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U.S.A, U.S.A., U.S.A!

Filed under: US Elections

2004-07-01%20Stock%20market%20Boom%20200.JPGThe vast majority of our readers come from the United States, and the whole world understands how vital the health of the U.S. economy is to global prosperity and peace.

Therefore, it's great to be able to announce some extremely positive news on the American stock market today. The NASDAQ tech exchange had its best day of the year, the S&P 500 index had it second-biggest day, and the Dow Jones industrial average soared over 300 points, its sixth one-day gain of over 200 points this year.

Good news rolled into the stock markets from every side today. Retailing giant Wal-Mart posted profits that exceeded Wall Street's expectations. Banker Goldman Sachs said the mortgage crisis is not as bad as feared (even though Home Depot profits were down, its shares were up in today's trading). Apple announced a breakthrough deal to market its exciting new i-Phone in China. Merck announced it had resolved its horrific Vioxx litigation. And best of all, the price of crude oil plunged nearly 4% on expectations of reduced demand (global warming plus the world's recognition of the horrors of being subjugated by oil powers like Russia and Saudi Arabia, leading to conservation, may be the welcome causes -- the Russian market is down 4% in the last week) and is now down over 7% in the past week.

We often seem to be surrounded by challenges, so it's a good idea every once in a while to focus on a victory and remember how great we are as a people and how much we can accomplish if we set our minds to it.

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