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Telegraph: "Darkness is Falling in Vladimir Putin's Russia"

Filed under: Russia


Back in April of 2006, I started a little blog called La Russophobe whose purpose was to warn the world that darkness was falling in Russia, a neo-Soviet state was rising and a new cold war was in the offing. Then, some called me a chicken-little crackpot. Today, I'm conventional wisdom, and this is no better illustrated than in a brilliant long piece in today's Sunday Telegraph by the newspaper's executive editor Con Coughlin. Entitled "Darkness is Falling in Vladimir Putin's Russia," it systematically lays out the horror of what we are witnessing on a daily basis in Russia, confirming that my predictions were literally dead right. It's required reading for those who wish to understand today's Russia. The sub-headline says it all: "Soaring oil prices have made the country a power again - but its ruler's grip on politics, the media and economy has sinister implications for democracy."

Ironically, even Coughlin doesn't go far enough. He states: "The notion that Russia under Putin could return to the worst excesses of Comrade Stalin is, of course, far-fetched." What he's forgotten is that the reality he documents seemed very "far-fetched" indeed just a few years ago. We all must confront the demons of our psychological defense mechanisms, which make it very hard for us to accept the stark terror of certain facts. If things are this bad now, when Putin has an iron grip on power and oil prices are high, what might happen in Russia when that's no longer the case? It's a theme that runs through Russian history: After all, how many thought the Bolsheviks could take power from the Tsar? How many saw the full horror of Stalin before it was too late? How many predicted the collapse of the USSR, with such a pathetic whimper? To put it simply, those who believe a new Stalin can't appear in Russia are kidding themselves, and scholar Paul Goble's recent analysis of the resurrection of the KGB's infamous Fifth Directorate makes that emphatically clear.


The Telegraph's caption for the picture above reads: "Moscow must rate as the world capital for conspicuous consumption -- luxury cars clog the streets while homeless people scavenge for food." It's not hard to understand why Russia's level of consumption is so conspicuous. First, just as in the Soviet and Tsarist times, the tiny elite with money knows they won't be able to keep it for long, so why not enjoy it while you can? Second, now as then, this tiny group simply couldn't care less about the vast majority of their countrymen, who continue to suffer the torture of poverty, short lifespans, alcoholic degradation and the squalor of pollution, disease and the total lack of hope for a different future. In other words, those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.

It's very comforting to see the world starting to catch up with me, I wasn't so sure it was ever going to happen. It's a pity we couldn't have acted a bit sooner, by failing to do so we've made our job a bit harder. But I'm confident that, if we pull together, we can handle the Evil Empire II just like we did the first one.

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armchair pessimist says:

It's very comforting to see the world starting to catch up with me,

Not the whole story, LaE. True, the Telegraph has been writng many tough minded pieces against Putin's Russia lately, but the responses in the comments sections following are sobering. Most readers replied:

1) the biggest threat to the world is Bush and the USA

The next most common theme was that

2) It's the British government's fault that Putin is acting this way because it gave citizenship to lowlife gangsters like berezovsky and litvenko and various fishy Chechnyan imdividuals.

Besides, felt a distant third group, Putin is standing up for his country--unlike their own worthless pc-whipped leaders.

And way, way, way, down the list, in last place: a scant few who agreed with the paper.

It's not the 20th century anymore, LaR. It's different now and much weirder. Enjoy the ride.

La Russophobe says:

I only said "starting." If it were total I could close my blog and move on to other things. As you can see, it's not yet time to do that.

But the article is the article, and the comments are the comments -- not the reverse, you see.

Russian Bear says:

There was a philosopher who said: One can not enter the same river twice.
Of course, Russia is not the Soviet Union, and Putin will never be like Stalin. And your call to handle the Evil Empire II just like (we) did the first one is also unrealistic. First of all because of the lack of the evils.

Homeless people scavenge for food?
It is bad! Russia has to have a better network of shelters and food banks, like they have in the USA.

As about the significance of your blog in fighting the new dictatorship...

The joke of the day:

The chief of KGB comes to Putin and brings a prepared request for Polnium-210 to assasinate Kim Zigfeld.
Puting starts grumbling right away: Polonium they want! You are getting spoiled! Polonium costs a lot! Who the hell is that Kim Siegfeld? Never heard about her!
The chief(timidly): Well, she is a blogger, La Russophobe. She says bad things and even swear words about Russia and you personally...
Putin: Bring me a couple of print outs of her writings.
The chief does. Puting reads through and puts his resolution on the request: Polonioum denied. Give the assasin a fly swatter.

elmer says:

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

One cannot enter the same river twice!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Must have been some drunk russkie moron "philosopher."

Of course you can "enter" the same river twice. Even three times. Even a thousand times!

Except, of course, for russkies.

As for fly swatters - that's because all of the oligarchs have run out of money gambling it all away in Monaco. Story goes that the russkies are so stupid at gambling, and that the management in Monaco was so embarrassed at taking money from russkies like candy from a baby, that they had to have special classes to teach the moron russkies how to gamble.

In the meantime, there is no money for polonium. So all they can afford is - fly swatters.

Russian Bear says:

Hi, Elmer!

How is the La Russophobe blog doing? Is she still writing her slurs on Sharapova?
I do not go there because LR kept censoring me. Why to reward bad anti-democratic treatment of a person? Is Penny still commenting there? Call him here! You two will be a wonderfull couple of brainless russophobic idiots.

The philosopher's name was Heraclitus, and he was a Greek.

Get some meditation, you ne-russkiy moron.

Russian Bear says:

The alternative opinion from Greate Britain

La Russophobe says:


There was an "alternative opinion" to Hitler in Britain, spoken by Chamberlain.

You make an important, point, though, when you show that major papers in the West offer different viewpoints. In Russia, there is no such diversity. That is why the West is strong and Russia is eternally weak, destroying itself, blind to reality, seeing only what the Kremlin wants it to see. That's your "education" and it makes a fool out of you every single time you open your mouth.

elmer says:

"you can't step into the same river twice"

Only russkies are stupid enough to believe it.

Not everything the Greeks said was priceless or valuable.

Russkie meditation? If russkies truly meditated, you wouldn't be glorifying thugs, and russia's government would look totally different, instead of being the result of predatory privatization.

And only russkie morons would glorify a KGB thug.

In Russia, the people have agreed to be treated like idiots.

That's about the extent of meditation in Russia.

elmer says:

By the way, Russian, you shouldn't take your philosophy from photography web sites, which contain little sound bites.

Here's a better version of what he actually might have said:

He is famous for (allegedly) expressing the notion that no man can enter the same river twice:

"Ποταμοῖς τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἐμβαίνομέν τε καὶ οὐκ ἐμβαίνομεν, εἶμέν τε καὶ οὐκ εἶμεν."
"We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not."

A modern translation of this quote may better illustrate how Aristotle's later position on the illogic of contradiction was not a direct refutation of Heraclitus:
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man."

None of that justifies the thuggery that is going on in Russia.

La Russophobe says:


I've added a link to Paul Goble in the text just especially to make you look particularly ridiculous in light of your Stalin remark.

elmer says:

This is especially for Russian.

It is a song in Ukrainian called "The River, the little River"

One of the phrases in the song is:

"двічі в одну річку не ввійдеш"

Literally (and clumsily) - "twice into the same river you can't go"


Russian Bear says:


I chose this photography web site from a lot of others specially for YOU.
First, it would be easier for you to get the meaning of the expression because there was a picture of a running river.
Second, you hanging to much on the La Russophobe blog which is a political pornography site specializing in "anals".
So meditation could help you with calming down your mind.

Your translation of "двічі в одну річку не ввійдеш" is clumsy indeed.

Unlike in English, in the Slavic languages the word order in the sentence most of the time does not make difference because they have their nouns' endings changing in the connection with the case (nominative, genetive, and so on), so it is impossible to confuse the subject with the object.
You should translate it:
You can not enter (or walk in) the same river twice. What was your problem?
But how come you are familiar with Ukrainian? Are you "khokhol"?

Russian Bear says:

To: La Russophobe

I checked the link.

Well, "Paul Goble's recent analysis..." is the same kind as your own annals.
The translation of the original publication in Russian:
has been distorted so badly, that the whole meaning of the text is misrepresented.

The original article in Russian by journalist Tsygankov tells about some overly zealous FSB officer Sharmanov in the city of Novosibirsk, who serves in the FSB Department for Protection of the Constitutional Order. Overly zealous officer Sharmanov sent a letter to the City Electorial Board (Russia is going to have parlamentary election in December). He pointed on political jokes about Putin and his party United Russia published by the Communist Party leader Zuganov in the local newspaper. Overly zealous officer Sharmanov considered it was illegal for the communists to run that kind of a negative election campaign and wanted the Board to take measures. (I guess, he wanted to have the communist disqualified for the elections or at least fined or reprimanded for running that kind of campaign, because he addressed the Election Board, not the Prosecutor's office). The Chairman of the Election Board rejected the letter and dismissed the case.
The author of the article Tsygankov is outraged with the officer's behavior, compares it to what the former KGB 5-th Directorat was doing, and says that this case, though being a single and local one must be seen as a warning sign for the whole country about "where we are going to".

The author gets strongly sarcastic in the end. The folowing, I give the last paragraph of his article in Russian

...во всей стране отделы по защите конституционного строя ФСБ прохлопали настоящее покушение на Конституцию России, а именно: находятся такие граждане, которые зная, что время пребывания президента на его посту не может превышать два срока, однако систематически и с умыслом раскачивают конституционный строй Российской Федерации. Сам президент Путин просит их этого не делать, а эти политически грамотные граждане продолжают упорствовать и народ баламутят митингами, шествиями, концертами в поддержку третьего срока пребывания В.В. Путина на посту президента России. Вот бы где нужны бдительные шармановы ...

And this is my translation (I garantee 100% accuracy):
… throughout the entire country the FSB Departments for Protection of the Constitutional Order failed to notice the real attempts to undermine the Constitution of Russia, namely: some Russia’s citizens, who are well aware that (according the Constitution) the President of Russia can not hold his post more than two terms in a row, systematically and on purpose are trying “to rock” (the boat of) the Constitutional Order in Russia, by organizing meetings, marches, concerts in favor of allowing the third term for the President Putin. The President himself asks them not to do so, but these well politically educated citizens stubbornly keep agitating the population with all the above mentioned measures.
This is the real case when the "sharmanovs" should show their zeal.

And this is how Paul Goble's retells the above paragraph's content:

"... the FSB is very much involved with “the current attack on the Constitution of Russia” in another way, through its sponsorship(?!) of those who want Putin to remain president in violation of Constitutional norms.
Putin himself “has asked them not to do this,” Tsygankov noted, but the FSB officers(?!) have continued to organize meetings, marches, appeals and other measures intended to keep the current Russian president in the Kremlin long after his legally permitted two terms.
Such contempt for the explicit provisions of the Russian Constitution and Russian laws by officers of the country’s largest security service with regard to this issue, Tsygankov suggested, inevitably leads to other and even more threatening actions, steps that recall some of the worst features of the Soviet past.(?!>

This is how you, russophobs and russophobes work. Lies over the lies. And links to each other's sites "to prove" the lies.

La Russophobe says:


I'm warning you that the next time you include a scatalogical remark in your comment, the entire thing will be deleted from the blog. Your childishly vulgar and disgusting discourse demeans this blog and your fellow commenters and will not be tolerated. You've served a useful purpose in illustrating for all to see the level of maturity and intelligence of those who would defend Vladimir Putin, and for that I thank you. Now you are getting very old and very, very boring. If you want to write about your butt, make your own blog. This one isn't your toilet.

To address the "substance" of your comment:

If you think you're qualified to translate from Russian to English, you're even more of a total space cadet than I imagined.

It's rather amusing that in your statement "I garantee 100% accuracy" you didn't even spell the word guarantee correctly. Nor do you say what will happen if your accuracy is not total. Have you set up an escrow fund to pay claimants, you ape?

You blithely ignore the fact that the FSB is trying to throw people in jail for telling jokes about political leaders. The fact that they didn't manage to do so this time means nothing; who says they wanted to succeed? Maybe they just wanted to send a warning about what was possible, believing that would be enough to make the cowardly people of Russia go silent, just as they did in the time of Stalin.

Many, like Zoshchenko for example, were "sarcastic" about Stalin. Then, suddenly, they were dead, in prison or simply silent. Instead of working to stop this from happening all over again, you rationalize it and help Russia go right back down the same path.

You're far more dangerous to Russia's survival than any "russophobe" who ever lived.

elmer says:

The comment about Zoshchenko and Stalin really hits home today.

Just ask Taras Zelenyak, who lives in Russia, but was ----arrested----- for posting comments on forums in Ukraine that were not to the liking of Putin and his stooges.

Will russkies never learn from history?

And they are so proud to try and spread their lunacy to other countries.

Russian Bear says:


You got wrong information.
Taras Zelenyak have never been arrested.
He was charged with committing a crime punishable under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Inciting ethnic, racial or religious enmity”.
The chosen preventive measure was a signed undertaking to not leave the area.
On June, 2007 the Sovyetsky District Court in Novosibirskh sentenced him to pay 130 000 rubles fine, which is about $4 500.

If you are such "a freedom of expression in the Internet loving guy" and "liberal democracy admirer" try to deny Holocost publicly, let say in Austria or Germany.
Or put on some USA web-site forum any kind of racial slur about Jews or the Blacks, like they to be "pigs" or "under-humans" (that was what Zelenyak did) and see what may happen. Or try the following:
write "I hate G. Bush, I wish I had a bomb and alike..." In the latter case you will meet the FBI (not KGB or FSB) agents the very next day.

Russian Bear says:

La Russophobe

You demonstrate double standards about what is allowed to me and to youself and the others. There is nothing what could be called "scatalogical" in my comments...
Anyway, I do not mind having fair rules and good order to reign on this web-site.

As about my translation capability, you have the original text and the two versions of this text translations. Ask the translators working for you from which is the accurate one.
Yes, my spelling is not good, but literacy in spelling is not a nessesary condition to be able to translate. And many native English speakers do mistakes in spelling. When I comment, I just print the flaw of my thoughts and I am not going to address the Webster every minute. So get what you get. Sold as is.

I think your Paul Goblin lied on purpose. It is called slander. Dirty work. Why you are digging in all this western russopobes' garbage sites? You know Russian. There are a lot of good Russian Russophobes and their sites. Thank God, Russia is not under a new Stalin's rule yet and freedom of expression is not and is not going to be supressed. Go to site and read Valeria Novodvorskaya's articles! Like:
She is smart, wit, intelligent, knows a lot, former Soviet dissident, caustic, sarcastic, talented journalist. She is a real "Mother of All Protest Babes". And she is extremely russophobic. Have her articles translated. "Baba Lera" will not mind. Just say her Hi! via e-mail.
And there are more: Pionykovskiy, Milshtein, Abarinov...
And hundreds more on the other sites, just follow the links..
But you are citing some Paule Goble. What the hell he may say true about Russia other than his own ignorant speculations?

elmer says:

Look, Russian, you have extremely fuzzy logic, either deliberately and intentionally so, which I believe to be the case, or out or sheer ignorance.

Making political statements is one thing. Threatening someone with a bomb is a totally different matter.

It is outrageous that Zelenyak was prosecuted. The so-called "undertaking" that he was required to sign is the equivalent of an arrest.

And for what? For callling russkies "katsaps"?

Russkies are little mentally deranged bullies. The only way they have been able to validate themselves historically is by trying to beat up on other people. They insult and belittle other countries. You yourself engaged in the typical, and time-honored russkie tradition by calling me a "khokhol."

Straight out of the sovok handbook of intimidation, threats, insults and lies.

There is no goal-setting, no joy, no happiness, no charity, no hard work, no efficiency, no inherent respect for life.

Only misery - that's the russkie mentality. Misery, their own and causing it to others, is what makes russkies happy. "I want to see my neighbor's barn burn down" - that's what makes russkies happy.

What are Russia's goals? "Nyet".

How does Russia make itself feel good? By selling nuclear weapons materials to Iran. By being a bad boy. By opposing only for the sake of opposing.

Дайощ Америку, right Russian?

La Russophobe has posted much about Zelenyak, and rightly so.

And now you want to justify this russkie travesty, in typical fashion, by lying about it.

Here's another analysis. Enjoy your misery, Russian.

Russian Bear says:

What misery? Are you sane?
I knew that article. A good article written by a lawer. Juriditially good.
Why you so concerned about Zelenyak?
The significance of this case is overblown.

Zelenyak case is interesting as a juriditial precedent only. It does not mean Russia suppresses the freedom of speach.
Do you mind Russia having a law prohibiting "Inciting ethnic, racial or religious enmity"? I do not.
It is a good law. Imagine people keep "inciting that enmity", in the Ukraine against Russians or in Russia against Ukrainians. The results can be beating, killing, raping, ethnic cleansing.
Would it be good?

Was what Zelenyak did that kind of crime or not-is up to the lawers and the court to decide.

Journalists and human right watchers blown this case public. This is good too. Better owerwork than underwork. Now people know, "inciting enmty" is a punishable sin, the prosecuting team knows, think before you put a crasy jerk on trial, it may alarm the whole army of rights-watchers.
Academic lawers are trying to work out what publications in the Internet can be a subject for legal actions.

Zelenyak lost some money. What a blow for an Ukrainian guy! I bet, he would rather served some term in prison to save this money.

Thank you for the song. Remeber a joke from the "sovok" time:

A Communist Party propagandist came to a factory to lecture the workers about the fraternity and friendship of all the ethnic groups and nationalities in the USSR.
So, he spoke about all that good stuff, like mutual respect, mutual cultural enhancement, loyalty to the Communist Party and to the Soviet State, and so on.
Finished. Now comrades, if you have any questions you may ask.
A question from the audience:
Well, you did a good lecture, but it is not clear yet, what the nationality in the USSR is the dumbest, nastiest, stubbornest, greediest...
The other voice from the audience interrupts (with the Ukrainian accent):
So what? We sing beautifully and it compensates...

(Ну и шо? Зато мы гарно спиваем!)

elmer says:

Well, Russian, there it is - the sovok fuzzy logic.

Do you mind Russia having a law prohibiting "Inciting ethnic, racial or religious enmity"? YES.

It is a vague law. There are no criteria. It is a law intended to suppress freedom of speech and thought. It is a law which gives the government a pretext to abuse it, based on mushy, fuzzy, criteria.

The results can be "beating, killing, raping, ethnic cleansing"???????!!!!!!!

By whom? And for what?

Only in Russia, where people are stupid, miserable, and weak-minded.

So LR criticizes Putin, and you are going to go out and rape someone, or start ethnic cleansing. I did not realize that Zelenyak and LR were such powerful people, having control over all of russkie-land.

Rapers and ethnic cleansers of russkie-land - ARISE.

There are, or should be, laws against beating, killing and raping, and - ethnic cleansing. But ethnic cleansing is something that governments do, for the most part. Russkies know all about that - they backed their "slavic orthodox brothers" in Serbia.

In most civilized countries, there are also laws against inciting to riot. There is no vagueness there, and no opening for the government to abuse the law in order to suppress freedom of speech.

Why is Zelenyak's case significant? Precisely because his prosecution reflects the lunacy and misery that is russkie-land, the land of katsaps.

So Zelenyak incited rape and ethnic cleansing? You need to tell that to the only other people who will believe you - russkies.

elmer says:

Oh, and Russian, with regard to your stupid joke.

You wrote the punch line in russkie.

So it's obvious that the joke's on you, tavarysh.

dumbest, nastiest, stubbornest, greediest...
are russkies.

Although there have been, and are, some russkies who can sing well.

wow gold says:


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