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Barack Obama: Lower than Low, How Low can you Go?

Filed under: US Elections

You may think it's inappropriate for Barack Obama to say on his website that "endorsements from religious leaders are extended in their personal capacity, and not on behalf of any house of worship, organization or denomination" and then to show not one, not two, not three, not four but five different priests wearing their religious garb. After all, it almost makes it look like he knows what he's doing is wrong, but doing it anyway.

But that is nothing.

Because, as Michelle Malkin points out, one of those five puts the rest to shame:


Pastor Pfleger, you probably will not be surprised but may be outraged to learn, is the "white Jerimiah Wright." You might be even more appalled to find out that, though Obama has tried to distance himself from Wright in recent days, Pfleger hosted Wright at his Roman-Catholic church last Friday.

But that is nothing.

Because it turned out this wasn't any autocratic excess imposed by Pfleger on the helpless victims of his congregation. When introduced, Wright received a "raucous standing ovation" from those assembled. He then sang "Happy Birthday" to Maya Angelou.

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elmer says:

What Michelle Malkin ignores, other than the fact that Wright does not speak for Obama, is that Pastor Wright showed up in pictures with the Klintons.

Yes, indeed, glory hallelujah, when Slick was going through his time of troubles after Monica Lewinsky, and showing how repentant he was by ordering up about 50,000 ministers to "prayer breakfasts" at the White House, one of those who showed up to support the sinner was - Jeremiah Wright.

There was a reason that Billary Klinton waited for quite a long time before allowing as how "she would not have attended that church."

Hitlery Klinton, cold, cunning and blindly ambitious as she is, wanted to make sure that there were no more pictures of the Klintons in the company of Jeremiah Wright before she made her pompous, hypocritical announcement.

So - what church was Obama supposed to attend?

Here's another thing that Michelle Malkin ignores, from Obama's web site:

"U.S. Congressman Robert Wexler
Orthodox Judaism, Florida
Many public officials express support for Israel in legislation before Congress. Many attend events and make statements about ensuring a close and strong partnership between the United States and Israel. What has always struck me about Senator Obama - and this is one of the reasons that I have endorsed his candidacy for the United States Presidency - is that a love for Israel and a desire to keep the Jewish people secure is evident not just in his work, but also in his heart."

What this all boils down to is that some Jews are livid about Wright's political statements, and they want to scream, yet again, about Israel, by attacking Obama.

I did not realize that Obama was running for a spot in the Knesset.

In a nutshell.

misha says:

Lots of decent people of all denominations believe in basic human decency and putting the needs of simple and ordinary people above the greed of wall street the Pentagon's neverending lust for blood.

Pastor Wright showed great courage in speaking out by putting humanistic and Christian values front and center, instead of just mindless banging on the drum of nationalistic militarism ("my country is right whether it is wrong or right") as we see so frequently among the right wingnuts.

Some people think there country can still be right even if it neglects the basic human needs of its most unfortunate citizens in favor of multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for those on Wall Street, or even if the president institutes a program of "renditions", torture, warrantless searches and wiretaps, and so forth. The right wing nut jobs such as those Neanderthals seen on Fox News of course are cheerleaders for such evil and ominous things. But others, such as Pastor Wright, have the courage to speak out boldly and to challenge the powers that be. Other people of faith, such as this priest, must also act with courage and show solidarity with those who suffer for what is right. It's what the Lord demands.

elmer says:

mouse, you haven't read any of pastor Wright's speeches, and you are talking out of your butt - either deliberately so, because rooskies are notoriously prejudiced against blacks and you are having your sick version of rooskie fun, or simply out of your normal rooskie ignorance.

Pastor Wright was way, way, way, way out of line in some of his comments - and Obama has rightly denounced those comments.

Pastor Wright was being stupid on 2 counts - first, because of the stupidity of some of his comments, and second, because he was making political speeches in church.

Of course, making political speeches in church has not bothered the Klintons, since they have visited as many black churches as possible in order to make political speeches.

elmer says:

Kim, here's something from Hitchens about Billary's Tuzla "sniper fire" lies.

It turns out, according to Hitchens, that Billary acquiesced in not messing with the genocide in Bosnia for a while because it might upset her "health care initiative."

So, according to Hitchens, she traded quite a few thousand lives lost due to genocide in return for a health care initiative which failed.

Fred says:

It pains me greatly that we are in a world war with terror. The bible tells us that in the last days there will be "wars and rumors of war". Everyone will be crying "Peace, Peace but there is no Peace". I don't like war anymore than anybody else but I sure want someone in office that will at least understand the issues of war and have intelligent ways to carry out plans to protect our homeland. Thank God that John McCain has some experience in that field.

Fred says:

It pains me greatly that we are in a world war with terror. The bible tells us that in the last days there will be "wars and rumors of war". Everyone will be crying "Peace, Peace but there is no Peace". I don't like war anymore than anybody else but I sure want someone in office that will at least understand the issues of war and have intelligent ways to carry out plans to protect our homeland. Thank God that John McCain has some experience in that field.

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