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And So it Begins

Filed under: Iran

The Associated Press reports that Iran has started killing Americans:

Iran's elite Quds force helped militants carry out a January attack in Karbala that killed five Americans, a U.S. general said Monday. U.S. military spokesman Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner also accused Tehran of using the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah as a "proxy" to arm Shiite militants in Iraq. The claims were an escalation in U.S. accusations that Iran is fueling Iraq's violence, which Tehran has denied, and were the first time the U.S. military has said Hezbollah has a direct role.

Let's not forget where Iran gets the sheer hubris to undertake acts of this kind -- from the nation supplying it with massive diplomatic cover, nuclear technology and weaponry to defend it from Western attacks. The same one providing vast quantities of arms to Hugo Chavez. The same one doling out piles of cash to Hamas. That's right, KGB-ruled Russia. Welcome to Cold War, part II. And speaking of Venezuela, the BBC reports that it, too, is deepening ties with Iran, creating a web of threats to U.S. national security which must be immediately addressed (there's no need for them ever to have arisen, had not the Clinton and Bush administrations turned a blind eye to the rise of neo-Soviet Russia).

Click the jump for an UPDATE on criticism of this report by the left-wing moonbats at the Daily Kos.

Said the thousand-legged worm
As he gave a little squirm
Has anybody seen a leg of mine?
Oh! If it can't be found
I shall have to hop around
On the other nine hundred ninety nine!

If you ever start feeling depressed by the fact that the Democratic party controls both houses of Congress and, if they are not insane enough to nominate Barack or Hillary, could win the presidency in 2008, just remember: No matter what we do, they'll destroy themselves.

In response to the above revelations, told above by journalist Lee Keath but reported by many other journalists simultaneously as major news, the source for which was was Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, who in turn relied upon the interrogation of "a senior Lebanese Hezbollah operative, Ali Mussa Dakdouk, who was captured March 20th in southern Iraq," but without mentioning Keath's report (or any of the other coverage of the story -- Google News showed 750 entries), the left-wing partisan screed Daily Kos attacked a similar item in the New York Times by reporter Michael R. Gordon, relaying statements from Editor and Publisher. According to E&P "Gordon is now writing scare stories that offer ammunition for the growing chorus of neo-cons calling for a U.S. strike against Iran" and "what’s most lamentable is that editors at The New York Times, who should have learned their lessons four years ago, are once again serving as enablers."

So the frenzied nutjobs over at Daily Kos have concluded that the New York Times editors are sycophants of the Bush administration, gleefully helping their beloved Bush whip up false hysteria to support an attack on harmless, innocent little Iran. They don't care that hundreds of other news agencies are reporting the story and that their decision to do so has nothing to do with the Times. They don't care that the Times has been sounding a drumbeat against Bush from the moment of his election, nor that the diminished president is no longer able to assist the Democrats in getting what they cannot get without him -- for instance, immigation reform. And of course, above and beyond all that, they just don't care whether Iran is going to murder Americans or has, in fact, already started.

Instead, they've once again started eating themselves, just for the fun of it. Wonder how long it will be before they move on to their young . . .

The results are just plain bizarre. Once again, for clarity, the New York Times is not the source of the information about Iran killing Americans. In fact, E&P's chief complaint seems to be not the the Times ran the story, but that they dared to put it on the front page, rather than bury it as the Washington Post did, and that the story had a "breathless" tone. Apparently, we're supposed to ignore the story about the Iranians, direct from an American general on the ground in Iraq, because this Times reporter (who E&P accuses of prior inaccuracy in reporting on WMD in Iraq along with fired Times reporter Judith Miller) covered it along with many others.

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