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Pasko Reveals the Horror of Medvedev's Russia

Filed under: Russia

I've been saying all along that new Russian "president" Dimitri Medvedev is the perfect cover (and fall guy) for a massive crackdown on human rights. It'll be harder for the West to sink its teeth into him since he's not KGB like Putin, and Putin can stay all nice and "clean" while Medvedev does the dirty work of finally wiping out the last traces of civil society in Russia, the ones that won't go down without a fight.

Now, heroic Russian journalist Grigori Pasko reports the horrifying details, on Robert Amsterdam's blog. Check it out!

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vova says:

Is it really Medvedev's Russia? I wish it were (no compliment intended). He is literate and takes a shower every day.
Somebody commented in the Hedgehog blog that had Russia actually had elections rather than a special operation, the people would have elected DPNI's Belov-Potkin president.

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