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"Elections" in Russia

Filed under: Russia

Just in time for the "presidential elections" this coming Sunday in Russia, which will be one of the greatest indignities the institution of democracy has seen carried out in its name in human history, my blog La Russophobe has completed its translation of former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov's white paper reviewing the total failure of the Putin regime. It's required reading for anyone who wishes to truly understand modern Russian politics.

As a supplement, the Moscow Times has its own report on Putin's economic legacy, which bolsters Nemtsov's conclusion that the vast majority of Russians are largely untouched by Putin's alleged economic achievements and continue to lead bleak and miserable lives. It quotes one Kremlin critic explaining Putin's persistent popularity with Russia's mindless masses: "Twenty-eight percent of Russians think that the sun revolves around the earth. In other words, they live in a pre-Copernican age," he said. "And 30 percent of Russians think that if you boil radioactive milk, the radiation will disappear."

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zhopa79 says:

Wait so you complain about the fact the NYT reported on a survey that showed American kids didn't who our enemy was in WWII or when Columbus "found" America as being biased but by giving the info that twenty-eight percent of Russians think that the sun revolves around the earth we're supposed to believe that Russians are stupid? Good one. I wonder what percentage of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth. Or how many Americans think the earth is 4,000 years old?

La Russophobe says:

So, if I understand you correctly, you feel it's OK for Russians to poison themselves with radioactive milk as long as Americans are doing the same thing. Right?

If so, why do you hate Russians so much? What did they ever do to you?

All through the Soviet era, Russians crazily rejected the need to reform by saying America was worse. Then, suddenly, the USSR ceased to exist. Is that the fate you want Russia to pursue as well?

If so, why do you hate Russians so much? What did they ever do to you?

Before you babble your gibberish about how well Russia is doing, I'd suggest you actually go so far as to read Mr. Nemtsov's report. That is, if you can read, which I doubt.

awesome says:

"Twenty-eight percent of Russians think that the sun revolves around the earth. In other words, they live in a pre-Copernican age," he said. "And 30 percent of Russians think that if you boil radioactive milk, the radiation will disappear."

As opposed to the 50+% of Americans who don't believe in evolution?

Kim, you really need to learn basic rules of argumentation. Brining public opinion surveys like this into things is always a dangerous game because the fact is that most people in all countries are ignoramuses who have various sorts of stupid biases, preconceptions, and mistaken viewpoints.

I'm not saying that I'm happy that Russians thinking drinking radioactive milk is safe (that I even need to say this shows what bad faith you argue in) but that they are not at all, as you would have us believe, unique in having widely held idiotic beliefs.

Vova says:

Kim, why are you complaining? The Central "Election" Commission has just announced that Vasiliy Aleksanyan would be allowed to vote. What else do you want? And he is no longer chained to his bed. OK, the sun revolves around the moon, so what? Apes will always be apes.

La Russophobe says:

Nemtsov didn't say that, you illiterate moron, did you even read the link before you spewed out your nonsense? The speaker was Oleg Smolin, a Communist State Duma deputy. And it was twenty-EIGHT percent, not twenty-five. You are pathologically unable to be honest or reasonable.

You defile the very notion of human intelligence with your illiterate dishonest dreck. That you would dare to criticize anyone else for being unreliable is humorous to the point of convulsions.

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