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Paraipan on Jumblatt

Filed under: Middle East

walid%20jumblatt.jpgI am a fan of Walid Jumblatt (pictured). Really. He is the mirror image of most of the Lebanese politicians. You have here few excerpts of his speech at WINEP.

We are in the three weeks coming to face the moment of truth. Either we will be able to elect a president that will fulfill the aspirations of the Lebanese for a free, independent, sovereign Lebanon in conformity with March 14, the Cedar Revolution, a president that will respect international resolutions, abide by them and cooperate fully with the tribunal, or Lebanon will succumb to Syrian tyranny and Iranian hegemony.

Speaking of Syrians: "They left behind them a brigade or division of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards occupying well, half of Lebanon, paralyzing the economy and at any time facilitating the task themselves or for the Syrian services to kill us. That's it." Guess who's he talking about? Right. The Party of God. It is not a state in a state, it is HizbAllah's parallel state, top down period.

I bet you didn't see this coming: "No, I'm not going to be a diplomat. If you could send some car bombs to Damascus, why not?" (he said it as a joke, but maybe 'the eye for eye' solution might work its magic on Assad's hubris)

He pointed our clearly what the problem is (well one of many) "And again I say, as long as these borders (with Syria) are open, you won't be able to speak on equal terms with Hizballah." What did we do about it? Nothing! 0 points for us, 1 for Assad of Syria & Khamenei of Iran. Good news? The game is not over.

-- by Manuela Paraipan

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