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Daily Kos: Still Bogus After all these Years!

Filed under: US Elections

I get quite a tickle every time I pop in on the chimps and scurrying cockroaches who put out the Daily Kos. Day or night, rain or shine, I know I'll find clear and conclusive proof of leftist self-destruction.

Take today's post by Der Kos himself, attacking John McCain for allegedly anemic fundraising.

It points out that McCain "only" raised $15 million in March, while Obama raised $40 million and Clinton took in $20 million. For Kos, this is sure and certain proof that Republicans are doomed.

But he overlooks one or five minor points.

First, there's no earthly reason for people to be rushing to give McCain money right now. He's in a lull period before his rival has been identified or he has even officially been nominated. The country is preoccupied with the Democrats destroying themselves.

Second, the Democrats are destroying themselves! He doesn't even notice! A recent front-page story in the New York Times appears to have escaped his all-seeing eye. Headline: "Obama's Support Softens in Poll, Suggesting a Peak Has Passed." All that cash the Democrats are raising and spending is being used to vilify Democratic Party candidates in a manner more effective than any Republican could dream of doing. We've previously reported on the result, huge chunks of Dems just waiting to jump ship and vote for McCain. And he's happy about it!

Third, Kos makes a big deal of scoffing at the $4 million in "grassroots" small contributions that McCain received. Apparently, he believes Clinton and Obama raised much more at that level, and that this is significant. But search the length and breadth of his post and try to find those numbers. You can't. Ah, that's them nutroots for ya! Such professionalism.

Fourth, he conveniently and totally ignores the fact that several months ago, when the Republicans were fighting for the nomination, he said that was a disaster for the party and crowed about how Obama was cruising. Now that the Republicans have it all settled, he apparently thinks its great that the Democrats may have a brokered convention.

And lastly, but most jaw-droppingly, is this imbecilic cretin really proud of the fact that Democrats have more money than Republicans? Hasn't he spent virtually his whole wretched "life" screeching to high heaven about how rich insular Republicans were poisoning the process with their money, buying elections from the common man? This is perhaps the most amazing bit of hypocrisy I've ever seen. Wow.

Amazing, isn't it? You'd almost think they were actually trying to fail and simultaneously make themselves look foolish. In this light it's easy to see why Democrats haven't re-elected an elected president with a majority of the popular vote since World War II, whilst Republicans have done that four times.

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