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Annals of Appeasement: Russia Awarded 2014 Winter Games

Filed under: Eastern Europe

It would not be at all difficult to argue that, because he may have been the second-greatest Republican president of this century, Bill Clinton was the worst Democratic president in American history. Just cursory thoughts about his presidency (abolishing welfare, balancing the budget, presiding over the explosion/implosion, handing both houses of Congress to the Republicans, taking the Democratic party into impeachment proceedings, being succeeded by a two-term Republican, etc.) ought to strike horror into the heart of any true blue Democrat.

But in the same way, it's quite possible we'll come to see George W. Bush as the best Democrat and worst Republican president of all time. Dubya seems to be seeking to match FDR stride for stride, first copying Roosevelt's sellout to Stalin at Yalta by inviting the dictator Vladimir Putin to munch on lobster at the family compound in Maine and then copying Roosevelt's presiding over the conduct of the hallowed Olympic Games in Nazi Germany. He's already handed back both houses of Congress to the Democrats (despite Clinton's best efforts) and mired the nation in a nasty conflict in Iraq.

Last weekend, it was announced that the 2014 winter games would be held in -- of all places -- the beach resort town of Sochi, famous in Russia for palm trees.

The IOC rejected Austria and South Korea, two nations with far more stable and progressive economies than Russia (to say nothing of host cities that are far more moutainous, snowy and wintry), and chose to place the games right in the throes of one of the world's worst hotspots. The region is beseiged by Chechen terrorists and an ongoing territorial feud between Russia and Georgia which threatens to break out into a shooting war at any moment. That's to say nothing of Russia's wanton legacy of crude human rights abuses in the area, with repeated convictions before the European Court for Human Rights, or the wisdom of handing the Olympics to a third-world economy plagued by massive corruption and disease that can't even get the male average adult lifespan above 60. It's not to mention Russia's shocking recent legacy of violent racist attacks on foreigners, many of whom would appear in Russia as tourists if the country can somehow manage to get the games off the ground (choosing the country's most southern city to host the winter olympics is hardly the hallmark of a good beginning). And on top of all that, it's to ignore how the crude dictatorial thugs in the Kremlin will use this occasion, just as the Politburo tried to use Russia's hosting of the 1980 summer games, as cover for increasing their chokehold on democracy.

We've seen all this craziness before, of course, with the Berlin games of 1936, so its disturbing to be on such familiar ground once again (another German city, Munich, was the location of choice for Chamberlain's sellout of Eastern Europe, another part of the appeasement axis that was supposed to bring us "peace in our time"). It's true, of course, that Nazi Germany didn't last a decade after hosting the games, so one might argue that giving them to Russia is an important step towards its downfall. But then again, a rather bloody war prestaged that downfall, likely not something we'd want to repeat. Then too, the USSR didn't last a decade after it hosted the summer games in 1980, either. The whole thing might be a good omen, a wonderful opportunity for the world to put Russia under the microscope and expose its true outrages even to the Russian people themselves (just as Jesse Owens made Munich blow up in Hitler's face) But the USSR only went down after a massive cold war including an arms race that terrorized the planet.

So it's hard to be sanguine, especially since we hardly see leaders like Ronald Reagan coming forward, willing and able to lead us in a new confrontation. We must make it our business now to find them and empower them, before we find outselves in a wholly unprecedented situation.

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Jay Sunshine says:

The irony is lost when the 1936 games were staged in Berlin, not Munich. Unless my math and history are fuzzy, December 1991 is more than a decade (by a hair) after the Moscow games, unless of course you meant without saying the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe.

I will definately ponder this shocking turn in IOC politics while wondering through Tianamen Square next summer.

La Russophobe says:

Thanks for the correction! The post has been updated to show Berlin, not Munich, hosted the games.

I actually think that the irony is all the greater in that, rather than taking a position on whether Russia should host the games, you try to nitpick in the manner of a Soviet propagandist about things that have no substantive import whatsoever. Your comment doesn't advance the issues presented here one iota.

Last time I checked, China wasn't on the verge of war with any contiguous countries, nor was it being threatened with all-out terrorism by a group like the Chechens. What's more, last time I checked, China's economy was far more dynamic across the whole spectrum of commerical activity than Russia's, Chinese lived longer than Russians and had a growing population while Russia's was shrinking. Moreover, last time I checked, this blog routinely condemns Western policy on China, urging the West to demand more democracy from China rather than appeasing it. Again, your silly little attempt to change the subject shows pretty clearly that you have nothing meaningful to contribute on the subject of Russia, which is the only one that concenns me. You clearly enjoy your silly little sniping, adding nothing to the substantive discussion on Russia, so I leave you to it. We're all about the free market here at Publius.

Anton Gorodetsky says:

Only someone really sick would practically root for a terrorist attack during the games.

What is wrong with you, and why would a website that otherwise publishes serious critiques of real dictatorships publish this Berezovsky-funded rubbish?

Chavez is an authoritarian socialist clown, but he is not in the same league as a murderous thug as Basayev - who was funded by Berezovsky and Litvinenko's buddy Zakayev.

La Russophobe says:


Only someone really sick would indulge in personal abuse when trying to make a call for truth.

Only someone hopelessly sick would claim I rooted for terrorism by warning it could occur. Perhaps you think Russia should ignore the idea that a terrorist attack could occur on the Sochi games -- if so, that's just what the Chechen terrorists would want you to do.

Only someone truly demented would accuse us of being funded by Berezovsky without the slightest trace of evidence. Sick as in paranoid, in serious need of treatment. In case you hadn't noticed, the whole world is talking about cold war with Rusisa, and the European Court for Human Rights just convicted the Russian government of murdering state officials.

By the way, this blog has been criticizing Russia as a dictatorship since its inception. Russia is the world's leading threat to democratic government, and only a Kremlin shil would argue to the contrary.

Ah, and Berezovsky is funding Basayev now, too, is he? How much is the Kremlin paying you to say that? It's not Berezovsky that is being convicted of murder in the ECHR, it's Russia my friend. Think about it (if, indeed, you can think).

I'm glad to note you agree that Chavez is a maniac. Too bad we've never heard any criticism from you of the Kremlin for meeting with him and supplying him with huge quantities of weapons. You are truly a disgusting hypocrite.

Russian says:

Why the author of the publication calls Putin "a dictator"? The whole World does not question his legitimacy as The Russian President. Moreover Putin is going to leave his presidency when his term expires in 2008. Though one may find the President in Russia has too much power it is absolutely clear that all the democratic institutes are functioning in Russia.
Another case: Hugo Chavez. He is also the President recognized by the whole world. Venezuela is 6-th trade partner of the USA, ahead of France and Russia. The USA has diplomatic relations with Venezuela, Hugo Cavez speaks in the UN and gets stormy applauding.
And this ignorant, biased, loud-mouthed quarrelsome, not smart Kim Zigfeld compares Hugo Chavez to Shamil Bassayev, who was a world recognized terrorist, wanted by Interpol and who was guilty in taking a hospital with maternity wards and a school as hostages?
I do not want comment on Kim's confusion of Beer Putch in Munich with Olimpic Games in Berlin, to which it was already pointed to her.

By giving Kim Zigfeld the opportunity to post her absolutely ignorant and politically illiterate writings on this site The Publius Pundit lowers its level to the Kim Zigfeld's own blog called La Russophobe.
What is next? The Publius Pundit is going to post her materials about Sharapova?
My advise to the Publius Pundit blog: Drive her out of here by kicking her butts if you do not want to become another disrespected political pornography site like La Russophobe.

Russian says:

More of Kim Zigfeld (la Russophobe)

La Russophobe says:


I'll be happy to answer your question. I called President Putin a dictator because he IS a dictator. Here are some reasons:

(1) He abolished local elections by fiat.
(2) He was "elected" with over 70% of the vote without a credible opponent and without participating in debates. That's exactly the same as in the USSR.
(3) He destroyed independent news media.
(4) He destroyed opposition political parties.
(5) He is going to extend the presidential term to 7 years and return to power after four years, using a sycophant place holder in the meantime. He won't really give up power in 2008, just the appearance of it, and will continue to rule the country from behind the scenes -- the ultimate anti-democracy move.
(6) Both the British government and the European Court for Human Rights have accused Russia of state-sponsored murder.

You're very much mistaken in concluding that if the world extends diplomatic recognition to a country, it means it is not a dicatorship. The US has diplomatic relations with MANY dictatorships, including China and Venezueala, and it had such relations with the USSR. Your comments are mind-blowingly detached from the vaguest conception of reality, clearly the product of a very poor Russian education filled with state-sponsored propaganda and imbibing the Russian state-controlled media like vodka.

Thanks for the advertisements for my blog! Although I really don't need them, because my blog is already the most trafficked and influential Russia blog in the English language on the face of the earth.

Now let me see if I understand. By calling me "ignorant, biased, loud-mouthed quarrelsome, not smart" you prove how much more reasonable you are than me. Is that right?

Were you drunk when you wrote this post? You suggest Publius should fire me then claim that Chavez is not a dictator. Do you read this blog AT ALL? Almost every week we have a post attacking Chavez in exactly the same way I attack Putin, sometimes much stronger.

You're a totally clueless fool and an embarrassment to thinking Russians everywhere. What's more, your comment has NOTHING to do with this post (it's about the Olympics) and as such it is SPAM. I only published it to show people what we are up against in the Russophile world. Thanks for the brilliant case study!

Jon says:

Do your research. FDR did not attend the Berlin games, as your phrase "presided over the conduct of" suggests. Your take on both Yalta and Munich are also flawed. "Appeasement" is a History 101 assessment of the complex factors involved at both those pivotal events, but anyone who has done proper research will realize that it was not that simple.


It's wildly ironic that you call for research and scholarship and yet DO NOT PROVIDE ONE SINGLE LINK to any kind of data. You are one amazing hypocrite! And lazy too!

There is no implication in this piece that FDR attended the games, and your point is utterly without merit. He did NOTHING to stop the games from being placed in Munich and attended by the world, or to protest while there, and he did NOTHING to attack Stalin. Instead, he was photographs smiling with him. He betrayed us, and it's not surprising because by that point he was concealing massive sickness from us and barely competent to get out of bed, much less run the country. The total absence of any evidence in the form of links from you establishes that quite conclusively. You've written nothing but propaganda, and that's the height of irony given your haughty, condescending attitude.

Russian Translator says:

Probably, the author of this article is not acquainted well with Russian political and economical system to claim such things.
I don't want to prove something, I want just say - "You are not right".

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