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Another Democrat Bites the Dust

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First New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigns in disgrace, and now the Mayor of Detroit, the nation's 11th largest city, is going down in flames. Kwame M. Kilpatrick was indicted yesterday on "eight felony counts, including perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice and misconduct in office."

In an amazing outrage even by its own standards, reporting the story the New York Times forgot to mention Kilpatrick was a Democrat in the first paragraph. Then again in the second, third and fourth paragraphs. They finally tell you in the fifth paragraph, and guess how? They do it indirectly, by stating that Kilpatrick has been praised by the party as one of its rising stars.

Is that totally disgusting, or what?

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vova says:

I disagree. "[E]ight felony counts, including perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice and misconduct in office" is a badge of honor for a true Wrightist. Marion Barry any one?

In the Afro-centrist community and among white self-hating guilt-ridden Nagin-loving liberals he's mainstream.

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