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Democratic Doings in DC, Virginia and Maryland: Liberals, Lost and Looney, Lumbering

Filed under: US Elections

The story of Gene R. Nichol, until yesterday the president of William & Mary, is a classic case study in how lost and confused the left wing of American politics has been and remains. Nichol attempted to remove a cross from a historic chapel on campus, desecrating one of America's oldest and most prestigious institutions, and then he promoted an "art" show by pornographers on campus. Oblivious to the firestorm of controversy that resulted, he persisted on his crazed course just like all the left-wing dictatorial maniacs before him (LBJ, FDR), sure in the belief that he was saving the institution from itself. Now, he's just fired.

It's an apt lesson for presidential politics. These leftists are so arrogant and insular that they really believe they're some type of superior beings entitled to dictate our lives from on high, "for our own good," and they can't spot their own total failure, just like that famous Emperor with his "new clothes."

The last time Democrats elected a president to two terms, not only did they fail (despite two tries) to win a majority of the popular vote, but their candidate -- William Jefferson Clinton -- was actually a Republican. He abolished welfare. He supported free trade and capital punishment. He balanced the budget and erected a surplus. He delivered the first right-wing majority in the House of Representatives in more than half a century. And yet, for all that, he was so personally odious that the Republicans themselves impeached him.

And before that? Before that the Democrats gave us Jimmy "national malaise" Carter. And the only reason they got to give him to us was a Republican scandal, following the reelection with a majority of a Republican to a second term. Carter was then promptly crushed when he sought reelection, resulting in a 12-year rule by a president and his vice president, with the vice president winning his own term without becoming president first by succession. Can anyone tell me the last time the Democrats achieved that ultimate demonstration of national mandate?

And before Carter? Before Carter it was LBJ, another apocalypse. Mr. Vietnam. Worse, in fact. Because at least Carter was allowed by his own party to seek a second term; LBJ was booted off the ticket in disgrace, and the Democrats were soon out of the Oval Office. The only reason LBJ got in there in the first place was that JFK had the good grace to get his head blown off without completing his first term, hading LBJ the office on a sliver platter.

And what about JFK? He didn't get a majority of the popular vote, and then went on to (1) start the Vietnam war, (2) lose the Bay of Pigs and (3) disgrace the nation with a sordid sexual romp and shameless lies about his drug addiction and woeful personal health. You'd think that, having elected both JFK and LBJ, the Democrats would have at least some sympathy for George Bush in Iraq. But you'd be wrong if you thought that.

Before JFK you had Truman, who only became president because FDR kicked the bucket. And as for FDR, you remember him: That was the one who built the concentration camps for the Japanese, tried to pack the U.S. Supreme Court so it would do his bidding, and broke a 150-year tradition established by George Washington forbidding a president from seeking a third term (thus resulting in a formal constitutional amendment banning the action).

If you reflect on it, you see that the Democratic battlefield is strewn with corpses and mayhem and total discrediting failure as far as the eye can see. Meanwhile Republicans have had Eisenhower, Reagan and, yet, George Bush -- three full two-term presidents, each with a majority on reelection, each aggressively pursuing the party's agenda while in office. The Democrats haven't done that since World War II, and they only did it because of World War II.

And if the Dumbocrats hold true to form, they're going to do it again by anointing Barack Obama as their standard bearer for this year's presidential race. They took another step towards doing that last night, giving Obama -- the shell game personified -- wins in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Virginia means nothing, it's a Republican state, and DC is insignificantly small and overwhelmingly African-American, but Maryland exposes a fundamental weakness in Hillary Clinton. It's a not insignificant blue state, and she lost it in a landslide. As I've said before, it's really hard to say which of these lame candidates John McCain will find more lip-smackingly delicious.

Not that it's by any means done yet. The Democrats have still got a chance to avoid the horror of Obama, because all Hillary Clinton has to do is win Texas and Ohio on March 4th, and with her command of the so-called "super delegates" Obama is toast. But the Dumbocrats are oh-so close to doing it all over again. Pulling a Mondale. A Dukakis. A McGovern. Or, even worse, a Johnson, Carter or Kennedy. Or, gasp, who knows . . . maybe even a Clinton!

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Ali VanFleet says:

As a conservative student at William and Mary, I am disappointed by the slanderous way you have represented the recent "controversies" that have swirled all about, but not actually on, my beloved campus.
I have lots of homework to do and will not neglect it in an effort to educate somebody who would rather lie. It is easy enough to find the truth. Simply read the Flat Hat.
I'll thank you on behalf of my College- and whoever it is that chooses to regularly read this site- to be more careful in doing your homework in the future.

Kelsey Robusto says:

This article has skewed the story of Gene Nichol's resignation beyond recognition, to say the least.
I won't even begin to set straight the vast claims of this opinion piece, but let me simply say that Nichol's actions all orbitted around the attempt to give students the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, something both the left and right should support.
Please check out The Flat Hat ( or The Dog Street Journal ( for balanced opinions on both sides of the controversy.

La Russophobe says:

By way of reciprocation, I challenge you to read the story I linked to in the MSM, and this:

"I'm right but I don't feel like proving it" is rather childish and exactly the type of "education" this maniac was delivering at W&M.

By the way "Ali," you're not fooling anyone with your stupid lie about being a "conservative." The fact that you feel the need to tell this lie indicates clearly that you don't have the facts on your side and need to indulge in propaganda. Please refrain from telling lies on this blog, we frown on them.

I'll response then says:

You have mischaracterized the actions of Gene Nichol. First of all, the Sex Workers Art Show was not promoted by Nichol. It was widely endorsed by several students organizations and the Student Assembly for its THIRD appearance on the campus. It was paid for by ticket sales and from money the fund of student activities fee (controlled by the SA), not a cent of the Commonwealth of Virginia. When those outside of the college community cried for it to ban from campus, Nichol questioned the importance of the show, but refused to thwart the will of the Student Assembly (very unlike a dictator.) Interestingly enough, both George Mason University and Virginia Commonwealth University have hosted the Sex Workers Art Show this year. Both are state universities like William and Mary, will members of the VA House of Delegates be calling on Boards of Visitors of these universities to fire their current presidents too?

As for the gold cross (given to the College from nearby Bruton Parish in the early 20th century not in the 17th century as it has been characterized in the national media), a compromise was reached a year ago where it was returned to permanent display in the Wren Chapel. Dictator's don't usually compromise.

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