Publius Pundit

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Filed under: Letters

Letters to Publius Pundit

RE: Vladimir Putin, A National Catastrophe

Dear Publius Pundit,

There is no rule of law or free enterprise in the West, there is the rule of money and state-sponsored big corporations, with high government employment. Western countries are paper democracies, when they are in fact run by powerful bureaucrats like in Russia. Russians don't need the West, but the West needs Russia, the Middle East, Venezuela, Nigeria...etc.Time to wake up my friend, Russian politics and business are not so different from the West, it just has a Russian flavor.

Signed, Mr. GAF

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RE: Getting to Know the Real Barack Obama

Dear Publius Pundit,

Good, no great, post on the Obama Drama. Is the graphic yours??? I would like to put it on a t-shirt.... or buy one with it.... keep it up!!!!!

Signed, CW Ivy

Publius Pundit responds: No, the graphic was made by one of Michell Malkin's readers.


Dear Publius Pundit:

I honestly believe you're doing your absolute best to either twist the words that Barack said, or you're choosing to hear the Fox News rhetoric over any context of the sentence. Barack was not against Religion, and his stance on gun ownership(while I disagree with it), is in line with people from all over.

But, as he used bad wording for this(as he said himself, the word 'cling' has too many negative connotations), he stood by what his intended message was: That those are not the important issues in America right now. Right now, it is more important for us to worry about Washington Lobbyists, the Iraq War, and curbing executive power, than issues that have honestly been twisted to become the important parts of the modern republican party(this coming from a republican).

As he has said outside of what you posted, he wants us to come together for the more important issues, and that in the end, while those issues are things that are important to people, that it is better for the country to come together and deal with our biggest problems now, before we move on to working out the things we disagree on- also together.

Signed, Jake

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RE: Comments on Publius Pundit

Dear Publius Pundit:

In reading the comments of the various apologists for Russia that have appeared in comments on your blog in the past, an idea struck me from one of the comments that had been posted by "Misha." I've run this idea by others, and they agree. Totalitarianism, it was rationalized, is a "necessary" step towards - democracy. And here is the key - "otherwise, we might have more Chechnya's."

Russia is not a country - it is a federation. And there are many areas that are simply not Russian. They are more Asian, and other than Russian. So indeed, if these other areas start getting ideas in their heads about trying to break away, like Chechnya, then Russia shrinks down to -- nothing. It follows in line with Stalin's comment that if Russia "loses Ukraine, then everything is lost." And with Putin's recent outburst at the NATO summit in a private meeting with President Bush, that "Ukraine is not a state." It falls in line with Russia's history of totalitarian governments.

The justification, among others is - the "greatness of Russia." It's all built on FORCING people to be part of Russia and Moscow. Because without the subjugation of non-Russian people into a greater sort of artificial Russian federation, Russia, in reality, is a tiny little -- nothing.

Signed, Elmer

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