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Time is Not on Our Side

Filed under: Russia

Once again, the mainstream media has fallen down on the job where reporting on Russia is concerned. In a previous installment on the Pajamas Media mother blog, I documented how the New York Times had grossly misrepresented the situation on the ground in the breakaway republic of Chechnya. Today, I take on Time magazine's coverage of the recent parliamentary elections, which turns out to be amazingly (and secretly) biased and misleading, analogizing the dictator Vladimir Putin to the great American democrat Ronald Reagan. Check it out, and feel free to add any comments you may have about other mainstream media coverage of Russia as it completes its transformation to a neo-Soviet state.

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Vova says:

With all due respect, you disappoint me.
Case 1: "I documented how the New York Times had grossly misrepresented [...]" New Duranty Times? The Volkischer Beobachter on the Hundson? Do you take them seriously? They appeal to un-American eggheads and trash.
Case 2: "I take on Time magazine's coverage [...]" Wow. What about Der Sturmer?
In America there are no true right-wing politicians or publications. All you have is lunatic fringe, extreme left, far left, pink puke, and the like. To us, white European right-wing Liberals, MSM is just a cesspool of despicable russophiles

Ray says:

Speaking of falling on the job, Kim, you still haven't explained well why it's okay for you to write for the same people, SUP (who own Russia! magazine) whom you accuse of shutting down LiveJournal.

La Russophobe says:


Case 1: No, I don't take them seriously. But lots of others do, and that is the reason I attack them.

Case 2: I'm glad to hear about enlightened European! And I couldn't agree more that, if judged by its MSM, America looks like a nation of apes. But look at our blogosphere!


I have no idea who owns Russia! and I could not care less, because they publish a wide range of views including those seriously critical of the Kremlin. If, however, you have some evidence that those who own it are the same folks who have purchased ZheZhe, please link to it, I'd be quite interested. Meanwhile, I am only concerned about Kremlin-controlled outlets who fail to offer such points of view, such as Russia Profile and Russia Blog. If you know of seriously Kremlin-critical items on either venue, please tell me about them, I'd be delighted to change my attitude.

Ray says:

We could start with your own blog entry that Russia! Magazine is a Kremlin project. But since you are now disowning what you wrote as "just reporting what the New York Sun wrote" and you don't mind writing for a magazine that the New York Sun said is a Kremlin project, then do a little homework. Andrew Paulson is the head of SUP, which is taking over LiveJournal for the Kremlin, as you wrote. Andrew Paulson is also the head of Russia! magazine. He and Mamut run some media projects together in Russia.

Obviously you're playing dumb, because you know that this is true, you knew it in advance, but you're hoping to get away with it for the same old reasons as always-money and ego.

Ray says:

I'm sorry, you're name is "Vova." My mistake.
We know that Russia Blog and Russia Profile are tools. A monkey knows that. But what is more disturbing is when a site like Publius or La Russophobe, which takes the high moral ground and calls out hypocrites and sellouts, turns around and sells out to the Kremlin, then that is far more disturbing than when a Kremlin-funded site turns out to be pro-Kremlin. I suppose as a Russian you wouldn't understand this moral dilemma. You still have a bit of the old Bolshevik "you're either with us or against us" in you. As they say, you can take the Vova out of the Soviet Union, but you can't take the Soviet Union out of the Vova.

Elbert says:

Russia Profile publishes plenty of Kremlin-critical material. Here's a recent example:

Vova says:

Perhaps being a Jewish American makes me a Russian in your eyes, but as my rabbi used to say, the choice between stealing and not stealing or cheating and not cheating is not a moral dilemma. Moral dilemma is chosing one of two moral options, like seeing your son and Dr. Jonas Salk drowning (before he discovered a cure for polyo) and knowing that you can only save one. This is indeed a moral dilemma.
I want to defend Kim by saying (somewaht tongue-in-cheekishly) that taking money from the enemy is not a sin, provided you take real money but give the enemy chicken shit (to use the intelligence service lingo)

Ray says:

I'd agree with your last comment, but the sad truth is that Kim Zigfeld has sold out her credibility to the Kremlin for chickenshit, not the other way around. That's what I don't understand. Russia! magazine clearly doesn't pay much if Kim is peddling coffee mugs through their site.

By your rabbi's standards, Kim's sellout isn't a moral dilemma, but rather it's just a crime, pure and simple. I'll have to agree there with your rabbi. He's clearly more interesting than my rabbi was.

May the cheap cynicism of the Putin regime and the bought-off "critics" like Kim Zigfeld all come tumbling down. Shalom.

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