... one surrounds the other with manipulators and spies and controls the situation, and thats what you call 'friendship'. it explains a lot about neo soviet politics no?

"Yalta performed a service to the Soviets that was almost as important to Stalin as the occupied areas themselves. This was the invaluable service of giving moral legitimation to what Stalin had acquired by sheer force." Yalta legitimized and justified the Soviet domination of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Mongolia. It gave moral standing to the Soviet Empire.

At the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt felt morally bound to legitimize Stalin's claims. As the President's confidant, Harry Hopkins, wrote Roosevelt at the conference, "The Russians have given us so much at this conference that I don't think we should let them down." What had Stalin given?

Harry Hopkins was found later to be a soviet spy.

new evidence that proves that Harry Hopkins, the closest and most influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, was a Soviet agent. Andrew had reported this in a book he had written in 1990 based on information provided by Oleg Gordievsky, a high-level KGB officer who had also been smuggled out of the Soviet Union by British intelligence. Gordievsky reported that Iskhak Ahkmerov, the KGB officer who controlled the illegal Soviet agents in the U.S. during the war, had said that Hopkins was “the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States.”

Hopkins secret meetings with Ahkmerov were not known to anyone until Gordievsky revealed them. They began before Hopkins made a trip to Moscow in July 1941, a month after the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. His insistence that aid be extended to Stalin with no strings attached justifies Ahkmerov’s evaluation of his performance. There is evidence that Hopkins even went so far as to arrange for the shipment of uranium to the Soviet Union to help them develop the atomic bomb. Despite this, Andrew argued that Harry Hopkins was “an unconscious rather than a conscious agent.”

Mitrokhin’s documents showed that Hopkins had warned the Soviet ambassador that the FBI had learned through a bug it had placed in the home of Steve Nelson, a Soviet illegal agent, that Nelson was getting money from the embassy. He met Ahkmerov from time to time, giving him information to send to Moscow and receiving secret messages from Stalin.

с друзьями, как это, кто нуждается врагов?
With freinds like this, who needs enemies?

In early April 1945, less than two months after the signing of the Yalta agreements, a Yugoslav Communist delegation led by Tito was in Moscow. At a late-night banquet in their honor, Stalin ruminated on the postwar era. In his book, Conversations with Stalin, Milovan Djilas recounts that Stalin at one point explained, "This war is not as in the past; whoever occupies a territory also imposes on it his own social system." And as for the future, Stalin assured his guests, "The war shall soon be over. We shall recover in fifteen or twenty years, and then we'll have another go at it."

Here was the true Stalin, the real "Uncle Joe," as Roosevelt and Churchill affectionately used to call him. And was his own postwar vision limited to eastern Europe? At the Potsdam Conference in July-August 1945, President Truman went up to Stalin and congratulated him on the successes of the Red Army, successes that had brought Soviet power to Berlin in the heart of Europe. Stalin glumly replied, "Czar Alexander reached Paris" during the war against Napoleon in the 19th century. It appears that Stalin had dreams, too.

he didnt get to have another go at it, Beria had him poisoned. actually its a interesting list too.

Joseph Stalin (d. 1953) — Officially cerebral hemorrhage; but, according to Vyacheslav Molotov's memoirs and historians Radzinsky and Antonov-Ovseenko, Stalin was poisoned by Lavrenty Beria (this has been confirmed by records released from russia in the past few weeks!)

Nestor Lakoba (d. 1936), Abkhaz Communist leader, was poisoned by NKVD chef Lavrenti Beria

Abram Slutsky (d.1938), head of Soviet spy service, poisoned with hydrogen cyanide by NKVD

Nikolai Koltsov (d. 1940), famous Russian biologist, was poisoned by secret police NKVD

Nikolay Khokhlov was poisoned by radioactive thallium Germany in 1957 for refusing to work as a KGB assassin

Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko was poisioned by radioactive polonium in the UK in 2006

Yuri Shchekochikhin (d. 2003), Russian investigative journalist, died presumably from poisoning by radioactive thallium

Anna Politkovskaya was poisoned during her flight to Beslan in 2004

Viktor Yushchenko, Ukrainian politician, possibly poisoned with dioxin during the 2004 electoral campaign.

McCain and Bush

its wrong for you to surmise that McCain will be as easy as Bush. Bush's military stint is nothing like McCains, or do you know his story of HIS dealings with freinds of Russias?

Between 1955 and 1960, the North Vietnamese with the assistance of the southern communist Vietcong, tried to take over the government in South Vietnam, and in November 1963 President Diem was overthrown and executed. The following year, the North Vietnamese began a massive drive to conquer the whole country aided by China and Russia.

McCain spent some time at Hoa Loa Prison

Russians were always on the side of black people opressed by white racists and suprematists.

Image of Africa and Africans in mass-media in Russia

Regular attacks on African students in Russia , murdering of African immigrants in Russian capital and big cities makes this presentation internationally important. Rising the level of international awareness to this issue can help to find the solution.

Soviet Union period

Soviet government has ideological interest in getting and educating communist agents. Soviet media create image of poor Africa and discriminated by capitalist world Africans. Soviet Union creates the base of Soviet journalists working in Africa , though informational links are weak, as well as scientific base (the first Institute for African Studies was opened in 1959). Soviet authorities create the image of the flourishing Soviet Union without racism, image of the country of total friendship (in fact, friendship with communists, potential communists or victims of capitalist world).

Russia 's period

Compilation of foreign image of Africa and Africans is on the top. Racist ideology is the best example of it (image of total Black Enemy).

This is a period of double standards or - in other words - absence of any standards and authorities. Image of Africa as an extremely poor continent is created to raise the level of self-estimation [self esteem] of the Russians. Russia is regularly compared with Africa in general (even not African countries!) in the level of economical, social and political development.

Generally it must be mentioned that the image of Africa and Africans in Russia is not well detailed, there are many contradictions in it. Collective mind still dominates over personal experience in contemporary Russia . According to this collective mind that is controlled by the State - Africans (as an image and physically) are used as scape-goats in reducing (redirecting) social aggression and as the only way for showing masculinity by Russian declassified youngsters (by hunting for lonely and weak victims). Image of Africa ( Africa 's selected statistics) is used as low standard comparison to demonstrate Russian better statistics.

i think others disagree with you here too.

Artfldgr says:

entering puberty:

What profit hath man of all his labor wherein he laboreth under the sun?

A lot more than if he laboreth in the dark!!

The law is harsh, but it is the law.

So why he is supposed to be an exemptions from the law?

Bellum omium contra omnes

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus (Cicero in case your wondering)

Remember Rousevelt had a pretty good relations with Stalin?

No, can't say i do? enlighten us.

until then, go here.


In Roosevelt's mind, the enemy of peace and order in the postwar era wouldn't be Soviet Communism, but the imperialism and colonialism of the European empires, particularly Great Britain's. This was the threat to a future of Soviet-American "democracy."

But Stalin was suspicious of the capitalist West, Roosevelt argued. He had to be coaxed into trusting the West and working for the worldwide "New Deal." This was the motive behind Roosevelt's infamous remark that "I think if I give [Stalin] everything I possibly can, and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of peace and democracy." (Roosevelt's dreams were reinforced by leftist intellectuals and government employees -- a handful of whom later were found to be Soviet agents -- who surrounded the President during the New Deal days and the war years.)

yeah, good friends... one surrounds the other with manipulators and spies and controls the situation, and thats what you call 'friendship'. it explains a lot about neo soviet politics no?

"Yalta performed a service to the Soviets that was almost as important to Stalin as the occupied areas themselves. This was the invaluable service of giving moral legitimation to what Stalin had acquired by sheer force." Yalta legitimized and justified the Soviet domination of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Mongolia. It gave moral standing to the Soviet Empire.

At the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt felt morally bound to legitimize Stalin's claims. As the President's confidant, Harry Hopkins, wrote Roosevelt at the conference, "The Russians have given us so much at this conference that I don't think we should let them down." What had Stalin given?

Harry Hopkins was found later to be a soviet spy.

new evidence that proves that Harry Hopkins, the closest and most influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, was a Soviet agent. Andrew had reported this in a book he had written in 1990 based on information provided by Oleg Gordievsky, a high-level KGB officer who had also been smuggled out of the Soviet Union by British intelligence. Gordievsky reported that Iskhak Ahkmerov, the KGB officer who controlled the illegal Soviet agents in the U.S. during the war, had said that Hopkins was “the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States.”

Hopkins secret meetings with Ahkmerov were not known to anyone until Gordievsky revealed them. They began before Hopkins made a trip to Moscow in July 1941, a month after the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. His insistence that aid be extended to Stalin with no strings attached justifies Ahkmerov’s evaluation of his performance. There is evidence that Hopkins even went so far as to arrange for the shipment of uranium to the Soviet Union to help them develop the atomic bomb. Despite this, Andrew argued that Harry Hopkins was “an unconscious rather than a conscious agent.”

Mitrokhin’s documents showed that Hopkins had warned the Soviet ambassador that the FBI had learned through a bug it had placed in the home of Steve Nelson, a Soviet illegal agent, that Nelson was getting money from the embassy. He met Ahkmerov from time to time, giving him information to send to Moscow and receiving secret messages from Stalin.

с друзьями, как это, кто нуждается врагов?
With freinds like this, who needs enemies?

In early April 1945, less than two months after the signing of the Yalta agreements, a Yugoslav Communist delegation led by Tito was in Moscow. At a late-night banquet in their honor, Stalin ruminated on the postwar era. In his book, Conversations with Stalin, Milovan Djilas recounts that Stalin at one point explained, "This war is not as in the past; whoever occupies a territory also imposes on it his own social system." And as for the future, Stalin assured his guests, "The war shall soon be over. We shall recover in fifteen or twenty years, and then we'll have another go at it."

Here was the true Stalin, the real "Uncle Joe," as Roosevelt and Churchill affectionately used to call him. And was his own postwar vision limited to eastern Europe? At the Potsdam Conference in July-August 1945, President Truman went up to Stalin and congratulated him on the successes of the Red Army, successes that had brought Soviet power to Berlin in the heart of Europe. Stalin glumly replied, "Czar Alexander reached Paris" during the war against Napoleon in the 19th century. It appears that Stalin had dreams, too.

he didnt get to have another go at it, Beria had him poisoned. actually its a interesting list too.

Joseph Stalin (d. 1953) — Officially cerebral hemorrhage; but, according to Vyacheslav Molotov's memoirs and historians Radzinsky and Antonov-Ovseenko, Stalin was poisoned by Lavrenty Beria (this has been confirmed by records released from russia in the past few weeks!)

Nestor Lakoba (d. 1936), Abkhaz Communist leader, was poisoned by NKVD chef Lavrenti Beria

Abram Slutsky (d.1938), head of Soviet spy service, poisoned with hydrogen cyanide by NKVD

Nikolai Koltsov (d. 1940), famous Russian biologist, was poisoned by secret police NKVD

Nikolay Khokhlov was poisoned by radioactive thallium Germany in 1957 for refusing to work as a KGB assassin

Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko was poisioned by radioactive polonium in the UK in 2006

Yuri Shchekochikhin (d. 2003), Russian investigative journalist, died presumably from poisoning by radioactive thallium

Anna Politkovskaya was poisoned during her flight to Beslan in 2004

Viktor Yushchenko, Ukrainian politician, possibly poisoned with dioxin during the 2004 electoral campaign.

McCain and Bush

its wrong for you to surmise that McCain will be as easy as Bush. Bush's military stint is nothing like McCains, or do you know his story of HIS dealings with freinds of Russias?

Between 1955 and 1960, the North Vietnamese with the assistance of the southern communist Vietcong, tried to take over the government in South Vietnam, and in November 1963 President Diem was overthrown and executed. The following year, the North Vietnamese began a massive drive to conquer the whole country aided by China and Russia.

McCain spent some time at Hoa Loa Prison

Russians were always on the side of black people opressed by white racists and suprematists.

Image of Africa and Africans in mass-media in Russia

Regular attacks on African students in Russia , murdering of African immigrants in Russian capital and big cities makes this presentation internationally important. Rising the level of international awareness to this issue can help to find the solution.

Soviet Union period

Soviet government has ideological interest in getting and educating communist agents. Soviet media create image of poor Africa and discriminated by capitalist world Africans. Soviet Union creates the base of Soviet journalists working in Africa , though informational links are weak, as well as scientific base (the first Institute for African Studies was opened in 1959). Soviet authorities create the image of the flourishing Soviet Union without racism, image of the country of total friendship (in fact, friendship with communists, potential communists or victims of capitalist world).

Russia 's period

Compilation of foreign image of Africa and Africans is on the top. Racist ideology is the best example of it (image of total Black Enemy).

This is a period of double standards or - in other words - absence of any standards and authorities. Image of Africa as an extremely poor continent is created to raise the level of self-estimation [self esteem] of the Russians. Russia is regularly compared with Africa in general (even not African countries!) in the level of economical, social and political development.

Generally it must be mentioned that the image of Africa and Africans in Russia is not well detailed, there are many contradictions in it. Collective mind still dominates over personal experience in contemporary Russia . According to this collective mind that is controlled by the State - Africans (as an image and physically) are used as scape-goats in reducing (redirecting) social aggression and as the only way for showing masculinity by Russian declassified youngsters (by hunting for lonely and weak victims). Image of Africa ( Africa 's selected statistics) is used as low standard comparison to demonstrate Russian better statistics.

i think others disagree with you here too.

Artfldgr says:

chinophobe: afraid of trendy pants from the american 1950's?

elmer says:

for entering puberty --

rooskies were "educated" to "love" Africans for the sake of sovok imperialism and world domination.

But the fact is that they don't, whether anyone claims that Africans are "exotic" for roosha or not.

The fact is - the vastly prevailing attitude towards Africans or blacks in roosha is racist.

And it's not limited to rooshan skinheads.

Now go look at some more "manly man" pictures of bare-chested Putin. In roosha, policy is made based on "manly man" pictures of Putin, and how he holds his "fishing rod."

Condi Rice was being polite.

仓储笼 says:

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