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Pop Quiz

Filed under: Russia

On any given randomly selected day, what percentage of Russians will access the Internet?

( a ) 84%

( b ) 68%

( c ) 36%

( d ) 12%

Answer after the jump.

The correct answer is (d).

Another Internet tidbit from Russia:

The Soviet Union may have collapsed some 16 years ago, but you would never guess it from the rising popularity of its country-code domain name. The .su domain has been continually rising, with registrations increasing 45 percent this year alone. A small but growing community of bloggers, entrepreneurs and communists have kept the .su domain alive and thriving. The popularity of the domain can partly be attributed to ongoing Russian nostalgia for the Soviet empire. Nashi, translated as "Ours," is a pro-Kremlin youth group known for their protests against Kremlin critics. The group regularly praises President Vladimir Putin at

Given this, one must wonder why the Kremlin so fears the Internet that it is willing to pursue such draconian measures as WiFi registration. But then again, the Politburo were terrified of Solzhenitsyn, weren't they?

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