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Democratic Doings in KY and OR: Sexist Media?

Filed under: US Elections


I might be the very last person on the face of the Earth who would wish to see Hillary Clinton become the president of the United States. I don't even want her to get the nomination of her party, because I see her as being a more dangerous, mainstream candidate than Barack Obama. But that doesn't make me any less disgusted by the manner in which she is being treated by the American media.

Last night, she obliterated Obama in the Democrat primary in the state of Kentucky in the same manner she had done in West Virgina last week, crushing the frontrunner 65-30. Yet, not only does the front page of the New York Times website this morning not report that fact, it carries a huge photograph of Barack Obama under a gigantic headline stating: "Obama Declares Bid Within Reach." You have to dig around in the paper's coverage to find out how badly Clinton whipped him in the bluegrass state. The fact that Obama could lose two states in a row this badly shows that his support is fundamentally hollow and fraudulent.

As shown in the graphic above from CNN, Obama was once again rejected by white voters in Kentucky by an overwhelming margin, polarizing the races rather than unifying them as he claims in his mission statement, the same thing that happened in North Carolina. Except it's getting worse.

In a ridiculous bit of propaganda, Obama pointed out that he now has a majority of the available regular pledged delegates. He doesn't remember to tell you how many of them he won in caucuses that won't be repeated in the general election, nor does he manage to tell you how utterly he's being repudiated by mainstream white voters in the aftermath of the Wright scandal. He omits the fact that he lost eight of the ten most significant electoral states and ignores his bonecrushing recent losses despite his clear frontrunner status. He trumpets his win in the other primary last night, Oregon, but he doesn't mention how he was humiliated there by being caught red-handed totally unfamiliar with the state's chief environmental issue, nor does he remember to tell you how he'd been similarly nabbed claiming America has 57 states (he must have been thinking of his beloved Organization of the Islamic Conference). Nor does Obama note that counting all the votes in both primaries last night, Clinton defeated him by a massive net margin of 150,000 votes.

It's well within Clinton's doable reach to deny Obama a majority of the available delegates, which includes a large portion of superdelegates, and thus force a brokered convention where anything could happen, including neither one of them getting the nomination (did somebody say "Al Gore to the rescue"?). Yet, the apparently sexist media insists the contest is over and the first female contender should just shut up and go away.

Outrageous. Once again we see how truly misleading the word "democratic" is when applied to this party. One supposes that it's predictable that since black men got the vote before women of any color, they will have a presidential candidate before women do -- but the blatant sexism being practiced here is truly revolting. Thankfully, Hillary is having none of it. You go, girl.

Michelle Malkin has a simply devastating inventory of Obama's ridiculous misstatements over the past few months. If you can read it and still support him, you're a candidate for the nut house.

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