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Nice Job, Mr. Gore! (Happy "Earth Day" Everybody!)

Filed under: US Elections


Though Al Gore was recently awarded a Nobel Prize, as the Gallup Poll data shown above clearly indicates, American attitudes on the need for action to address global warming are almost exactly the same now as they were thirteen years ago. In other words, Mr. Gore's hysterics have accomplished exactly nothing. In fact, support for dramatic action is actually slightly down from 1995. Some of his key "green" ideas, like "food to fuel," have actually been proven quite harmful to all concerned.

Al Gore stands in a long line of Dumbocrats who have been given their party's nomination for president since World War II without ever holding the office. Others include Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Hubert Humphrey, Michael Dukakis, Walter Mondale and John Kerry. How many Republicans have been in that position? Just two: Barry Goldwater and Bob Dole. That just about says it all, doesn't it?

Oh by the way: Happy "Earth Day," everyone!

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