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Putin and Bin Laden Sitting in a Tree?

Filed under: Middle East ~ Russia

Jonathan Evans, head of the British MI5 domestic security agency, reports that Moscow has the same number of spies in Britain today as it did during the height of the Cold War, and indicates that this forces him to divert "significant amounts of equipment, money and staff" toward combating Russian spying and away from efforts to keep Britons safe from Islamic terror (his office has identified 2,000 radical Muslims in Britain who pose a security threat).

In other words, Vladimir Putin is assisting OBL and his ilk in their effort to murder innocent British civilians by diverting essential resources.

And yet, Russia remains a member of the G-8 organization. In what galaxy does that make any kind of sense?

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Russian Bear says:

Do Russia and Greate Britain have a treaty not to spy against each other? No?
What seems to be a problem than?

La Russophobe says:

The problem is that Russia is a member of the G-8 and tells the west it doesn't need defensive missiles in Europe because Russia is not a threat.

That's the problem.

The problem is the same if Mr. Putin goes on TV and says he can't protect Russian citizens from Chechen terrorists because he has to spend all his money chasing British spies.

That's the problem.

And the problem with your comment is that you seem to be implying that if Russia DID have such a treaty it would honor it. That's pure nonsense, since we have just watched Russia tear up a valid treaty on conventional fores in Europe to suit its own whims.

Can't you at least try to be a little fair and accurate? Can't you see that cheap, pathetic propaganda like yours is what brought down the USSR? Do you really want exactly the same thing to happen to Russia?

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