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Live from Lebanon v. II

Filed under: Middle East

samiNader_web.jpgManuela Paraipan writes from Lebanon:

For those interested in a cool brief analysis of what is going on now in Lebanon I whole-heartedly recommend an interview with Sami Nader (pictured, he's a professor at St. Joseph University in Beirut,) published on the World Security Network. He is a charismatic guy with a very sharp mind. As part of Michel Aoun party he was known mainly by those who worked with him in the so called General's inner circle. Now that he is out he has the chance to go bigger on his own.

Here are some key extracts:

How do you see Lebanon's present situation?

"The main course for us is to take Lebanon out of the Syrian orbit and this was the case since the inception of Lebanon. It's a continuous struggle with Syria. The Arab Baath regime ideologically considers Lebanon to be part of the historic Syria."

What is the core of the present crisis?

"We have two projects. On the one side you have the government: Lazy, not working well but it represents Lebanon's sovereignty. And then we have the other project: The resistance. They want to fight Israel even if they must do so alone."

Click through to read the whole interview.

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Manuela says:

merci Kim

wow gold says:


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