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Russia News Blast

Filed under: Russia

art2-val2.0.jpgMy blog La Russophobe has some really amazing stuff on Russia today, an embarrassment of riches if I do say so myself, might be worth your while to have a look.

First there are two original translations from the Russian press, one exposing the plot to taint Russian school history textbooks with propaganda and the other ridiculing Time magazine's "Person of the Year" award to Vladimir Putin.

Then there is an analysis of data provided by the United Nations on male adult lifespan which shows Russia is #130 out of 173 countries in the world in that category, breathtaking failure from a supposed G-8 member.

Finally, we have an editorial discussing Putin's decision to build a Russia-shaped island in the middle of the Black Sea in light of continuing incidents of violence and anarchy in the Chechnya region.

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