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Hugo Chavez: "President" for Life

Filed under: Venezuela


Reuters reports that Venezuelan "President" Hugo Chavez has proposed abolishing presidential term limits and extending the presidential term from six to seven years:

Under the current constitution, Chavez is in his second and final term and could not be elected again after it ends in 2012. The reform proposal would allow him to stay for as long as he keeps winning elections. "If anyone is going to say this is a project to enthrone oneself, no," Chavez said, in a speech before the legislature that stretched pass midnight. "This is only a possibility, a possibility that depends on many variables."

So even Chavez himself admits that it's "possible" he'll be "enthroned" as a monarch. To bribe the public into accepting his idea, he's also proclaimed he'll reduce the work day from eight to six hours. Yikes.

Dark days ahead for Venezuela.

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Marco says:

Should I remind you that in most European countries there is no limit to how many times the leader of the country can be elected? But when it is Chavez, "oh my god!". Your pathetic! Chavez a devil? Dark days ahead for Venezuela? In your article, nothing's justified, no arguments, only blah, blah, blah. The drawing of Chavez as devil is pure propaganda!

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