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WARNING: Annals of Anti-Protest "Babes"

Filed under: Venezuela

If you have a squeamish stomach do NOT click this jump.

Supermodel at work. Use caution.


British supermodel Naomi Campbell in Venezuela: "I've been here before actually. A beautiful country, very tropical. You've got great waterfalls. I'm not going to be political. Thank you very much."


And then he kissed me!


She kisses and tells.


Going to the chapel and they're gonna get maaaaaaried . . .


I do! I do! Now let's go poke the prisoners, sweetiecakes!


Da pimp and his bitch.

Last month, Chavez met in Caracas with American actor Kevin Spacey, who praised the Venezuelan government's efforts to support film-making. The Venezuelan President also has hosted recent visits by Hollywood stars including Sean Penn and Danny Glover.

Want more? Got your air sick bag? Watch the video.

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Russian Bear says:

You have not only a squeamish stomach?
No wonder. You, sure [surely], have lose
bowels too, and the gastro-intestinal tract is functioning as a whole system.

Do not judge the girl too harsh [harshly]. She might not know that Hugo Chavez was the same kind like [as]Chechen terrorist Sh. Bassayev, because she had never read La Russophobe and Publius Pundit.

Thank you for good pictures. They look great together: A former paratrooper, real mucho [macho], Hugo, and this beautiful girl. Sean Penn and Danny Glover were there too? Thanks [Thank] God there are people smarter than Kim Ziegfild [Zigfeld]. I just can not imagine what a stinky place the world would be if everybody accepted her vews [views].

A [The] joke of the day:

Q: What symptoms are characteristic for [of] the condition called La Russophobe?
A: Three D-s: Delisions [delusions], Dementia, Diarrhea

NOTE: We've begun a new service for readers, adding [words] to point out their linguistic errors, free education for those who don't really speak English and therefore may often be unable to understand the point of our posts. --Eds

La Russophobe says:

Hmmmm . . . I wonder if he would have said the same thing if Tyra Banks had been photographed hanging out with Shamil Basayev . . .

Russian Bear says:

Thank you for correcting my mistakes. One of the purpose I am commenting here is to get some practice in writing English. So, it can be very good for me if you keep doing that. I was ashamed how sloppy (poor orthography and the gramma, lots of misprints) was my post. I promice to work better.

As about the article again,
Hudo is getting too fat. The guy needs exercising to look like Putin at least:

As about my comment, your statements like "Da pimp and his bitch", make it legal for me and everybody to comment in the same syle.

PS. why don't you install a program to have spell check function, like in the Words?for the commenters?

La Russophobe says:

There IS a spell check feature, you hopeless imbecile. Misspelled words are underlined in red when you type them.

Don't drink and post, dimwit.

And here's a clue for you: It's our blog, not yours. If you want to do as you like, make your own blog.

And see who comes to read it.

John F Not Kerry says:

There are millions of stunningly beautiful women in America who raise kids, take care of sick people, and many other things, and this ugly person gets to be called super anything? The English language as practiced in America has been twisted through years of misuse and laziness. Supermodel? No. B***h? Yes.

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