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U.S. History for Dumbocrats

Filed under: United Nations

In 1976, because of a two-term Republican president (Richard Nixon) who had become extremely unpopular -- much more so than the current Republican president George Bush, as seen in the fact that Nixon was forced to resign from office in 1974 (the only such incident in all of American history) -- the Dumbocrats won a huge electoral victory.

The Republicans were ousted from office and Jimmy Carter, hailed as a "new kind of leader," was ushered into the Oval Office with a majority of the popular vote. The Democrats held 67.1% of the House of Representatives and 62% of the Senate -- overwhelming dominance in Congress, and the presidency. They spoke of "realignment," the end of the Republican Party, conservatism, etc., yadda, yadda.

What happened next?

Well, four years later Carter lost his bid for reelection to Ronald Reagan by 8 million votes, taking only 41% of those cast. Republicans had a net gain of 12 seats in the Senate, gaining control of the body. Reagan was reelected in a landslide in 1984, then, after serving two complete terms, his vice president was elected to succeed him -- something that hadn't happened since Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson in 1837.

Carter was so emphatically rejected because it turned out that his total lack of experience (he was a peanut farmer) made him far too soft on America's enemies, especially Russia, and totally unable to carry out foreign policy. Reagan was elected with a mandate to get tough on the USSR, and his escalation of the arms race bankrupted it and drove it into the dustbin of history. Soon thereafter, Republicans recaptured control of the House of Representatives.

Those who are celebrating the possibility that Barack Obama will win the White House this year, backed up by a Democratic Congress, would do well to remember a little history. They might also consider the fact that they've been claiming the country is about to plunge headlong into a horrible recession; if it does, Democrats will get the blame, just as they did for the nation's economic woes under Carter (which he famously referred to as "malaise").

It's striking how many unsettling similarities there are between Carter and Obama, except that of course Carter didn't have an incendiary religious background tied to racism and extremism the way Obama does with Jeremiah Wright, something that only adds more fuel to his potential funeral pyre.

But the left doesn't seem to care, and is settling into an orgy of arrogance and hatred over the prospect of an Obama victory. I'm always amazed at the way liberals can attack Republicans for being unwilling to speak reasonably to and think reasonably about America's foes, seeking rather instant, hostile and arrogant confrontation, and yet adopt exactly the same attitude towards those on the right when they deal with them. Rather hypocritical, isn't it?

Perhaps this general obliviousness to history is why the Dumbocrats haven't reelected a president with a majority of the popular vote since World War II. It's true that Republicans have less to talk about than Dumbocrats these days -- but that's because the vast majority of their agenda has already been enacted, often by Dumocrats themselves (like Bill Clinton balancing the budget, abolishing welfare and enacting free trade). If this is defeat, we'll have more of the same every day of the week!

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Emmett O'Connell says:

Nixon resigned in 1974. I assume by 1976, he was still pretty unpopular.

Ed: Thanks! Language was ambiguous, it has been tweaked.

Stephen Smith says:

Ugh, Kim, you disgust me. Are you a libertarian, or a Republican? The "About" page says Publius Pundit had a libertarian worldview, and yet you support John McCain, a warmonger who admittedly knows nothing about economics. You shill for Republicans, despite the fact that they have never actually reduced the size of government. It's all well and good to criticize the Democrats – Lord knows they deserve it – but it takes some serious blindness not to see the total irreverence for free markets, total disregard for the rights of sexual and racial minorities, and total disregard for limited government that the modern GOP shows. Honestly, you're attacking Barack Obama for racist and extremist ideology when John McCain has been linked to preachers just as incendiary? For Christ's sake, Hagee calls Muslims "Islamics"! And I've seen you criticize Russia's stance against homosexuals, and yet you have nothing to say about the Republican party's favorite sport: gay-bashing. I am very disappointed and put off by your political rants – stick to what you do best, which is criticizing other countries' regimes rather than shilling for your own.

La Russophobe says:


Thanks! You could say it's sort of my mission in life to disgust people!

I actually don't think there's anything complimentary of Republicans in this post, it's really just a warning to Democrats that they're being quite silly in talking about "realignment" and such. They've proven they can't govern and, if given power, they'll fail again.

On the issue of libertarianism, since their candidate has no chance of winning it's hardly useful to seek to jettison both parties. If we think realistically, we have to choose the lesser of two evils, and I see nothing wrong with doing that. If you're suggesting that you can't see any difference between an America ruled by Obama and one ruled by McCain, I think you're not looking hard enough.

There's a big difference between Hagee and Wright. McCain didn't sit in Hagee's pews for 20 years, and when confronted by his rhetoric immediately disowned him.

Stephen Smith says:

1. You didn't say anything great about Republicans, but the fact that you call Democrats "Dumbocrats" without giving the same treatment to Republicans makes me think that you don't feel so negatively about them. Can you point to a post where you lambast Republicans in general for anything?

2. There's a difference between actively supporting the Barr campaign and advocating libertarian values. (Notice how I used the small-L libertarian.) In my own blog, I've never once mentioned the Libertarian Party, but I still feel like I've advocated libertarian causes. But you, supporting McCain for president? What could possibly be libertarian about that?

3. Like I said earlier, don't confuse political exigencies with actual beliefs.

Shirley LaTourette says:

Wow, some dumb bitch who doesn't know history yet. I'm over 50 and you twenty somethings are the most brainwashed, propaganda loving USA flag waving idiots that this country has seen since before the 1950s.

The administration in power now, makes Nixon look like an innocent schoolgirl. Look at what these greedy pigs are doing on their way out the door, they are literally taking everything not nailed down. The oil men of the white house are raping this country clean. It is despicable. These are high crimes and misdemeanors and they should be impeached. The leaking of a covert CIA agent's name endangering sources and spies abroad, the illegal war in Iraq, the killing of innocents across this world that get in Mr. Bush's way, the dollar losing about 40 percent of its value, food prices doubling, gee, and you want to schill for this corruption?

I'm not a democrat lover either. I think both paradigms and both parties need to be done away with and realignment needs to take place to stop the corruption of both. But defending the Bush people, that is really something, and as a woman---you would defend the bush administration and their attacks on women's rights to earn a fair wage, a right to choose, a right to marry and divorce, yeah I bet you didn't read that one about their "religious realignment" that provides for male supremacy and dominance over the female as they take the Bible literally.

You are a dumb cunt. PERIOD. Go to school and read some history, DUMBOCUNT.

Fred Watkins says:

Bush -===== largest deficits in history, our grandchildren will be paying this debt. Oil by the barrel up 350 percent under this administration run by guess who? Texas Oil men. Most secretive corrupt administration run by a shadow government, i.e., Mr. Dick Cheney, no accounting of his "white house visitors log (which is supposedly available under law, but Cheney refuses to release it), the leaking of a CIA officer and her sources by the White house and the declassifying of information for the sole purpose of going after perceived "political enemies".

The largest down draft in cost of living for the working middle class since the great depression. Eggs up 40percent in one year. Milk up 78 percent in one year. Gasoline at retail up over $1.50 in one year. (See a failed pattern here?)

A quagmire that is scary in its parallels to Vietnam but without the turmoil yet in this country that nearly caused another civil war (where is all the protesting? It seems as though everyone feels so defeated that they've given up).

A repressive governement that has real political enemies in prison (don't kid yourself, Bush and cronies are no better than the repression in China, just better at hiding it, and with a a willing press that wants to "like the president" "he seems like decent fellow", ad nauseaum.

Please, and you are exactly literate at what? What's your degree in? Must be IGNORANCE YOU DUMB BITCH.

Misha says:

Hey, Kim... I don't want to rain on your little chest-thumping Republican parade, but I think you omitted a few chapters from your reminiscences about recent American political history. In the first case James Earl ("Jimmy") Carter was no wishy-washy liberal, but he was a strong Southern-Baptist Sunday School teacher (in addition to being a successful "peanut farmer"). Carter was a military man, having served with honor in the US Navy. Jimmy Carter was personally selected by Admiral Rickover to be one of the chief nuclear officers on board one of America's then-new fleet of nuclear powered ships.

Carter came to office in January, 1977, in the wake of the whole Nixon-Ford Watergate era, and he inherited a terribly bad economy from his predecessors. Nixon first partially abandoned the US dollar's tie to gold and then completely abandoned it.

Prior to Nixon the US dollar was a certificate of deposit, issued on the "full faith and credit of the United States government" that the US government "promised to pay" the bearer (of a dollar) a given quantity of gold. But the reckless and inflationary "guns and butter" policy of the Nixon Administration forced the US into default on this solemn obligation. The disastrous spending on the Vietnam War meant that the US was pumping dollars into the global economy at a rate that it simply could not sustain, forcing the American government into default. When foreign governments (who until then had believed US promises) protested at the de-linking of the dollar to Gold, Nixon's Treasury Secretary famously stated, "The dollar may be our currency, but it's your problem."

Do you see any parallels to more recent history, with another failed war, or multiple wars in this case, and a dollar (now long de-linked from gold or any other hard commodity) losing some 50% of it's value recently in international currency markets, in the eight years since "wrong-way Dubya" took office?

So Carter was elected in the wake of Vietnam and the Republican Watergate scandal, but he had to endure (and take the blame for) the economic disaster that was the fault of the Nixon administration.

By the way, your guy John McCain is not the first president who declared a self-professed "ignorance of economics" and a "disdain for domestic policy." Nixon actually did it first. Nixon too, and Kissinger, were obsessed with foreign policy and military adventures, to the exclusion of economics and domestic policy; and the United States paid the consequences for Nixon's negligence. The last major rise in energy prices (and inflation generally) occurred under the watch of Richard Nixon and his self-chosen predecessor, Gerald Ford. (Americans--and even Ford himself--were seen wearing little "WIN" ("Whip Inflation Now") buttons, AS IF that was the "cure" for the disease of an empire that had simply overreached itself!

Carter was far from "soft" on the Soviets, his trusted national security adviser being one Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Pole who was obsessed with Russia (if not for the sake of American interests then for those of 'imprisoned Mother Poland').

Later, after Jimmy Carter was elected, Henry Kissinger and other high officials who had served the Nixon-Ford administrations, publicly complained that Carter was trying to "re-negotiate" long-standing agreements and détente that the US had long-ago negotiated with the USSR. (Kissinger still complains about it to this very day.) Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev complained that the USSR could not be expected to re-negotiate all its relations with the US each time the US changed administrations, but "a deal should be a deal" and their should be some continuity in these things.

For one example, Carter, bowing to the Jewish lobby, insisted on linking Russian policy on Jewish emigration from the USSR to arms control treaties with the USA (such as SALT II, then under negotiation). Brezhnev retorted that "this wasn't part of the deal we did with the US". Brezhnev thought the US should not be concerned about Soviet domestic policy in issues that were in the strategic interests of both sides (such as arms control). This information comes to us from recently de-classified Russian documents taken from Politburo meetings.

It was Zbigniew Brzezinski who was the author and architect of the American strategy in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan (which policy was then only continued, if somewhat more openly and publicly, by the subsequent Reagan Administration). Brzezinski was the author of US-Soviet policy, both during Carter and Reagan. That same policy was only continued, and adapted, by the incoming nincompoop Reagan Administration.

Reagan appointed William Casey to head the CIA, on the strength of Casey's credentials. You see Casey had managed to get a copy of the Democrats' strategy booklet for 1980 elections. For Reagan that meant that Casey must be a "espionage mastermind" and thus he deserved to head the US CIA.

Remember Reagan was the guy who didn't know what was going on in his own White House basement, with Ollie North, and the whole arms-for-hostages agreements with Iran (or this was what Reagan claimed at any rate, and I tend to believe him, because years later, when asked why he didn't simply pardon Lt. Col. North, Reagan only said, "Well.. He broke the law.")

Now, coming back to economics, Ronald Reagan inherited an essentially balanced budget from Jimmy Carter. (Okay, it so was about $45 billion in the red, but given the size of the US economy at the time, that amount was a minuscule fraction of the US GDP, something like 0.2%). But when Reagan left office the US fiscal deficit was raging at some 6.2% of US GDP, which is more typical of a 3rd world banana republic than it is of a "great superpower." Indeed Reagan's chosen Director of OMB, David Stockman, resigned in protest stating that it was "simply fiscally irresponsible and reckless" to cut taxes so deeply without corresponding cuts in budget outlays.

Upon taking office Reagan (and Fed Chairman Paul Volkner) presided over "the deepest recession in US history since the Great Depression," in 1981 and 1982. One US newspaper at the time had a feature article about 100 men standing in line outside a restaurant, for a dishwasher's job.

Reagan's response to the economic malaise was first to break the backs of the 'PATCO' air traffic controllers union and then to break the backs of the entire working class in the US generally. The US working class hasn't recovered since. (Fact: The "real"--inflation adjusted--takehome pay of the American worker has not increased since 1981, for almost 30 years now, coincidentally since when Reagan took office... It increased slightly in the late 1990's, under the 2nd Clinton term, and the whole "tech bubble," but those gains were quickly reversed after Dubya took office.)

But coming back to the Soviets, Reagan was thoroughly convinced that the "godless communists" were evil to the core. But this belief was quickly dissipated when Reagan had his first actual face-to-face contact with the Soviet General Secretary, Mikhail Gorbachev. (Gorbachev reportedly said something like "God willing" or "oh my God" during their first meeting, and this caused Reagan to declare to his aides that "I think the General Secretary is secretly really a closet believer.") The two men got on well, and certainly by Reagan's 2nd term the animosity between the US and USSR was all but gone from US-Soviet relations.

Regan stood at the Berlin Wall and defiantly challenged the Soviet General Secretary, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" And when Gorbachev actually went and did it, it just about threw the whole Reagan Administration into full crises mode: "Oh what to do now.... what to do!"

Now the two gentlemen may have gotten on swimmingly, but their wives are a whole different story. Nancy Reagan never could stand Rasia Gorbachev. Nancy was brought up in the austere protestant tradition, where having money meant above all else that "you just didn't have to show off that way." But Rasia gloried in her full length mink coats, her jewelry and her gold-plated cigarette holders.

Nancy persuaded the Gipper that it was still to early to trust those damn Ruskies! While the two men lit cigars, talked about world politics and the future fate of the globe, their wives were engaged in a little-known behind-the-scenes cat fight to the very death!

Yes, the USSR did implode, but it is puerile to think that Reagan 'single-handedly' did away with the "Evil Empire." In fact the demise of the USSR came from within the Soviet Leadership elite itself; they were simply tired of paying lip service to "the people," after so many years, and they wanted to convert themselves into open (read 'gangster') capitalists, you see.

The Russian leaders were not stupid, and they understood and absorbed everything. If capitalism was to be the better system then they were determined to make damn sure that they would be one of the SUV-driving, cell-phone talking elite, and not one of those "will work for food" losers.

And such was the case in Russia, until one Vladimir Putin, former KGB man and dedicated public servant extraordinaire, rose to the fore and re-hijacked the Russian state back to the genuine service of the Russian people and nation. This explains both why V. Putin is so genuinely and universally loved and admired inside Russia itself and also why he is so despised by the West and especially by the US ruling elite.

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